fyi, paul
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Angela Garrone <angela(a)>
Date: Wed, Nov 5, 2014 at 9:46 AM
Subject: [Coal Volunteers List] WEBINAR: How we can increase clean energy
in the Southeast through EPA's Clean Power Plan
To: Tennessee-News <TENNESSEE-NEWS(a)>
[image: Save the Date]
*The Clean Power Plan and the Southeast: How to Advocate for Clean Energy
*We invite you to join us November 14, 2014 at 1:00 PM ET *
*for an exciting discussion.*
[image: Register Today!]
The Southern Alliance for Clean Energy (SACE) continues its webinar series
with a presentation on the EPA's Clean Power Plan.
On June 2nd the Environmental Protection Agency released proposed standards
for the first-ever limits on carbon pollution from existing power plants,
under section 111(d) of the Clean Air Act, called the Clean Power Plan.
This webinar follows our June webinar explaining the basics of the Clean
Power Plan and will go into more detail on the specific requirements of the
proposal and explain how the public can submit comments on the proposed
rule in order to ensure it is successful in reducing dangerous carbon
dioxide emissions. SACE staff will explain the renewable energy and energy
efficiency opportunities available in the Southeast and discuss how you can
help push EPA and our Southeastern states to adopt clean energy compliance
solutions for the Clean Power Plan.
To register, please visit our webinar sign-up page
and don’t forget to mark *November 14, 2014, 1:00 p.m. ET on your calendar!*
*Title:* The Clean Power Plan and the Southeast: How to Advocate for
Clean Energy Solutions
*Date:* Friday, November 14, 2014
Ti*me:* 1:00 p.m. ET
System Requirements
PC-based attendees
Required: Windows® 2000, XP Home, XP Pro, 2003 Server, Vista
Macintosh®-based attendees
Required: Mac OS® X 10.3.9 (Panther®) or newer
Space is limited.
The Southern Alliance for Clean Energy (SACE)
is proud to offer an exciting webinar series to its members. Through this
free webinar service, members will be able to directly engage with SACE
staff and learn about the clean energy technologies, opportunities, and
issues that SACE deals with everyday. SACE is excited to use this
technology as a way to share with its members the most current happenings
in the clean energy field.
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Jennifer S. Rennicks, Director of Policy & Communications
*Southern Alliance for Clean Energy*
Phone: 828-275-0564
Media Line: 865-235-1448
jrennicks [at]
The Southeast Climate & Energy Network (SCEN) is a group of 200+ members
(environmental, clean energy, public health, policy, rural, governmental,
and faith) across 12 states in the region whose mission is "strategic
coordination among organizations in the Southeast to secure fair, just and
science-based climate and energy policies." This listserve exists to help
with communication, coordination, and capacity-building in the Southeast
region to meet mission. This listserve exists to help with communication,
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*Angela Garrone | Southeast Energy Research Attorney*
*Southern Alliance for Clean Energy*
P.O. Box 1842 Knoxville, TN 37901
angela(a) | 865-637-6055 ex. 23
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Paul Wilson
Sierra Club
504 Jefferson Ave
Charles Town, WV 25414-1130
Phone: 304-725-4360
Cell: 304-279-1361
"There is no forward until you have gone back" ~Buddha
"In all things of nature there is something of the marvelous" ~ Aristotle
?ACEEE rankings of states came out and the news is not good in WV. We were listed as the "Most Improved" state in 2013, but have made zero progress in 2014, leaving us at 46th in the nation in terms of EE policies. Among the various sectors ranked, "Utility Policies and Programs" was the worst, earning Zero (0) points in WV (That's a big goose egg, Nada, Zilch, No Points!).
See the other WV scores at:
How about a press release, or an Op/Ed column?
Jim Kotcon
From: wvec-board(a) <wvec-board(a)> on behalf of Larry Thomas larryvthomas(a) [wvec-board] <wvec-board(a)>
Sent: Wednesday, October 29, 2014 8:38 PM
Subject: [wvec board & supporters] Fwd: Top U.S Energy Efficienct States Released.
Recently, The American Council for an Energy
Efficient Economy released it's annual Scorecard
for State Energy Efficiency.
To have a look at how your State ranks click
this link.
So is your State among the leaders in promoting
and embracing Energy Efficiency?
Not only are some States seeing environmental
benefits from investing in energy efficiency, but
some have enjoyed an over 300% return on their
Creating jobs and reduced energy costs have
made a very positive direct impact on some of
these States.
If you would like to read a little more about
this, please hit the link below.
Posted by: Larry Thomas <larryvthomas(a)>
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Wow! Check out the story below.
Some of you may recall aspects of the Climate Math presentations at SierraFest and WVEC Convention when we talked about what Al Gore called the "Carbon Asset Bubble", I.e., that coal stocks are dramatically over-priced in a global warming world. Is this the first symptom? Does this provide a justification for the coal divestment projects at WVU and elsewhere? How can we use this information?
From: Adam Beitman, Sierra Club <adam.beitman(a)>
Sent: Thursday, October 30, 2014 8:13 PM
To: mtr-list(a)
Cc: Jim Sconyers; Alice Howell; Sean Sarah; Mary Anne Hitt; James Kotcon
Subject: SNL: Recent coal asset sales in Appalachia show fire sale mentality gripping market
"Coal mines in hard-hit Appalachia are being sold for pennies on the dollar compared to just a few years ago, recent transactions show, demonstrating the massive collapse in asset value since a peak in coal pricing in 2011.
An SNL Energy analysis of several recent publicly announced transactions finds coal reserves in Appalachia are being purchased on average at less than 40 cents per ton, down dramatically from a few years when reserves in the region were commanding prices eight times as high."
"Other deals<> have occurred at even cheaper prices. In August, Corsa Coal Corp.<> closed<> its acquisition of PBS Coals Corp.<>, which owns several surface and underground mines in Pennsylvania, at a cost of approximately $140 million. The reserves are roughly split between met and thermal coal. The deal included $60 million in cash and $60 million in assumed liabilities of which $20 million in cash bonding will be paid by PBS.
Corsa consultants estimated<> PBS' recoverable, proven and probable coal reserves at 37 million, which would value the deal at roughly 37 cents per ton of reserves.
Seth Schwartz, president of consulting firm Energy Ventures Analysis, said that when you consider what some companies initially paid for their coal assets years ago, the valuations have fallen even further. "These assets are going for under 10 cents on the dollar from what they were at the peak of the market in 2011," he said."
Adam Beitman
Associate Press Secretary
Sierra Club
50 F Street, NW, Eighth Floor
Washington, DC 20001
Office: (202) 675-2385<tel:%28202%29%20675-2385>
Cell: (202) 670-5585<tel:%28202%29%20670-5585>
Tweets @adbeitman
Represented by John Muir Local 100
Great article by Maryann. Bill Price is mentioned as well. cheers. pau
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Heather Moyer <heather.moyer(a)>
Date: Fri, Oct 31, 2014 at 9:54 AM
Subject: [Coal Volunteers List] Mary Anne Hitt's latest: Mountaintop
removal coal mining continues to poison Appalachia
To: #Coal <coal-list(a)>, #Coal-Volunteers <
coal-volunteers-list(a)>, #Media <media-list(a)>
Hi folks-
Mary Anne's column this week focuses on all the news out about
mountaintop-removal coal mining in the past few weeks. Please share it far
and wide!
It's only up on EcoWatch this week:
*Possible tweets:*
Mountaintop-removal #coal mining continues to poison Appalachia: (by @maryannehitt) #StopMTR
Falsified water tests, linked to lung cancer, & destroying ecosystems -
mountaintop removal #coal mining must stop:
Heather Moyer
Senior Content Producer
Sierra Club
50 F Street, 8th Floor
Washington, DC 20001
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and message "SUBSCRIBE #coal-volunteer"
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"#Coal-Volunteers" group.
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Paul Wilson
Sierra Club
504 Jefferson Ave
Charles Town, WV 25414-1130
Phone: 304-725-4360
Cell: 304-279-1361
"There is no forward until you have gone back" ~Buddha
"In all things of nature there is something of the marvelous" ~ Aristotle
You may find this information useful as you study up on Energy Efficiency
programs, especially as we discuss legislation for January. Ohio's EERS
was put on hold earlier this year by the Ohio Legislature, at the behest of
lobbying by FirstEnergy, so Ohio's ranking slipped to "middle of the
pack". But wouldn't it be great if WV's EE ranking could get up that high!
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Ned Ford <Ned.Ford(a)>
Date: Sun, Oct 26, 2014 at 5:53 PM
Subject: [GW-ACT-LEADERS] Fwd: Efficiency Benefits - Getting it right!
The following message is one I sent to a list which is dedicated to Ohio
utility issues. The attached Excel sheet contains the cover memo, and all
the data which is used to generate the statements below.
I thought it would be good to share with the people on these lists because
some of you may be very interested to know what efficiency does, and some
of you may be interested in how I produce the statistics.
Some of you may be interested in how well efficiency pays for renewables.
Ohio ranked 18th for utility efficiency programs in the ACEEE's last
ranking, but we have slid backwards since then, and are probably slightly
below the middle of the pack for the entire five years covered here.
We need a lot more attention to efficiency, and especially to bringing all
states up to the level of the best five or six states. Recognize that the
best states for efficiency are also the most healthy economies, and the
larger states in terms of electricity consumption.
- Ned
Ned Ford
Hi Folks,
It is now seven months before we will have 2014 EE program costs and first
year energy savings in the official filings by the utilities. I hope we can
avoid the use of incorrect cost and savings data which occurred last year,
by getting this out in time for everyone to consider, discuss and agree on
what we need to use.
If anyone on this list is inclined to think that another account might be
more accurate, please bring it to my attention (offlist, preferably) so we
can discuss the different methodologies and reach an agreement on what is
The numbers which I use are those which the utilities actually filed.
Other estimates have not used these numbers. If they had, they would have
reached the same values that I did. We have two objectives here, both
served by the same information: first, to reconcile the actual cost of
efficiency with numbers which the PUCO has provided to the legislature (and
can be counted on to reiterate in the future) ($1 billion to $1.1 billion
in total costs through 2013), and second, to provide evidence of the
tremendous value which SB 221 provides to Ohio, and which FirstEnergy
customers are going to lose as a result of SB 310.
The attached spreadsheet provides details of Ohio’s efficiency spending and
saved energy from 2009 through 2013.
Total spending through the end of 2013 has been $667 million.
An additional $300 million or so has been recovered by the four Ohio
Electric Distribution Companies (AEP, DP&L, Duke and FirstEnergy) to
compensate for Distribution lost revenues and Shared Savings. This is a
reasonable amount, but the PUCO has not accounted for this recovery in any
public forum, so the precise amount is not known yet.
The PUCO does not require lifetime savings calculations, although all the
utilities do them, and some of them report these savings. The PUCO does
require first year savings to be reported, and we have made a conservative
but reasonable projection of the savings to reach the conclusions as
Retail rate savings realize by the end of 2013 were $1.4 billion
Lifetime retail savings to be realized by the installed hardware will be
$3.9 billion
This does not consider the increased savings which will result from
increased rates due to other reasons.
(Although it was stated during hearings that "energy" prices in Ohio have
gone down due to fracking, electricity prices have risen (see Background
and Discussion tab on the attached spreadsheet).
Efficiency savings to date are large enough to cover the entire cost of the
efficiency programs to date, plus the shared savings, plus the lost
revenues and in addition, cover the cost of Ohio’s renewables standard,
which was reported by the PUCO as:
2011 $44.7 million (1%)*
2012 $52.4 million (1.5%)*
The PUCO has not reported the cost of the renewable standard in other
years, but given the rapidly falling price of renewable energy credits, the
2014 cost is likely to be only $2 million more than 2012, even though the
standard has increased to 2.5% (a 66% increase over 2012).
Efficiency savings already realized will continue to save more money than
combined program costs, lost revenues, shared savings and renewables,
unless efficiency programs are cut.
In addition to the direct savings from efficiency, there are real savings
due to avoided new power plants and transmission and distribution systems.
A conservative estimate of these savings as of year-end 2013 is over $1
billion. This represents more than 500 MW’s of avoided new generation
technology and the transmission and distribution equipment that is also
* The calculation of renewable program costs given above is done from PUCO
reports. The calculations are not on this spreadsheet.
Contact me at
Ned Ford
or Ned.Ford(a)
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
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Solar Power on the Rise: The Technologies and Policies behind a Booming
Energy Sector (2014)
August 2014
Solar power – clean, reliable, and increasingly affordable – is
experiencing remarkable growth across the U.S.
Full report
Solar power generates electricity with no global warming pollution, no fuel
costs, and no risks of fuel price spikes, and has the potential to help
move the country toward cleaner, reliable, and affordable sources of
Small-scale solar photovoltaic (PV) systems, typically on rooftops, account
for the majority of solar installations, while large-scale PV systems and
concentrating solar power (CSP) systems constitute the majority of solar's
overall electricity-generating capacity.
All three are undergoing rapid growth. Given the abundance of sunshine
across the country, solar power has the potential to supply a significant
amount of electricity that is both environmentally and economically
Solar power is increasingly affordable
Photo: Wayne National Forest
- Prices for rooftop PV systems have declined markedly in recent years,
dropping 29 percent from 2010 to 2013.
[image: Falling price of solar PV chart]
CHART: The Falling Price of Solar PV by U.S. Sector
- Their increasing cost-effectiveness is largely a result of reductions
in technology prices, innovative financing, and growing networks of solar
installers and financial partners.
- Tax credits, rebates, and other support in leading states can cut the
total costs of a rooftop system to under $10,000, though many solar
customers are paying little or nothing up front by utilizing solar leases
or power purchase agreements, which provide electricity from the system
over a long period at attractive fixed rates.
- Costs for large-scale PV projects have dropped more than household
systems, to an average 60 percent lower than those for residential solar on
a per-watt basis.
- CSP systems have not experienced the same cost reductions, but offer
the important advantage of being able to store the sun's energy as heat,
and to use it to make electricity when the sun is no longer shining.
Solar power is viable throughout the United States
Paul Wilson
Sierra Club
504 Jefferson Ave
Charles Town, WV 25414-1130
Phone: 304-725-4360
Cell: 304-279-1361
"There is no forward until you have gone back" ~Buddha
"In all things of nature there is something of the marvelous" ~ Aristotle
From: wvec-board(a) <wvec-board(a)> on behalf of 'Gary Zuckett' garyz(a) [wvec-board] <wvec-board(a)>
Sent: Monday, October 20, 2014 9:04 AM
To: wvec-board(a)
Cc: Emmett Pepper; Julie Archer; Karan Ireland; Norm Steenstra
Subject: [wvec board & supporters] FW: WVNS story: Utilities Look to Add Charges for Home Solar
This was mentioned at the Conference. It now in play in Virginia - we'll have to watch out for it here too....
From: Public News Service []
Sent: Monday, October 20, 2014 3:08 AM
To: GaryZuckett
Subject: WVNS story: Utilities Look to Add Charges for Home Solar
Utilities Look to Add Charges for Home Solar<…
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October 20, 2014 - Dan Heyman, Public News Service (WV)
Play Audio in Browser Window<>
[PHOTO: Rooftop solar has become a significant enough issue for utility companies to seek new fees from homeowners who install it. Photo by Alfred Twu.]<>
PHOTO: Rooftop solar has become a significant enough issue for utility companies to seek new fees from homeowners who install it. Photo by Alfred Twu.
CHARLESTON, [] W.Va. - Utilities in several states are turning to new charges to make up for revenue they're losing to homes with solar power.
The price of solar panels has fallen dramatically, and more people are installing them. In response, industry groups are urging states to let power companies add charges or credit homeowners less for the excess electricity they generate.
Gabe Elsner, executive director of the Energy and Policy Institute, said home solar had been considered too small to worry about - but no longer.
"The pro blem for the utility company is that they make money by generating power and selling it to customers," he said. "So when you decide to create your own power, suddenly they just lost a customer."
Elsner said the push for the new fees started with the industry trade group Edison Electric Institute and was promoted by the American Legislative Exchange Council. EEI declined to comment, but a report called "Disruptive Challenges"<> that was done for the group talked about the issue. It said that if too many homeowners generate their own power, utilities could be stuck for the cost of maintaining the grid. However, Elsner said studies, including a recent one in Utah, have shown that home solar systems are good for the grid.
"They ease congestion on transmission lines," he said, "They create clean power locally, so it's more effic ient, instead of building more, big power plants."
Elsner said a power company in Arizona is willing to pay homeowners for the right to put utility-owned solar panels on their roofs, while at the same time wanting to charge folks who do it for themselves. He said the industry is coming to recognize that distributed power generation has great potential.
"The fact that our grid is so centralized actually leaves us vulnerable," he said, "Solar power creates a more distributed electricity system that's more secure and more resilient."
Appalachian Power has asked the state of Virginia for permission to add a fee to the bills of homeowners in that state with the capacity to generate from 10 to 20 kilowatts. The company points out that almost all homes with solar panels or other generating systems would fall below 10 kilowatts. The company has customers in West Virginia, although it has not requested the fee here.
The EEI report is online at<>.
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This is something we need to know about and be public about.
From: Bill Price <bill.price(a)>
Sent: Friday, October 10, 2014 8:53 AM
To: James Kotcon; Liz Wiles; Mark Kresowik; David Muhly; Gary Nelson; Adam Beitman
Subject: Water samples faked
Is it any wonder people don't trust what's in the water!
Bill Price, Organizing Representative
Sierra Club
Environmental Justice Program
Beyond Coal to Clean Energy Campaign
Phone: 304-389-8822 (Cell)
Email: bill.price(a)<>
"If there's no struggle, there's no progress. Those who profess to favor freedom and yet renounce controversy are people who want crops without plowing the ground..." Frederick Douglass 1817-1895
This may be relevant to our own PSC efforts?
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Eric Brooks <brookse32(a)>
Date: Thu, Oct 9, 2014 at 3:29 AM
Subject: [GW-ACT-LEADERS] Excellent Article On CA Regulator Shows Utterly
Incestuous Relationship Between Utility Industry, Regulator, & Governor
Excellent Article On California PUC President Peevey Shows Utterly
Incestuous Relationship Between PG&E, Peevey, & Governor Brown's
Administration (two of the most powerful members of which are former PG&E
Could Brown reappoint unpopular Peevey? By Don Bauder
<>, Oct. 8, 2014
Jerry Brown
Michael Peevey
Image by Chris Woo
Peevey is suspected of backing SDG&E in their attempt to make San Diego
ratepayers pick up the tab.
Pacific Gas & Electric’s penalties for the 2010 San Bruno pipeline
explosion were less than suggested.
Shortly after his almost certain reelection in November, Governor Jerry
Brown must decide whether to reappoint Michael Peevey as president of the
California Public Utilities Commission. Peevey’s term runs out at the end
of the year.
In mid-August, Brown voiced strong support for Peevey in an interview with
editors of the *San Jose Mercury News*. A month earlier, that newspaper had
editorialized, “If Gov. Jerry Brown persists in backing his outrageously
unethical appointee [Peevey], he might as well change the name to the Pro
Utility Commission.” Around the same time, the *San Francisco Chronicle*
called for Brown to oust Peevey. The *Modesto Bee*, citing Peevey’s
“overseas junkets” paid for by utilities, said it was time for Peevey to go
because he “regards utility company executives as peers and partners.”
The Southern California press has also been hard on the commission’s
Peevey is suspected of pulling strings in such matters as San Diego Gas &
Electric’s attempt to make ratepayers pick up the tab for uninsured
expenses of the 2007 fires, caused by the utility. Recently, emails between
commission and Pacific Gas & Electric officials have shown that the company
said it didn’t want administrative law judges who would recommend tough
penalties for the company’s role in the 2010 San Bruno pipeline explosion.
The commission complied, and the recommended penalties were much less than
the staff had suggested. Indignant Bay Area politicians want the attorney
general to investigate the commission for its pro-utility behavior.
The governor and Peevey (both in their mid-70s) are old friends, dating
back to the years in which Peevey was active with organized labor and the
Democratic Party. After getting two degrees in economics at the University
of California/Berkeley, he worked for the federal government in labor
economics and then became chief economist for the American Federation of
Labor/Congress of Industrial Organizations (AFL-CIO). In 1984, he joined
Southern California Edison. He was a senior vice president and chief
lobbyist for the company in Sacramento. Edison’s chief executive, Howard
Allen, himself a former lobbyist, had a fondness for executives with
political connections.
John Bryson
Carl Wood
Peevey shortly became an executive vice president. Another executive vice
president was John Bryson, who also had political connections. He was a
former president of the California Public Utilities Commission, a graduate
of Stanford with a law degree from Yale, and smooth and oily — like
politicians. “Howard Allen played the two against each other,” says Carl
Wood, a former commissioner, now director of regulatory affairs for the
Utility Workers Union of America.
“Peevey is not Bryson’s kind of guy, or the other way around. Bryson is Ivy
League–looking and educated, suave, friendly, sophisticated. Peevey is
crude but intelligent,” says a former commission executive. Says a former
Edison executive, “They were oil and water.”
As executive vice president, Peevey in the late 1980s was put in charge of
Edison’s attempted hostile takeover of San Diego Gas & Electric. To many in
San Diego, Peevey did not appear so intelligent in his speeches and radio
and TV appearances. Edison lost big. San Diegans were surprised when, in
1990, Peevey was named president of Southern California Edison. He also
served as president of the parent, Edison International.
But — and it’s a big but — Peevey was *not* chief executive officer. That
job went to his foe, Bryson. Peevey lasted less than three years. In 1993,
barely in his mid-50s, he “retired” from Edison and walked out with a
bundle of stock and possibly severance pay, too; my sources disagree on the
latter point. There is agreement on one point, as described by a former
Edison executive: “He didn’t want to work for Bryson,” and Bryson didn’t
want Peevey around, either.
Peevey, not permitted to compete with Edison for two years, went with a
public relations/lobbying firm, then began taking equity interests in
smaller energy firms. After he raked in a $10 million capital gain from
selling one firm, he and his wife Carol Liu, now a state senator, lined up
a kinky tax shelter. He was told he would pay almost no taxes using the
scheme but would pay $3.5 million if he played it straight. The government
went after the tax shelter — and Peevey and his wife took the accounting
firm to court for giving them bad advice.
Peevey championed competition in the energy business. Unabashedly, he
favored deregulation, although he said it had to be tweaked in California.
He told others that he had made a bundle of money trading energy contracts.
Oh, yes. He also had stock in Enron, the corporate hoax that fleeced
California in the 2000–2001 energy crisis before collapsing. Peevey dumped
his Enron stock.
Loretta Lynch
Despite these black marks against him, in March of 2002, Peevey was named a
commissioner of the California Public Utilities Commission. Consumer groups
howled that a former Edison president and deregulation yahoo would be named
to the commission. At the time, Loretta Lynch was president of the
commission and was tough on the utilities and a champion of re-regulation.
Carl Wood, then a commissioner, was her steady ally in demanding
responsibility of the utilities. “We were unpopular with big business,
which had a venomous hatred for Lynch,” recalls Wood. “To mollify the
corporations,” then-governor Gray Davis named Peevey as president of the
commission at the end of 2002, even though he had been there only about
eight months. Pro-consumer groups howled again.
Peevey’s supporters pointed to his longtime association with labor unions.
Insiders knew better. “The only time Peevey is pro-labor is…when he is
using labor to maximize revenue for the utilities,” says a former
commission official. “He is a corporate liberal. He is not responsive to
consumer interests,” says Wood.
Brown and Peevey are buddies “because Peevey does what Brown tells him to
do,” says Lynch. “Peevey has always been close to PG&E and [Southern
California Edison]. So has Brown.”
Nancy McFadden
Indeed, Brown’s executive secretary is Nancy McFadden, who joined the
governor after serving as senior vice president to the chief executive
officer of Pacific Gas & Electric. In essence, she is Brown’s chief of
staff without the title.
In 2011, Brown hired Dana Williamson, Pacific Gas & Electric’s director of
public affairs, as senior advisor for cabinet and external affairs. Two
years later, she was named cabinet secretary — the person to whom other
agency secretaries report. It’s often considered the second-most-powerful
post in the gubernatorial administration.
When Lynch was deposed, Peevey threw a party, to which he invited utility
executives. Lynch wasn’t invited.
Asked what another Peevey term as head of the California Public Utilities
Commission would be like, Lynch had one word:
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The monthly polling memo has some interesting insights on energy efficiency
and climate change. The Ohio data (attached) suggest that 3 out of 4 would
reject AEP's proposed rate hike, and more than 2 of 3 would prefer
investments in EE and renewables, instead of bailing out dirty coal plants.
It may be useful to use that "bailout" language in some of our political
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Caitlin Pixley <caitlin.pixley(a)>
Date: Thu, Oct 2, 2014 at 3:01 PM
Subject: State Polling Memo for August & September
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Hi All -
Find attached the polling memo for both August and September from Grace
The memo includes new polling from the following states: CA, CO, ID, MT,
Caitlin Pixley
Conservation Associate
Sierra Club Atlantic Chapter
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First, thank you Paul and Regan for your kind words. I'm better, but not 100% yet.
I believe part of my condition is caused by the air quality of the area. As and engineer who is dealt with air quality issues for 50 years, including air sampling for pollution conditions around manufacturing operations all the way through to design and clean rooms, I am very familiar with the process and the technical details of air-quality.
But I do not have the instruments or the support staff to evaluate air-quality here as I used to have and my career days in California and Ontario.
I do know however that I have often driven near the railway tracks that charge through Charleston and seen, in the proper sunlight conditions, the fine particulate dust blowing off the railcars as they passed through town. I've inquired, but that's never been analyzed, never been measured and is an unknown.
But one doesn't need sophisticated instruments to see that that dust is being dispersed all on the communities through which these trains, sometimes it very high speeds, traverse.
That brings me to a point I want to make. Air-quality is definitely a local issue. The EPA can establish national standards, and the local agencies can then implement a plan to measure against those standards. But in my opinion the evaluation of very close proximity conditions in West Virginia are never taken into account unless the public rises up and demands them.
That also applies to climate change. There is yet another article in the Charleston Gazette today describing how carbon dioxide levels in the upper atmosphere Have already passed 350 ppm last year and are approaching the 400 ppm. Scientists consider the 400 parts, if achieved on a consistent basis to be very seriously detrimental to life as we know it all over the planet including in West Virginia.
Addressing the issue and pressing for action requires a strong voice here in West Virginia. And I personally believe the economic opportunities that exist for addressing climate change are out there and need to be described to our policy makers repeatedly.
While CCL is working diligently at the national level to seek logical and incremental steps towards controlling climate change, given the political barriers, we must be doing more at the state level in my opinion.
That is why I have proposed to WVEC, CAG, OVEC, and others that we come together and join forces to mount a single voice to address climate change in West Virginia.
It is an issue that is complex and crosses all of the constituencies of the entire environmental movement in West Virginia. To be successful, the legislatures got to know that there is a large constituency, a coming together of all of the organizations, to force them to pay attention to not just the dangers of doing nothing, but of the economic opportunities that are out there for addressing climate change.
if we can come together somewhere in sometime in October, and begin to develop a comprehensive plan, then we will be ready to present our thoughts to the legislature in January.
But I must look to each of the leadership of the various organizations to talk to one another and decide where they would like to do this.
However, I need to hear from the leadership of each of the organizations. Is there interest in coming together in the manner I am suggesting? Or is there an alternative concepts?
I'd like to hear from the leadership to know if this is making sense, and if so let's plan a specific time and meet, probably here in Charleston, To begin thinking about how to plan and implement a new voice of reason for addressing climate change here in West Virginia.
I can offer a venue for such a meeting that is easy and convenient to reach. I must ask for permission from Temple Israel for such a meeting, but I believe Rabbi would approve such a gathering as long as it's not on the Sabbath.
Please, let me hear from you
Sent from my iPhone
> On Sep 9, 2014, at 11:14 AM, Regan E Quinn <reganequinn(a)> wrote:
> bravo
>> On Sep 9, 2014, at 7:38 AM, Paul Epstein wrote:
>> Good work both of you! Hope you're feeling much better, Allan.
>> Paul Epstein
>> 304.343.5074
>>> On Tue, Sep 9, 2014 at 7:29 AM, Jim Probst <probstfurnituremakers(a)> wrote:
>>> It's been a good couple of days for Charleston CCL with Alan's excellent op-ed on Sunday and I got one published in today's paper.
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are we aware of this? fyi, paul w.
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: vivian newman
Date: Tue, Sep 2, 2014 at 8:04 PM
Subject: Fwd: News Release: Trans Energy Inc. to Restore Streams and
Wetland Damaged By Natural Gas Extraction Activities in West
Virginia/Company will also pay $3 million civil penalty to resolve alleged
Clean Water Act violations
To: Paul Wilson <pjgrunt(a)>
good news presumably
Jennifer Colaizzi (News Media only)
(202) 564-7776
September 2, 2014
*Trans Energy Inc. **to Restore Streams and Wetland Damaged By Natural Gas
Extraction Activities **in West Virginia*
*Company will also pay $3 million civil penalty to resolve alleged Clean
Water Act violations*
WASHINGTON – The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), the West
Virginia Department of Environmental Protection (WVDEP), and the Department
of Justice (DOJ) today announced a settlement with Trans Energy Inc.,
requiring the oil and gas company to restore portions of streams and
wetlands at 15 sites in West Virginia polluted by the company’s
unauthorized discharge of dredge or fill material.
Trans Energy will pay a penalty of $3 million to be divided equally between
the federal government and WVDEP. The Clean Water Act requires a company
to obtain a permit from EPA and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers prior to
discharging dredge or fill material into wetlands, rivers, streams, and
other waters of the United States.
“As part of our commitment to safe development of domestic energy supplies,
EPA is working to protect wetlands and local water supplies on which
communities depend,” said Cynthia Giles, assistant administrator of EPA’s
Office of Enforcement and Compliance Assurance. “By enforcing environmental
laws, we’re helping to ensure a level playing field for responsible
“Today’s agreement requires that Trans Energy take important steps to
comply with state and federal laws that are critical to protecting our
nation’s waters, wetlands and streams,” said Sam Hirsch, Acting Assistant
Attorney General of the Justice Department’s Environment and Natural
Resources Division. “We will continue to ensure that the development of
our nation’s domestic energy resources, including through the use of
hydraulic fracturing techniques, complies with the Clean Water Act and
other applicable federal laws.”
In addition to the penalty, the company will reconstruct impacted aquatic
resources or address impacts at 15 sites, provide appropriate compensatory
mitigation for impacts to streams and wetlands, and implement a
comprehensive program to ensure future compliance with Section 404 of the
Clean Water Act and applicable state law. Among other requirements, the
company will work to ensure that all aquatic resources are identified prior
to starting work on future projects in West Virginia, and that appropriate
consideration is given at the design stage to avoid and minimize impacts to
aquatic resources. It is estimated that Trans Energy will spend more than
$13 million to complete the restoration and mitigation work required by the
consent decree.
The federal government and WVDEP allege that the company impounded streams
and discharged sand, dirt, rocks and other materials into streams and
wetlands without a federal permit to construct well pads, impoundments,
road crossings and other facilities related to natural gas extraction. The
government alleges the violations impacted approximately 13,000 linear feet
of stream and more than an acre of wetlands.
Filling wetlands illegally and damming streams can result in serious
environmental consequences. Streams, rivers, and wetlands benefit the
environment by reducing flood risks, filtering pollutants, recharging
groundwater and drinking water supplies, and providing food and habitat for
aquatic species.
EPA discovered the violations in 2011 and 2012 through information provided
by WVDEP and the public, and through routine field inspections. In summer
2014, the company conducted an internal audit and ultimately disclosed to
EPA alleged violations at eight additional locations, which are also being
resolved through this Consent Decree.
The settlement also resolves alleged violations of state law brought by
The consent decree has been lodged in the Northern District of West
Virginia and is subject to a 30-day public comment period and court
For more information:
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Paul Wilson
Sierra Club
504 Jefferson Ave
Charles Town, WV 25414-1130
Phone: 304-725-4360
Cell: 304-279-1361
"There is no forward until you have gone back" ~Buddha
"In all things of nature there is something of the marvelous" ~ Aristotle
The 2013 Wind Technologies Market Report from US-DOE shows that newly-installed wind-generated electricity is, as a national average, already cheaper than electricity from coal, and, if the PTC is included, is currently cheaper than gas-fired electricity. Since the PTC expired last year, wind may have to compete with gas without subsidies, but as costs continue to fall for wind, and are likely to rise for gas, wind is likely to compete well even without subsidies in the near future (5-10 years). Cost for wind are lowest in Interior Midwest states. Wind resources in most of the Mid-Atlantic states are of lower quality and are unlikely to be competitive with gas in the near term. A future cost for fossil carbon emissions will accelerate the market for wind as it is likely to further increase the costs for gas.
Bottom line, no one is investing in coal, and investments in new gas infrastructure are increasingly risky as long-term investments. The Longview plant looked like a really good deal in 2003, but was not operational until 2011, and filed for bankruptcy in 2013. A new gas plant proposed today is unlikely to be operational in less than 3-5 years, by which time it may be unable to compete with wind in time to pay off its investment.
See the full report, especially Figure 49, at:…
Jim Kotcon
This reminds me of the PILOT agreement that Longview sought from Monongalia County in 2003.
Anyone want to write comments?
Support sought for proposed state power plant
The Associated Press
MOUNDSVILLE, W.Va. - Developers of a proposed natural gas-fired power plant in Marshall County are seeking the county's support of the project.
Officials with Moundsville Power and the Regional Economic Development Partnership plan to make a formal presentation to the County Commission on Monday.
The Intelligencer and Wheeling News-Register reports that the developers are proposing an agreement under which the county would own the plant and lease it back to Moundsville Power to operate. Moundsville Power would pay about $1 million annually to the county in lieu of regular property taxes.
The $615 million plant would be located in Moundsville. It would generate 549 megawatts of electricity and use about 100 million cubic feet of gas per day.
I had been trying to find out what happened to this, now we know.
Home<> / Press Releases<>
WVU donates Solar Decathlon house to West Virginia Botanic Garden<…>
August 12th, 2014
The West Virginia University<> house built for the U.S. Department of Energy's Solar Decathlon has found a new place to call home. The University has donated the Preserving Energy with Appalachian Knowledge<> house to the West Virginia Botanic Garden<>, located in Morgantown.
The house was recently moved from its current location on WVU's Evansdale Campus to the Garden, where it will be used for office space, group meeting space and displays.
"The West Virginia Botanic Garden will be an ideal permanent location for the house," said Brian Woerner<…>, chair of the Lane Department of Computer Science and Electrical Engineering<> at WVU. "The Garden has a mission to promote the best use of natural resources, and the historical significance and natural beauty of state. The PEAK house fits perfectly with that mission."
"This is the realization of a long-recognized need for a building on site," explained Bill Johnson, president of the West Virginia Botanic Garden board of directors. "WVU's donation of the PEAK House, combined with financial support from friends of the Garden, components makes this possible."
The team from WVU built the house for the 2013 Solar Decathlon, which brings together students from around the world to design and build an ultra-efficient, solar energy sustainable and livable house. The PEAK house was the first log-style home to be accepted to the Decathlon, representing WVU's roots in Appalachia. Its design earned the team top honors in the category for Integration of Nature and Technology.
"In support of our mission, we strive to develop and manage the garden in a sustainable and ecologically responsible manner. The 'green' design of the building is a perfect fit with this philosophy, and demonstrates the Garden's commitment to these principles," said Johnson.
Thanks to a grant from the National Science Foundation, students and professors will use the house while it is on the Botanic Garden grounds to study the use of nanotechnology and to develop healthy and sustainable indoor living environments.
"The house will be used for regular measurements of efficiency of power generation and use from the solar panels over the next several years," said Woerner. "The Solar Decathlon provided a unique educational experience that fulfilled the senior design requirements for a significant number of students. The donation of the house assures that the work of WVU students will be enjoyed by visitors to the Garden for many years to come."
The Botanic Garden is located at 1061 Tyrone Road, and is open daily, free of charge, from dawn to dusk. For more information, visit<>.
CONTACT: Mary C. Dillon, Statler College of Engineering and Mineral Resources
304.293.4086, Mary.Dillon(a)<>
- See more at:…
Can someone forward this to the PA Chapter, and whoever was doing the lawsuit there?
What is the best way to use this to highlight the self-interest in Manchin's opposition to EPA rules?
Jim Kotcon
Sen. Manchin’s brother sues him, other brother over $1.7 million loan
Thursday, July 24, 2014
By Kate White, Staff writer
FAIRMONT, W.Va. — U.S. Sen. Joe Manchin’s brother has sued the senator and another brother over more than $1.7 million that allegedly was loaned to keep a family business afloat decades ago.
The lawsuit was filed Wednesday by Dr. John Manchin against his brothers, Joe and Roch Manchin, in Marion County Circuit Court.According to the lawsuit, Joe and Roch Manchin requested the money in the 1980s from their brother “in response to Manchin Carpet Center’s distressed financial condition.
”John Manchin loaned them more than $1.7 million, all of which was provided to the business’ primary creditor, Community Bank and Trust, according to the lawsuit.
Joe and Roch Manchin promised to repay their brother on repeated occasions, most recently in July 2012, according to the lawsuit.
The loan does not appear on Sen. Manchin’s financial disclosure forms, filed with the U.S. Senate. The Senate Ethics Committee requires disclosure of any debt valued at more than $10,000, but there is an exemption for a “personal liability” owed to a close family member, including a brother.
The July 2012 “funds sharing agreement” attached to the lawsuit describes how money from a proposed power plant in Greene County, Pennsylvania, would be split among the three Manchin brothers. The Nemacolin plant was being developed by Wellington Development, a Fairmont-based company.
Under the 2012 agreement, Sen. Manchin would deduct what he put into the project, and then John Manchin would get the first $1 million of profit. Any subsequent profit would be divided among all three brothers for as long as they survive.
The agreement was signed by Joe and Roch Manchin, and sent by Kirtan Mehta, chief counsel to the senator. It was dated July 25, 2012, with a U.S. Senate letterhead.
Jonathan Kott, a spokesman in Manchin’s Senate office, said Friday afternoon that Mehta did the personal work for Manchin at home, after hours. It was a mistake that the agreement was printed on Senate letterhead, Kott said.
“The senator feels it was a mistake, and we’ve notified the Ethics Committee to see if there’s anything we need to do,” Kott said. “They haven’t responded, but we already self-reported it.”
Morgantown lawyer Michael Benninger, who filed the lawsuit on John Manchin’s behalf, did not return multiple phone calls Thursday or Friday. Reached at his clinic in Fairmont on Thursday, John Manchin referred questions about the lawsuit to his attorney,
Since at least the early 2000s, Wellington had been working on a proposal to build a 525-megawatt power plant along the Monongahela River at Nemacolin. According to court records, the facility was being designed to burn a mixture of newly mined coal and coal wastes that would have been recovered from “gob” piles from the former Nemacolin Coal/Buckeye Coal facility. Promoters touted their belief that the project would clean up nearly 3,000 acres of degraded former mining property. Court records say the plant, if built, would have been “the largest waste-coal-fired facility” of this type in the country. A challenge from the Sierra Club and other groups was thrown out and, as recently as December 2012, the company was trying to obtain required Clean Water Act authorization from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers.
In early February of this year, though, Wellington wrote to the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection to withdraw its state permit. Wellington official Stanley Sears wrote that “present conditions, as witnessed throughout the U.S., make it virtually impossible to finance and construct this kind of facility.” The letter complained about environmental groups that opposed the project and thanked “all of the many citizens, groups and local government agencies that supported this project over the years.”
In his lawsuit, John Manchin also claims that:
| According to the July 2012 agreement, if there was a delay in paying him back, he was entitled to one-third interest in coal reserves and brokerage businesses and other incorporated businesses owned by Joe and Roch Manchin.
| Manchin Brothers, a company formed by the three brothers, was terminated without John Manchin’s knowledge or consent. According to the lawsuit, John Manchin believes its funds, assets and property were transferred to Wholesale Carpet Inc., which Manchin Carpet Center was reorganized into in the early 1990s. John Manchin claims that assets from Manchin Brothers were transferred to Manchin Enterprises — controlled by Joe Manchin and his son, Joseph Manchin IV — and others.
| On numerous occasions, John Manchin’s brothers falsely represented to him that he was one-third owner of Transcom Inc., which was incorporated in 1988. Transcom is now Farmington Resources.
Sen. Manchin owns stock and accounts in Farmington Resources worth between $200,000 and $500,000, according to financial disclosure forms filed in May with the Senate.
Sen. Manchin’s net worth is between $3.8 million and $11.5 million, according to his most recent financial disclosure forms. The wide range is because the forms require only a broad estimate of the value of each asset owned by the senator, not an exact amount.
The lawsuit asks that John Manchin be compensated for what he’s lost and awarded one-third ownership interest in all coal reserves and businesses incorporated, formed and owned by his brothers during the time Manchin Brothers’ and Manchin Carpet Center’s funds, property and assets were being used.
- See more at:…
This article from Australia has some important concepts for the economics of renewables versus coal in America.
From: James Kotcon <jkotcon(a)>
Sent: Sunday, July 27, 2014 11:09 AM
To: James Kotcon
Subject: Fwd: [Coal Volunteers List] Why The Fossil Fuel Industry Hates Wind Power
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Spike Lewis <spike.lewis(a)<>>
Date: Tue, Jul 22, 2014 at 12:46 PM
Subject: [Coal Volunteers List] Why The Fossil Fuel Industry Hates Wind Power
To: "LA Beyond Coal Team/Energy Activists." <COAL-LA-ENERGY-ACTIVISTS(a)<>>, Coal Alerts <coal-volunteers-list(a)<>>, coal no new <nonewcoalplants(a)<>>
Happy Tuesday, Coal Fighters! Opponents of clean energy are quick to tell you the myth of how expensive energy efficiency, solar, and wind are. What they are really worried about is how clean energy causes the price of dirty energy to decrease when fossil fuels make their most profits. Thanks to LA Beyond Coal Campaign Volunteer Leader Kent Minault for first bringing this concept to our attention. Today's inspiration is from Cleantechnica<>.
Thank you for your time and consideration,
Spike Lewis -- 310.487.8160<tel:310.487.8160>
Volunteer Organizer, LA Beyond Coal Campaign
To access the Beyond Coal Campaign Resource Portal, go to:
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Actually, Pennsylvania's Standard was adopted a few years before West Virginia's, and had two standards, one for "renewable" energy sources and one for "alternative". Then-Gov. Manchin adopted this approach with his bill, but weakened it further by making the sources interchangeable. Thus, WV utilities did not have to add ANY renewable sources to meet the WV standard, whereas PA utilities did have to add some wind and solar.
But FBC gob burners do qualify as "alternative" under WV law, so they would obviously like to be included in PA as well.
PS. The fact sheet below is a little dated, as most of the 1950's era plants have already been or will be shut down next year by the new Mercury and Air Toxics standards. Coal plants with scrubbers will meet the MATS, and therefore are cleaner than FBC plants for most pollutants.
PPS. We were somewhat involved in the Nemacolin plant permitting some years ago. I still have the files from when the sent me a subpoena for all records and communications on their air permit. So I sent the about 500 pages of stuff, but since all we did was cite facts, they never followed up (apparently "facts" were not helpful to their legal case).
From: Gary Zuckett <garyz(a)>
Sent: Saturday, July 26, 2014 11:47 PM
To: 'William V. DePaulo, Esq.'; 'Emmett Pepper'; '5811253# Cathy'; 'David Schlissel'; 'Elise Keaton'; 'Brown Paul Corbit'; 'Sconyers Jim'; 'Price Bill'; 'Chad Cordell'; 'Jim Waggy'; 'William Hall'; 'Doug Wood'; maya(a); 'WV Chapter Energy Committee'; duane330(a); daniel.chiotos(a); 'Mark Kresowik'; 'David Muhly'; 'Zachary Fabish'; James Kotcon
“The waste coal industry is pushing aggressively to include their proposed facilities in the Pennsylvania Renewable Portfolio Standard<>, despite the fact that waste coal is not renewable energy and that waste coal power plants are dirtier than coal power plants.” From end of Waste Coal article.
Tell me if I’m wrong but I think it was Gov Manchin’s that pushed through waste coal into our WV Renewable Porfolio…
From: William V. DePaulo, Esq. []
Sent: Saturday, July 26, 2014 8:43 AM
To: Emmett Pepper; 5811253# Cathy; Gary Zuckett; David Schlissel; Elise Keaton; Brown Paul Corbit; Sconyers Jim; Price Bill; Chad Cordell; Jim Waggy; William Hall; Doug Wood; maya(a); WV Chapter Energy Committee; duane330(a); daniel.chiotos(a); Mark Kresowik; David Muhly; Zachary Fabish; James Kotcon
Jim Kotcon in North and the rest of you down here.....I agree we need to seize the moment to go after Manchin on this....a short version of this story has gone around the country already.....the gazette article is far more detailed.....i sent it to a new york times reporter who covered west va in january.....we already knew Manchin was making millions from what in the past was described as a coal brokerage business.....this is way beyond relates directly to the motives for his opposition to EPA opening appears to be the Senate reporting requirements.....there may be a reporting exemption for loans from a family member, but i'll be fifty cents that at least some of these loans/debts were to a corporate entity of some type--and were NOT exempt from reporting.....
LEGAL FOOTNOTE: The West Virginia Constitution provides for impeachment of an "officer of the state" as follows:
4-9. Impeachment of officials.
Any officer of the state may be impeached for maladministration, corruption, incompetency, gross immorality, neglect of duty, or any high crime or misdemeanor. The House of Delegates shall have the sole power of impeachment. The Senate shall have the sole power to try impeachments and no person shall be convicted without the concurrence of two thirds of the members elected thereto. When sitting as a court of impeachment, the president of the supreme court of appeals, or, if from any cause it be improper for him to act, then any other judge of that court, to be designated by it, shall preside; and the senators shall be on oath or affirmation, to do justice according to law and evidence. Judgment in cases of impeachment shall not extend further than to removal from office, and disqualification to hold any office of honor, trust or profit, under the state; but the party convicted shall be liable to indictment, trial, judgment, and punishment according to law. The Senate may sit during the recess of the Legislature for the trial of impeachment
Waste Coal
Burning Waste Coal is Much More Polluting than Burning Coal
[Printable PDF factsheet on waste coal<>]
[Nemacolin Gob Pile in Greene County, PA]
Nemacolin Gob Pile in Greene County, PA
What is waste coal?
Waste coals are the low-energy-value discards of the coal mining industry. Waste coal is called "culm" in the eastern Pennsylvania anthracite coal region and "gob" or "boney" in the bitiminous coal mining regions (western Pennsylvania, West Virginia and elsewhere).
Waste coal piles accumulated mostly between 1900 and 1970. The piles look like hills or small mountains that are dark and barren. Hundreds of millions of tons of waste coal and rock litter the landscape in mining states.
Why is it a problem?
Waste coal piles leach iron, manganese and aluminum pollution into waterways and cause acid drainage that kills neighboring streams. These piles sometimes even catch fire, releasing toxic pollution into the air.
<>[Map of Waste Coal plants in the U.S.]<><>
Click here for a list of existing and proposed waste coal facilities<>
Where is waste coal being burned?
There are currently 18 waste coal burning power plants, and 13 more that use it as a secondary fuel, with bituminous coal as their primary fuel. Fourteen of the 18 waste coal plants are in Pennsylvania. Over a dozen more are proposed, mostly in PA, WV and KY. There are also now proposals for coal-to-oil<> refineries, some of which would use waste coal to produce liquid fuels.
[]Low energy value
Nationally, waste coal has an average of 60% of the BTU value (British Thermal Units, a unit of energy) of normal coals. It can take up to twice as much waste coal to produce the same amount of electricity. This means that -- in most places -- waste coal burners can only be economically built where huge volumes of waste coal exist. It would cost too much to truck far-away low-BTU fuel to a centralized burner. Consequently, even if waste coal burning were a clean solution, it wouldn't deal with the problem of more isolated waste coal piles.
Waste Coal has More Mercury
Waste coal has higher concentration of mercury than normal coals. In West Virginia and nationally, gob has 4 times more mercury than bituminous coal. In Pennsylvania, gob has 3.5 times more mercury than bituminous coal. Culm has 19% more mercury than anthracite coal.
Bituminous waste coal also has higher levels of sulfur (see chart below<>).
[This is based on thousands of samples collected in 1999 by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Click here for more details on mercury content in coals and waste coals<>.]
Data on other metals in waste coal is sparse, but evidence from single metals tests on Pennsylvania culm and gob show both to have about 4 times as much chromium and 3 times as much lead.
[]More Mercury Per Megawatt
Since more waste coal must be burned to produce the same amount of electricity as normal coal would, this means that -- in the states most affected by waste coal burning -- over 6 times as much mercury must be fed into a waste coal burner to produce the same amount of energy as a traditional coal power plant. For culm vs. anthracite coal, it takes nearly twice as much mercury.
Where Does the Mercury Go?
Older coal power plants could not handle waste coal. In the late 1980's "circulating fluidized bed" (CFB) style power plants were built which could burn the low-energy waste coal. Because they were built after the 1970 Clean Air Act, these CFB power plants have pollution control equipment that the old ones don't have. This makes it easy for the waste coal industry to make the claim that their air emissions are cleaner than 1950s-era coal power plants.
Comparing apples to apples, it is more accurate to compare air emissions from waste coal burners to the new coal power plants being proposed. The currently proposed Longview<> bituminous coal power plant in Fort Martin (near Morgantown, WV) would have lower emissions than the currently proposed gob burner in nearby Nemacolin<> (Greene County, PA).
Other Air Emissions
Combustion creates problems that simply don't exist if the waste coal is left unburned. Anytime you burn coal or waste coal, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs)<> are created that were not present in the unburned waste coal. Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons<…> have a range of toxicity. Any time you burn anything with less than complete combustion, you also create nitrogen oxides (NOx)<…> and products of incomplete combustion (PICs). Since the number of possible PICs is unlimited, the potential toxicity of the PICs is uncertain.
[See studies on how fluidized bed waste coal burners release more cancer-causing PAH's<> as well as 15% more global warming pollution and increased carbon monoxide than conventional burners.]
Toxic Ash
Burning waste coal doesn't make the waste go away. If 100 tons of waste coal are burned, 85 tons will remain as waste coal ash.
Since far more mercury and other toxic contaminants enter a waste coal burner to produce a given amount of electricity, these high levels of toxic contaminants have to come out somewhere. Toxic metals cannot be destroyed by burning them. To the extent that they are captured in pollution controls (protecting the air), they are then concentrated in the highly toxic ash that ultimately threatens the groundwater wherever this ash is dumped. Waste coal burners have cleaner air emissions than antiquated coal plants due to their better pollution controls, but this only means that the ash is far more toxic, since the highly toxic particulates captured in pollution control equipment end up in the ash. The industry claims that 99.8% of the mercury in the fuel is captured and ends up in their ash.
Waste coal ash is dumped in communities not far from the waste coal burners, threatening the groundwater with leaching lead, mercury and other poisons. Power plant waste is allowed to be dumped without the basic protections (landfill<> liners) that are required for dumping household trash. When burning any solid fuel, the resulting ash has a higher surface area than the raw, unburned material. The dangers of toxic leaching from ash can be expected to be greater than from the unburned waste coal. Just like with coffee, running water over coffee grounds leaches far more coffee out than if you ran water over whole coffee beans.
The industry claims that by injecting limestone into the ash, the ash becomes impervious to leaching. However, this has not been proven and it seems likely that the alkaline affects of the lime would afford only temporary protection, especially since the region where most of the waste coal burners are (Pennsylvania, West Virginia) suffers from the nation's worst acid rain<>.
The waste coal burning industry's own data shows that waste coal ash does in fact leach metals into groundwater, despite their public assertions. Ash at 2 of 12 facilities studied in Pennsylvania were shown to contain levels of arsenic higher than the maximum allowable concentration set forth for land application of sewage sludge<>. Of 221 samples of leachate from waste coal ash at the ash dumps, lead contamination in 23 samples (10.4%) exceeded a level 10 times higher than EPA's maximum contaminant level (MCL) for drinking water. Six samples exceeded this "10 times the drinking water standard" level for cadmium, as did single samples for chromium and selenium.
Click here for a list of waste coal ash dumps in the U.S.<>
Beach Grass: the Safe and Affordable Alternative to Burning Waste Coal
Researchers at the Natural Resources Conservation Service found a very cheap and viable alternative to the conventional waste coal pile remediation method of grading, topsoiling, seeding and mulching. They found that beach grass, native to sandy beaches, thrives in waste coal piles and can establish enough plant cover to enable native plants to take root. This method has been shown to bring life back to long-dead waste coal piles for only 6-10% of the cost of conventional methods. Within a few years, beach grass enabled native plants to take over, allowing organic matter to accumulate around plants, forming a plant layer that stopped erosion, held water, cooled the surface, and looked better.
Gob Pile Recovered by Planting Beach Grass
For more details, read:
* Beach Grass: Bringing the Seashore to the Mountains<> (Erosion Control Feature Article, July/August 2000).
* Succession on a Coal Mine Gob Pile Stabilized With 'Cape' American Beachgrass<>
The waste coal industry is pushing aggressively to include their proposed facilities in the Pennsylvania Renewable Portfolio Standard<>, despite the fact that waste coal is not renewable energy and that waste coal power plants are dirtier than coal power plants.
The waste coal industry argues that the best solution to waste coal piles is burning them, while other cleaner and safer alternatives exist.
Rather than liberate the toxic contaminants by burning them, it is preferable to remediate the waste coal piles in a way that reduces the problems associated with the piles without creating new problems.
Energy Justice Network, 1434 Elbridge St, Philadelphia, PA 19149 | 215-743-4884<tel:215-743-4884> | niaby(a)<> | Site Map<>
On Sat, Jul 26, 2014 at 7:59 AM, William V. DePaulo, Esq. <william.depaulo(a)<>> wrote:
[Print] <…>
Thursday, July 24, 2014
Sen. Manchin’s brother sues him, other brother over $1.7 million loan
By Kate White<…>, Staff writer
Gazette file photo
Sen. Joe Manchin, D-W.Va., talks during a meeting in Charleston in January 2013. The senator and his brother were sued by another brother this week over an allegedly unpaid loan of more than $1.7 million.
* Manchin v Manchin Complaint pdf file<>
FAIRMONT, W.Va. — U.S. Sen. Joe Manchin’s brother has sued the senator and another brother over more than $1.7 million that allegedly was loaned to keep a family business afloat decades ago.
The lawsuit was filed Wednesday by Dr. John Manchin against his brothers, Joe and Roch Manchin, in Marion County Circuit Court.
According to the lawsuit, Joe and Roch Manchin requested the money in the 1980s from their brother “in response to Manchin Carpet Center’s distressed financial condition.”
John Manchin loaned them more than $1.7 million, all of which was provided to the business’ primary creditor, Community Bank and Trust, according to the lawsuit.
Joe and Roch Manchin promised to repay their brother on repeated occasions, most recently in July 2012, according to the lawsuit.
The loan does not appear on Sen. Manchin’s financial disclosure forms<…>, filed with the U.S. Senate. The Senate Ethics Committee requires disclosure<…> of any debt valued at more than $10,000, but there is an exemption for a “personal liability” owed to a close family member, including a brother.
The July 2012 “funds sharing agreement” attached to the lawsuit describes how money from a proposed power plant in Greene County, Pennsylvania, would be split among the three Manchin brothers. The Nemacolin plant was being developed by Wellington Development, a Fairmont-based company.
Under the 2012 agreement, Sen. Manchin would deduct what he put into the project, and then John Manchin would get the first $1 million of profit. Any subsequent profit would be divided among all three brothers for as long as they survive.
The agreement was signed by Joe and Roch Manchin, and sent by Kirtan Mehta, chief counsel to the senator. It was dated July 25, 2012, with a U.S. Senate letterhead.
Jonathan Kott, a spokesman in Manchin’s Senate office, said Friday afternoon that Mehta did the personal work for Manchin at home, after hours. It was a mistake that the agreement was printed on Senate letterhead, Kott said.
“The senator feels it was a mistake, and we’ve notified the Ethics Committee to see if there’s anything we need to do,” Kott said. “They haven’t responded, but we already self-reported it.”
Morgantown lawyer Michael Benninger, who filed the lawsuit on John Manchin’s behalf, did not return multiple phone calls Thursday or Friday. Reached at his clinic in Fairmont on Thursday, John Manchin referred questions about the lawsuit to his attorney,
Since at least the early 2000s, Wellington had been working on a proposal to build a 525-megawatt power plant along the Monongahela River at Nemacolin. According to court records, the facility was being designed to burn a mixture of newly mined coal and coal wastes that would have been recovered from “gob” piles from the former Nemacolin Coal/Buckeye Coal facility. Promoters touted their belief that the project would clean up nearly 3,000 acres of degraded former mining property. Court records say the plant, if built, would have been “the largest waste-coal-fired facility” of this type in the country. A challenge from the Sierra Club and other groups was thrown out and, as recently as December 2012, the company was trying to obtain required Clean Water Act authorization from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers.
In early February of this year, though, Wellington wrote to the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection to withdraw its state permit. Wellington official Stanley Sears wrote that “present conditions, as witnessed throughout the U.S., make it virtually impossible to finance and construct this kind of facility.” The letter complained about environmental groups that opposed the project and thanked “all of the many citizens, groups and local government agencies that supported this project over the years.”
In his lawsuit, John Manchin also claims that:
| According to the July 2012 agreement, if there was a delay in paying him back, he was entitled to one-third interest in coal reserves and brokerage businesses and other incorporated businesses owned by Joe and Roch Manchin.
| Manchin Brothers, a company formed by the three brothers, was terminated without John Manchin’s knowledge or consent. According to the lawsuit, John Manchin believes its funds, assets and property were transferred to Wholesale Carpet Inc., which Manchin Carpet Center was reorganized into in the early 1990s. John Manchin claims that assets from Manchin Brothers were transferred to Manchin Enterprises — controlled by Joe Manchin and his son, Joseph Manchin IV — and others.
| On numerous occasions, John Manchin’s brothers falsely represented to him that he was one-third owner of Transcom Inc., which was incorporated in 1988. Transcom is now Farmington Resources.
Sen. Manchin owns stock and accounts in Farmington Resources worth between $200,000 and $500,000, according to financial disclosure forms filed in May with the Senate.
Sen. Manchin’s net worth is between $3.8 million and $11.5 million, according to his most recent financial disclosure forms. The wide range is because the forms require only a broad estimate of the value of each asset owned by the senator, not an exact amount.
The lawsuit asks that John Manchin be compensated for what he’s lost and awarded one-third ownership interest in all coal reserves and businesses incorporated, formed and owned by his brothers during the time Manchin Brothers’ and Manchin Carpet Center’s funds, property and assets were being used.
Mary Manchin, mother of the brothers, died in May at age 91. The family is from Marion County.
A Gazette reporter obtained a copy of the lawsuit from the Marion County Courthouse on Friday. The previous day, employees in Marion County Circuit Clerk Rhonda Starn’s office had refused to provide a copy of the lawsuit. Starn told her employees “to transfer all incoming calls regarding this case directly to her,” a clerk in Starn’s office said Thursday morning.
Starn did not return a phone message and did not answer several phone calls throughout Thursday.
Starn’s office has a policy that lawsuits remain private until a defendant is served, according to the clerk. Another clerk in Starn’s office had said Thursday that the lawsuit might not be public for 20 to 30 days.
The Gazette notified officials with the West Virginia Supreme Court about the county’s policy. Officials with the Supreme Court, which oversees all circuit courts in West Virginia, contacted Starn’s office.
At about 4:45 p.m., Robin Tucker, Starn’s deputy clerk, called the Gazette and said the clerk’s office had closed at 4:30 p.m. and that a reporter could obtain a copy of the lawsuit at 8:30 a.m. Friday for $1 a page. The amount must be paid by cash or money order before a copy is provided, Tucker said. Circuit clerk offices throughout the state usually provide information and, if they charge anything, send a bill.
“Honey, we don’t bill. We have no way to bill,” Tucker said. “All of the information is in our system. You’re welcome to look at it in the morning.”
Staff writers David Gutman and Ken Ward Jr. contributed to this report.
Reach Kate White at kate.white(a)<>, 304-348-1723<tel:304-348-1723> or follow @KateLWhite on Twitter.
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William V. DePaulo, Esq.
179 Summers Street, Suite 232
Charleston, WV 25301-2163
Tel 304-342-5588<tel:304-342-5588>
Fax 304-342-5505<tel:304-342-5505>
William V. DePaulo, Esq.
179 Summers Street, Suite 232
Charleston, WV 25301-2163
Tel 304-342-5588
Fax 304-342-5505