This was the source of our education grant, our only grant so far. We should apply.
From: "Bill Austin"
Date: September 23, 2013, 12:37:03 PM EDT
To:,, "'Christiaan Abildso'",, "'Allen Sharp'",,
Subject: FW: Announcement of the Opening of the FY 2014 WVDOH Non-Traditional Grant Programs Application Process
For your information if you did not receive the email below.
Subject: Announcement of the Opening of the FY 2014 WVDOH Non-Traditional Grant Programs Application Process
Importance: High
Everyone –
This email is to announce the opening of the West Virginia Division of Highways (WVDOH) non-traditional grant application process for FY 2014. Intent-to-Apply/Applications will be accepted for the Transportation Alternatives (TA) (formerly the Transportation Enhancement [TE]) and Recreational Trails Programs (RTP) through the on-line application process. As many of you are aware, the Safe Routes to Schools program was discontinued under the new federal transportation bill, MAP-21, but those types of projects are now eligible under the TA program. Please take some time to familiarize yourself with the eligible categories of the TA program (, as they differ from the Transportation Enhancement eligible categories.
The on-line application process is now accessible for new and returning applicants. The dates of the application process are:
September 9, 2013 – Official opening of the application system
December 13, 2013 – Last day to submit an Intent-to-Apply
March14, 2014 – Last day to submit an application
The most important changes in the programs concern the use of consultant architect/engineering services. In reaction to the Federal Highway Administration’s concern about proper consultant selection procedures, the WVDOH has advertised and selected consulting firms to be utilized on non-tradition grant program projects. Using these firms already selected by the WVDOH will take the burden off of sponsors for compliance with the competitive selection process. While there are provisions for the utilization of Force Account engineering services and, in select cases, of the sponsors going through the competitive selection process on their own, the expectation will be that a sponsor needing engineering services will be required to use an engineering firm from the WVDOH listing.
In addition, the sponsor will be required to supply the twenty percent (20%) cash match for the engineer expenses anticipated from the project. For example, let’s say the total project costs are $100,000. The fee for design and construction oversight is $20,000. The sponsor will be required to submit $4,000 in cash as the 80/20 match for the engineering ($16,000+$4,000=$20,000) whether they choose the cash match option for the construction expenses or not. The reason for this is the consultant, though expected to work with the sponsor, is under contract to and will bill the WVDOH. The WVDOH will pay the consultant out of the grant project funding and will need the 20% match for the engineering on-hand to fully pay the consultant’s fees.
Please be aware that this is a key element of the process – if your project needs consultant services, the inability to match engineering costs with cash may result in the ineligibility of your FY2014 application or cancellation of a awarded project using FY2014 funding.
FY 2014 is the first year that the use of the on-call consultants will be required. However, as many of you know from FY2012 scope of work meetings, the on-calls are available and encouraged for sponsor’s usage for FY2012/2013 (and earlier projects if relevant), but they are not required. However, the cash match requirement will apply if the sponsor selects to use the on-call consultants on a pre-2014 project.
On projects that use Force Account or Youth Corps labor, be aware that a new process is in place where the sponsor must complete a justification, including calculations, that the Force Account/Youth Corp provides a clear cost effective advantage to the project. Forms for developing this justification are available from the WVDOH.
If you have questions concerning the application process, please contact Rhonda Banks at (304) 558-9606 or If you have any question about the usage of on-call consultants, you may contact me at (304) 558-9615 or
William C. Robinson
Grant Administration Unit Leader
State Trail Coordinator
Chairman, West Virginia Recreational Trails Advisory Board
Grant Administration Unit
Planning Section
Program Planning and Administration Division
Division of Highways
West Virginia Department of Transportation
1900 Kanawha Boulevard, East
Building 5, Room 863
Charleston, West Virginia 25305-0430
(304)558-9615 (304) 558-3783 (fax)
"Two roads diverged in a wood and I -
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference."
Rhonda C. Banks
Ms. Rhonda C. Banks
Project Manager - Community Development Specialist II
WV Dept. of Transportation
Division of Highways
Program Planning and Administration Division
Grants Administration Unit
Building 5, Room 863
1900 Kanawha Boulevard, East
Charleston, WV 25305
Phone: (304) 558-9606
Fax: (304) 558-3783