Walton Christopher Shepherd waltonchristophershepherd@gmail.com 3/6/2011 8:41 PM >>>
Hello colleague:
On Monday, March 14 at noon at the Law School, Grant Shuman, a lawyer from Spilman, Thomas and Battle in Charleston will be discussing legal issues surrounding wind energy development in WV that I think you will find interesting.
Grant is extremely bright, a native West Virginian, and he has worked on most of the major wind energy cases in WV, both in the court and at the PSC, including on Mount Storm and on the fascinating Beech Ridge case. He has long been an immense value to me personally in understanding the realities of wind development.
I hope you can make it! I'll send another reminder between now and then.
Have a great week, Chris Shepherd 206.7907
PS: And of course, please forward to any and all that may be interested.