Frank, Much as I'd like to answer your questions, you're asking me to detour from my task. As cycling citizens we all owe it to ourselves to read these bills and write to our lawmakers with our opinions. After that, if you've got the will and time to help me make the case for them please call me about helping draft the one-page support papers. Lawmakers listen to their constituents, especially when they take the trouble to show up at the office. If the bill does have anything you don't like, you can express that too and advocate for ammendment.
Here's more info on the ACT act:
The other things you should be able to look up. After you do I'd encourage you to write to your lawmakers (Rockefeller, Byrd and Mollohan) with you opinion on which way they should vote. ---------- Original Message ---------------------------------- From: "Frank Gmeindl" Date: Fri, 5 Mar 2010 10:59:27 -0500
Looks like you've crossed over into the dark "bike/ped" side. Please don't promote any legislation that doesn't support our right to the road, i.e. legislation that leads the public to expect us to ride on bike paths, bike lanes, shoulders, etc. As far as I'm concerned, most streets are already complete. Most cyclists just don't know how to ride on them. Where they're too narrow or too fast, widen them. Is that in any of those bills? The routes to school would be safe if students were properly trained to ride them and if laws were enforced. Are those points in any of those bills? I've never heard of the active community transportation act but what rewards does it give people moving under their own power? What costs does it put on those that use motor vehicles and jeopardize human powered movement?
Good luck in the snake pit.
Frank Cyclists fare best when they act and are treated as drivers of vehicles
-----Original Message----- From: [] On Behalf Of director Sent: Friday, March 05, 2010 8:57 AM To: Subject: [Bikeboard] Asking for Legislative Support at next week's Bike Summit
Good morning, I need your help.
As Morgantown's unofficial (but only) representative at the League of American Bicyclists Summit next week in DC I'm drafting a couple of one-page requests to leave with lawmakers when we visit Capitol Hill on lobbying day. (btw - Don't worry, I won't be going in alone. 3 other League members will be in our lobbying party from Charleston, Martinsburg and Parkersburg. They all have better sense and restraint than me, but not as much enthusiasm) If any of you have ever complained about me acting singly and capriciously or overstepping my (non-existent) authority, here's your chance to reign me in.
Help me draft the requests based on how current legislation will affect Morgantown - pictures, maps, stories, etc. The following bills are currently up for consideration and I'm drafting a one-page document on each one to leave behind in the office of each legislative aid we meet with.
"Complete Streets" Act - S. 584/HR 1443
"Safe Routes to Schools" Act S. 1156/HR 4021
"Active Community Transportation Act of 2010" H.R. 4722
In addition, I have these general objectives to promote if there's time to complete requests for them: Support/Introduce legislation that increases Non-Motorized Funding NMF to a level comparable to its mode-share in WV (currently we're the worst). Bring NMF from its current 0.2% value to 8% (bike/ped modeshare) or 6% (bike/ped fatality share).
Support/Introduce legislation that makes bike/ped safety education a requirement in schools (rider education at the grade school level, bike/ped awareness in drivers' education) This will have impact beyond training the current generation of walkers/bikers - it will educate the next generation of voters, legislators, planners and traffic engineers.
I'll be working on this over the weekend and until I leave Tuesday morning. Thank you for any support you can offer. Nick
-- Nick Hein LCI# 1705 Director, Positive Spin 2567 Univ Ave Ste 6000L Morgantown, WV ph 304-685-8954 --
Bikeboard mailing list
-- Nick Hein LCI# 1705 Director, Positive Spin 2567 Univ Ave Ste 6000L Morgantown, WV ph 304-685-8954 --