You can skip the gag-me speech by Joe Manchin Thursday, and go to all the sessions Friday free (sans meals) if you follow the registration contact for nonprofits.
---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: Date: Wed, Oct 19, 2011 at 4:04 PM Subject: WVU 2 day Oct 27th and 28th Marcellus info from WVU news (clarified) To:
** WVU College of Law to present two-day exploration of Marcellus Shale issues (Clarifies registration fees for the event)****
WVU's College of Law leaders have rounded up an array of experts from the public and private sector for an information-based two-day exploration of economic and regulatory issues surrounding one of the most significant energy developments in the history of Appalachia – Marcellus Shale natural gas recovery.****
Marcellus Shale drilling – its economic potential and the regulatory conundrums faced by state lawmakers in protecting the economy and the environment – is the subject of Drilling Down on Regulatory Challenges: Balancing Preservation and Profitability in the Development of Shale Gas Resources set for Oct. 27 and 28 on the WVU campus.****
There will be a reception and banquet featuring keynote speaker Sen. Joe Manchin at 6 p.m. Thursday, Oct, 27 at the WVU Erickson Alumni Center. Speakers and panel discussions will be held at the Marlyn E. Lugar Courtroom (room 165) at the Law Center from 8:15 a.m. to 5 p.m. Friday, Oct. 28. The panel discussions on the 28th are free and open to the public. There is a fee of $150 for those registering to attend the reception and the banquet on the 27th; included in the that fee is a continental breakfast and lunch on the 28th. There is a fee of $25 for those wishing to register for the continental breakfast and lunch on the 28th only.****
More online: ****