How can we let go the man that defined our Vision: Bicycle anywhere, anytime for any reason!?
Do you want to leave because my leadership is too strong or "too capable"?
You bring unique and valuable perspectives and interests to the Board that will leave it unbalanced if you resign.
Please reconsider.
I salute you:)
At 06:49 PM 4/10/2007, John Lozier wrote:
Bikeboard friends,
I am committed for April 12 to the Monongalia County Democratic Executive Committee. Therefore I cannot attend.
Furthermore, going forward I will be devoting primary attention to this and a couple of other major personal commitments.
In view of these other commitments, I regret to say that I feel I must withdraw from the Bike Board. I will continue to ride my bicycle and to be a cheerleader for the Bike Board.
This is partly in response to recognizing my own limitations, but also in view of the fact that I see strong and capable action by Frank Gmeindl and many others.
I salute you all.
Best, John Lozier
Bike Board Members,
Please excuse the erroneous subject line in my last message! I reused the message that I sent before and forgot to change the subject line:(
We will meet this Thursday, 12-April, 6:30-8:30 PM in Council Chambers.
Bikeboard mailing list