The Sierra Club is desperately looking for nominations for the best/worst transportation projects in WV. Submissions must be in before the end of this Friday.
History: 10 years ago the Sierra Club produced this map at that received lots of media attention. However, there were no transportation projects identified for WV.
The Club recently sent these specifications to me:
We are planning on highlighting a broad range of transportation projects, from small pedestrian projects done with community donations to multi-billion dollar projects building mega highways. We are primarily focused on projects in their planning or constructions phases, the projects of the future, but we are also considering some recently completed projects.
Here's a list of project types to give you a better idea:
* Highway Construction and De-construction * Complete Streets and Safe Routes to School projects * Transit- Rail, bus, streetcar- you name it! * Bridges * Transit-oriented development and Smart Growth * Repair on existing infrastructure
Are there any projects that come to mind?
If so, please fill out this form at for the project you have identified. Thank-you!