I saw it, but I am in Charleston for PSC hearings. It would be great if we sent it to WV news media, perhaps with a quote for a "Local" perspective.
"Here in West Virginia, the NIETC Corridor designation would force local ratepayers to absorb the cost of trasmission line proposals like the Allegheny Energy TrAIL project, which scars the state's environment, gouges the ratepayers, and yet provides no benefit to West Virginia consumers" said Jim Kotcon a consultant for the West Virginia Chapter's Energy Committee. "The US Department of Energy has refused to do a complete Environmental Impact Study to fully disclose the adverse impacts of their proposal, and that is a serious procedural flaw that reduces the ability of local citizens to protect their property and the environment."
"Paul Wilson" pjgrunt@gmail.com 01/11/08 10:40 AM >>>
Have you all seen this? have a good weekend, paul ---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: Paul Wilson pjpaulgrunt@gmail.com Date: Jan 10, 2008 7:16 PM Subject: Fwd: FW: FINAL Mid-Atlantic NIETC press release To: Paul Wilson pjgrunt@gmail.com
Here is the press release issued today announcing our legal challenge to the DOE's NIETC corridor designation. Our East Coast corridor suit actually gets filed on next Monday. Glen
Glen Besa, Regional Director
Sierra Club Appalachian Region
(DC, DE, GA, MD, NC, SC, TN, VA, WV)
422 East Franklin Street, Suite 302
Richmond, VA 23219
O-804-225-9113 x 104
From: Aislinn Maestas [mailto:maestas@nwf.org] Sent: Thursday, January 10, 2008 12:05 PM To: Jimdougherty@aol.com; 'Sherri Evans-Stanton'; ramsay@catskillmountainkeeper.org; Wes Gillingham; dmyers@civilwar.org; Michael Leone; 'Andrew Loza'; Erica Ringewald; 'Ed Boito'; mattkenna@gmail.com; oliver.bass@natlands.org; SANDREA@NPCA.ORG; Bryan Faehner; Randy Sargent; cmiller@pecva.org; ldart@pecva.org; rlazaro@pecva.org; aferster@railtrails.org; Erin.Chalmers@sierraclub.org; glen.besa@sierraclub.org; Virginia.Cramer@sierraclub.org Cc: Amy Atwood; 'Megan Anderson' Subject: FINAL Mid-Atlantic NIETC press release
Please use this version for distribution.
-- Paul Wilson Chapter Chair WV Sierra Club 504 Jefferson Ave Charles Town, WV 25414 (H) 304-725-4360