So me and DanC took a look see at the fine thing this morning.
There it was, standing erect right beside the nice new bus shelter on that new slab of concrete. Nice and green. Then I went up to it and it wobbled. And I noticed washers on the ground.
Freakin' thing was put in there using some heavy-duty screws (I remember using them for construction, forget the name) but definitely NOT concrete bolts or anchors. On further examination there are about 8 or more other holes drilled in the concrete, like the bolts didn't work last time, let's use the same crappy system in a slightly different spot. Saw a couple of the bolts snapped off, three were actually still in the concrete, so it appears that the washers were just a little too big and loose and the whole mounting plate just is able to come right out. So I didn't get a chance to lean my bike against it, I feared for my toes and bike and that point. I laid the post down, it needed to be put to rest.
Simply amazing. Your reporter in the morning.