Kathryn, we just didn't know how dangerous. There are 253,600 pounds of methyl isocyanate (MIC) stored underground at the Bayer's Institute plant. That is the chemical that killed all those people in Bhopal, India. It is estimated that the MIC stored at Institute could kill people as far as 10 miles away from the plant. We are expendable, you see.......gotta have those jobs.
The article in the Gazette says: "At it's own plants in Germany and Belgium Bayer never stored large quantities of MIC. Instead, Bayer made and used the chemical as it was needed." I don't know what the past tense implies here. Does it mean they don't use MIC in their overseas plants anymore? Have they decided it won't take the risk in Germany and Belgium, whereas, it's okay in WV because those people will do anything for jobs?
XKatwalkx@aol.com wrote: