I still say that there should be a section in driver hand books for new drivers, telling new drivers about cycling; maybe by now there is. The paper here recently printed an article reminding cyclists to bike against traffic, just as in walking. There is much misinformation out in the publics minds, the education needs to be revamped. Other than a large mass demonstration, quiet folk will never get the attention of anyone, after all we are just bicyclists. Sadly we don't measure up to a vehicle that weighs over a ton, and in a matchup, we always come out the loser. Bitter I am, yes. The big problem is, getting self righteous drivers to read the article, not just law enforcement. Another problem is getting drivers to slow down, as they always seem , to be in a hurry. However, basically I am no help, I just tend to complain a lot. Good article, maybe the Dominion Post will reprint it on the front page, that may get some folks attention, but we all know that will never happen. Also, if we could only get dog owners to leash their pets. dave
-----Original Message----- From: Frank Gmeindl fgmeindl@gmail.com To: monbikeclub monbikeclub@yahoogroups.com; CRcyclists CRcyclists@googlegroups.com; Bicycle Board bikeboard@bikemorgantown.com Sent: Thu, Aug 1, 2013 7:45 am Subject: [CRC] Law and order
This 3 page article, "Bicycle Law Enforcement - Enforce Laws with Mutual Respect " in the July issue of Law and Order magazine (pp 52-54) could change some biases against cyclists. http://lawandordermag.epubxp.com/title/12194/54
It clearly explains the rights of bicyclists and appropriate and legal riding techniques to maximize safety.
This article may offer an opportunity for us to start a dialog with local law enforcement officials to get their support us. Any ideas how we can get them to read it and start a dialog with us?
Here's a little tantalizing quote to get you to read the article if you already haven't: "It is safest for bicyclists to stay out of the way: This myth has sadly contributed to the majority of crashes and near-misses cyclists experience. Hugging the edge of the road is actually dangerous for a number of reasons. Most traffic lanes are too narrow to safely accommodate a motor vehicle and cyclists side by side. Cyclists who keep right so motorists can pass them without changing lanes actually encourage close passes and sideswipes. . ." and that was written by a law enforcement officer!