$100k for communities of 100-300k people. A county per the FAQ is considered a "community", thus Mon Co could apply. Planning, technical assistance, and implementation of the project.
Eligible projects include, but are not limited to:
- A pavement-to-parks project; - Curb extensions and chicanes; - Crosswalks and crossings; - Gateway features; - Protected bike lanes; - Pocket parks and plazas; - Roundabouts and mini-circles;
- Neighborhood traffic calming; - First and last mile transit projects; - Road rightsizing projects (lane reductions); - Bike parking and street furniture; - Bike and pedestrian-oriented signage and wayfinding; - Non-motorized trail linkages.
An eligible policy effort can be:
- Development and adoption of a street design manual that localizes active transportation tools; - An update of zoning ordinances to support healthy design; - Updating a permitting process to allow interim design; - Adoption of a Complete Streets policy and implementation plan; - Revising Capital Improvement Plan project selection to support active transportation (e.g. this may include training of local or regional public works, planning, transportation, emergency responders and other staffs to implement innovative design features).