Bicycle Board Members,
Any comments?
Cyclists fare best when they act and are treated as drivers of vehicles
From: Bill Austin [] Sent: Tuesday, January 05, 2010 9:39 AM To: 'Damien Davis'; 'Terry Hough'; Subject: FW: Morgantown Bike Lane
Damien, Terry, Frank,
Please find below one preliminary response from DOH on the Monongalia Boulevard Bike Lane. We should be prepared to discuss the concerns expressed at the upcoming TTAC meeting. I do have a question about the statement that the shoulder is the same width on both sides of the Boulevard in the comment. I do not recall this being the case from when I have been out there. For your information Fouad Shoukry from the Division will not be at the TTAC Meeting since he will be at TRB on the 12th.
Bill Austin, AICP
Executive Director
Morgantown Monongalia MPO
180 Hart Field Road
Morgantown, WVA 26508
304-692-7225 Mobile
From: Warner, Richard L [] Sent: Monday, January 04, 2010 1:37 PM To: Bill Austin; Lewis, Ray C Cc: Robinson, Bill C; Hudson, Jim E Subject: FW: Morgantown Bike Lane
Bill and Ray,
FYI, Jim Hudson has reviewed the City's Monongahela Boulevard bike lane proposal and has generated the comments below. Jim is the primary author of the WVDOT/DOH statewide bicycle/pedestrian plan that is undergoing internal review prior to its official release for public review. In addition to his other responsibilities, Jim also assists Bill Robinson in his duties as WVDOT/DOH Bicycle/Pedestrian Coordinator and has a background in law enforcement in Morgantown. These comments are intended for use as input to further discussions regarding the proposed bike lane. Additional comments from other reviewers may be supplied prior to the 1/12/10 TAC meeting (1:30 pm at the MPO offices, Morgantown Municipal Airport).
Please forward these comments to Cindy Cramer and Fouad Shoukry as appropriate, and invite Mr. Shoukry to attend the TAC meeting. Per our earlier discussion, I'm assuming that implementation details will ultimately fall to him.
_____________________________________________ From: Hudson, Jim E Sent: Monday, January 04, 2010 9:52 AM To: Robinson, Bill C Cc: Warner, Richard L; Keller, Perry J Subject: Morgantown Bike Lane
As I understand it, the proposed bicycle Lane in Morgantown includes one bicycle "climbing" lane delineated on the existing shoulder on the hill side of Monongahela Boulevard and some signs identifying it. Delineating the lane and installation of the signage is to be entirely funded by some entity other than WVDOH. I am not aware of who will be conducting or funding the maintenance on the delineated bicycle lane or the signage related to it.
There will be no effort to widen the shoulder or to delineate a bicycle lane on the opposite side of the road (the PRT side) even though the shoulder on that side are the same width as the shoulder on the hill side. It should be noted that there are no entrances or exits to Monongahela Boulevard in this segment except for one maintenance access for the PRT system on the side opposite the proposal. Also, while the posted speed limit is 45 mph, traffic frequently exceeds this by a significant amount. Finally, the only "No Parking" signs I recall along this stretch of road are attached flat against the fence between the PRT and the Boulevard. I do not recall any "No Parking" signs on the hill side of the road where the proposed bicycle lane is to be established. I definitely recall seeing several vehicles parked along the hill side shoulder during basketball games, concerts and other events at the WVU Coliseum.
First, let me say that I am opposed to establishing a one way bicycle lane on only one side of a street or road unless that street or road is also one way. This can only "invite" bicyclists to ride against traffic in violation of current traffic laws. In short I prefer a symmetrical bicycle lane on both sides of the road.
In the proposed situation on Monongahela Boulevard, the proposed directional arrows on the pavement are insufficient as indicators of it being one way. The origin or destination of the vast majority of the bicycle traffic along this route will be on the same side of the boulevard as the proposed bicycle lane. Few bicyclists will cross the four lane boulevard to ride with the traffic when there is a designated bicycle lane on one side of the road.
However, if WVDOH agrees to this proposed one way bicycle lane and the subsequent narrowing of the shoulder on that side of the road, I think additional signage to that proposed is necessary. "No Parking At Any Time" signs (R7-201) should be installed along both sides of the road which are clearly visible to motorists while driving. "Bicycle Specific Wrong Way" signs (R5-1b) and "Ride With Traffic" (R9-3c) placards should be installed on the reverse side of every "Bicycle Lane" (R3-17)sign proposed.
In addition to the signage, I think the City of Morgantown and/or the MPO and/or the WVDOH should mail a letter to the WVU Security Police, the Morgantown City Police, The Monongalia County Sherriff's Office and the Morgantown Detachment of the WV State Police requesting strict enforcement of the traffic regulations relating to bicycles with an emphasis on enforcing the bicycle related laws along this stretch of Monongahela Boulevard.
Thank you,
Jim Hudson
Community Development Specialist
Building 5, Room 863
1900 Kanawha Blvd. E.
Charleston, WV 25305-0430
(304) 558-9613
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