Here's the second message.
Begin forwarded message:
> From: "Bill Austin" <baustin(a)>
> Date: July 10, 2013 5:18:28 PM EDT
> To: "Clement Solomon" <csolomon(a)>, "'Terry Hough'" <though(a)>, <cfletcher(a)>, "'Williams, Donald L'" <Donald.L.Williams(a)>, <ddavis(a)>, <director(a)>, "'David Bruffy'" <Bruffy(a)>, "'Shoukry, Fouad N'" <Fouad.N.Shoukry(a)>, "'Keller, Perry J'" <Perry.J.Keller(a)>, <ischuetz(a)>, "Tim Ball" <tball(a)>, "'Radabaugh, Bryan L'" <Bryan.L.Radabaugh(a)>, <jegdeg(a)>, <rwsnyder301(a)>, <butch442(a)>, <Roy.Nutter(a)>, <cabildso(a)>, <sawdustinc(a)>, <MariaSmith(a)>, "'John E. Sneckenberger'" <jsnecken(a)>, <edyoucater58(a)>, "'Slack, Alanna J'" <Alanna.J.Slack(a)>, <cabildso(a)>, "'Frank Gmeindl'" <fgmeindl(a)>
> Cc: <Kevin.Burgess(a)>, "'Warner, Richard L'" <Richard.L.Warner(a)>, "'Jing Zhang '" <tranplan(a)>
> Subject: Prioritizing Projects in Project 38 of the MPO Long Range Transportation Plan
> Committee Members,
> Please find attached the information on the projects included in Project 38 of the LRTP mentioned in my previous email.
> Please return the project rating sheet to us by July 31 so we may summarize them for the MPO’s Committee meetings.
> Thanks,
> Bill Austin, AICP
> Executive Director
> Morgantown Monongalia MPO
> 82 Hart Field Road Ste. 105
> Morgantown, WVA 26505
> 304-291-9571
> 304-692-7225 Mobile
> "Change does not change tradition. It strengthens it. Change is a challenge and an opportunity, not a threat."
> - Prince Phillip of Englan
> "Wherever we are, it is but a stage on the way to somewhere else, and whatever we do, however well we do it, it is only a preparation to do something else that shall be different."
> - Robert Louis Stevenson
> “Sometimes good things fall apart so better things can fall together.” -Marilyn Monroe