10:45 am @ Blue Moose meet with Mayor Manilla.
Begin forwarded message:
From: Frank Gmeindl frank.gmeindl@comcast.net Date: March 13, 2013 3:35:55 PM EDT To: Bike Board bikeboard@bikemorgantown.com Subject: Fwd: Pgh gets Bike Share
I'm meeting with Mayor Manilla tomorrow (Thu. 3/14) in the morning after his plumber leaves. If any BB member would like to accompany, you are welcome - let me know.
Today, I met with Damien and Jeff Mikorski so they wouldn't be blindsided by my meeting with Jim. I basically ran through with them that which I plan to discuss with Jim. The desired outcome of the meeting is that all City departments, especially engineering and enforcement become committed to increasing bicycling and reducing crashes.
Attached is the budget request spreadsheet that Damien and I developed and gave to Jeff a while ago with additional comments in column G and some cells marked in color to show projects that don't need funding to accomplish. I walked through each of these projects/actions with Jeff and Damien and plan to walk through them with Jim. I expect most of the discussion to focus on the comments.
Begin forwarded message:
From: Frank Gmeindl frank.gmeindl@comcast.net Date: March 12, 2013 7:47:31 AM EDT To: Jim Manilla jimmanilla@gmail.com Cc: Bike Board bikeboard@bikemorgantown.com, Jeff Mikorski jmikorski@cityofmorgantown.org, Hugh Kierig Hugh.Kierig@mail.wvu.edu Subject: Re: Pgh gets Bike Share
Thanks for the prompt response. And thanks especially for offering to sit down and talk.
I am out of town today and will get back with you when I return. The Greater Morgantown Bicycle Plan http://tinyurl.com/amgsx9u that City Council adopted 11 months ago is a plan for making Morgantown more bicycle friendly. It has many projects that are no-cost.
I look forward to talking with you!
On Mar 11, 2013, at 9:59 PM, Jim Manilla wrote:
Lets sit down and talk about what needs to be done to make Morgantown more bike and pedestrian friendly. As you are aware the City is in a short term financial crunch for a variety reasons. We don't have money to pave streets this year. I don't remember this ever happening. However, we are working hard to get our City into a solid financial state. You input and opinion are valuable.
On Monday, March 11, 2013, Frank Gmeindl wrote: Pgh. will have bike share Spring 2014.
They got $1.6M federal funding.
Pgh. that started installing Shared Lane Markings a year after we proposed to do so in 2007 is now 16th highest bicycle commuting city in the nation and named one of the nation's top 30 bicycle friendly cities.