Please find the updated grant application at . You should find 7 files there.
Of the files at, only BikeLaneGrantAppToBBv06.doc is different from the package that I sent you in March. The changes are tracked so you can see them. Please accept the tracked changes before you submit the application.
(Damien may want to update the cost estimate (files Cost Estimate for Monongahela Blvd-2.doc and TotalCost.xlsx) based on recent discussions about using paint rather than retro-reflective vinyl.)
The application is due February 29, 2012 for a May 2012 award.
In the application document, BikeLaneGrantAppToBBv06.doc, you will see comments. These comments are of two types. One type of comment is instructions from the application form that I cut from the form and pasted into comment bubbles. Practically every section has these instructions. The other type of comment identifies information that the application requires or that I think it needs but that I don't have.
I hope you can easily read through the application to, 1) see that I've completed most of the requirements and then delete the relevant comments, and 2) complete the parts that I couldn't and then delete those comments, and 3) roll all files up into one PDF and submit it.
Christiaan Abildso is personally acquainted with Bikes Belong CFO and agreed to alert him to our application once we've submitted it so could you please notify me when the application is sent?
If you have any questions or need any help, please do not hesitate to contact me. Please also note at the end of the application, before the appendix is contact info for Zoe Kircos, Grants Manager,, 303-449-4893 x5. I spoke with her while completing the application in March and she was expecting it. She's also very pleasant and helpful.
On Sep 1, 2011, at 1:54 PM, Jeff Mikorski wrote:
I do not recall making any changes, so you can use you last version.
Jeff Mikorski ICMA-CM Deputy City Manager City of Morgantown, West Virginia 304-284-7404
----- Original Message ----- From: "Frank Gmeindl" To: "Jeff Mikorski" Sent: Thursday, September 1, 2011 9:39:37 AM Subject: Re: Mon Blvd. Bike Lane Grant
If you made any changes to the application that I sent you
From: Frank Gmeindl < >
Subject: Bike Lane Grant Application
Date: March 30, 2011 4:22:04 PM EDT To: Jeff Mikorski < > Cc: Damien Davis < >
please send me your version so I can work from it.
Otherwise, I'll update the version that I sent you.
On Aug 30, 2011, at 11:37 PM, Jeff Mikorski wrote:
Frank, Yes, please revise the grant and re-apply
Jeff Mikorski Deputy City Manager City of Morgantown
----- Original Message ----- From: Frank Gmeindl [] Sent: Tuesday, August 30, 2011 05:47 PM To: Jeff Mikorski < > Subject: Mon Blvd. Bike Lane Grant
Today, Terrence Moore and WVDOH vocally agreed to split 50/50 the cost of the Mon Blvd. bicycle climbing lane. They talked as if the cost was $25K. So, the split would be $12.5K City; $12.5K State. Would you like me to update the grant application that I wrote for the City to submit to Bikes Belong?
I think the bike lane can be done for considerably less than $25K. If Bikes Belong provides $10K, I think the City could do it without spending any money.