Attached is the Piedmont Environmental Council Position Paper mentioned yesterday. It is loaded with good stuff that helps overcome the reliability arguments. It is 24 pages, but I recommend that everyone on the Energy Committee read it.
>>> "Bri West" <bwest(a)> 9/12/2007 1:28 PM >>>
Here it is!
-----Original Message-----
From: James Kotcon []
Sent: Wednesday, September 12, 2007 10:31 AM
To: bwest(a)
Subject: PEC …
[View More]Position statement
I did not get a copy of the Position Statement you mentioned last night.
Could you send me an electronic copy?
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New York Regional Interconnect has sued NY state legislators for passing
a law that prevents energy companies such as NYRI from using eminent
domain to seize private property.
Cuomo wants NYRI lawsuit dismissed
By Nancy Dooling
Binghamton Press & Sun-Bulletin
New York Attorney General Andrew Cuomo is seeking dismissal of a lawsuit
filed against state Assemblywoman Donna A. Lupardo, D-…
[View More]Endwell, and
others by an energy company that wants to develop a power line through
upstate New York.
New York Regional Interconnect filed suit earlier this year against
Lupardo as the author of a new state law that prevents energy companies
such as NYRI from using eminent domain to seize private property. The
lawsuit also names state Sen. John Bonacic, R-Mt. Hope, who sponsored
the legislation in the state Senate.
State lawmakers have fought NYRI by enacting legislation. Lupado cited
the potential environmental and economic damage the project would do to
the upstate counties through which the proposed power line would be
constructed. The project would supply power only to the New York City
NYRI is claiming it has been harmed by the state law sponsored by
Lupardo and Bonacic. Cuomo is expected to argue that NYRI has not been
harmed because its application is still pending before a federal agency.
Also named in the NYRI lawsuit is Gov. Eliot Spitzer, former Gov. George
E. Pataki, several state officials, and other upstate elected officials
including state Sen. Thomas W. Libous, R-Binghamton.
Lupardo said a court hearing on the matter has been scheduled for Nov.
11 in Albany's federal court before Senior U.S. District Court Judge
Thomas J. McAvoy. Sens. Charles E. Schumer and Hillary Rodham Clinton,
both D-NY, are also seeking to restrict the exercise of eminent domain
by energy companies, Lupardo said. Earlier this month, a similar
amendment sponsored by Rep. Michael Arcuri, D-Utica, and Rep. Maurice D.
Hinchey, D-Hurley, died in the House of Representatives.
[View Less]
I vote yes.
From: ec-bounces(a) [] On Behalf
Of duane330(a)
Sent: Wednesday, September 12, 2007 2:55 PM
To: ec(a)
Cc: Duane330(a)
Subject: [EC] Status Hearing on Friday, Sept 14
To: Energy Committee.
I have just reviewed the proposed Schedule of the Staff of the PSC,
September 11th. This is to be reviewed and acted upon this Friday.
Two major comments, that I put into a motion …
[View More]for our Energy Committee,
to be acted upon by Bill DePaulo:
1. We support the addition of 35 days to the original proposed
to provide that the Evidentiary Hearings in Charleston take place after
the holiday months of November and December of 2008, the new dates
becoming January 9th thru January 18th.
2. We take exception to the proposal that Reply Briefs be due on
February 26, 2008, just 11 days after the due date of February 15th for
the Initial Briefs. We believe that an additional 6 days is appropriate
for the due date of the Reply Briefs, as this is an extremely complex
and extensive case, and because for the most part the intervenors are
relying upon volunteer or part-time assistance in their legal
preparations. This would still leave 60 days for the PSC to render
their decision.
Respectfully submitted, Duane Nichols
[View Less]
Thanks Will. I got info from JBK on this. He said 142' -150' towers. These are the numbers i will use. Thanks for getting back with me..
----- Original Message ----
From: Will Reilly <wjreilly99(a)>
To: Barbara Fallon <brbr_fallon(a)>; ec(a)
Cc: Will Reilly <wjreilly99(a)>
Sent: Wednesday, September 12, 2007 11:51:28 AM
Subject: Re: [EC] How high
Barbara: This is a direct quote from a TRailCo FAQ
Q: Rather than placing a 500kV …
[View More]transmission line on 125-foot towers, wouldn't it be better just to bury it underground where nobody sees it?
So it's probably at least 125 foot if this is a hypothetical question. Will
The link is
Includes maps of route, as well as links to the WV, PA and VA applications.
Barbara Fallon <brbr_fallon(a)> wrote:
Does anyone know how high the proposed Allegheny towers will be?
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Bad news! Who will address the costs of greenhouse gases?
>>> "Richard Rosen" <rrosen(a)> 9/10/2007 1:10 PM >>>
Sorry that I have not gotten back to you with a proposal since we spoke.
But this delay illustrates my problem. I am really too busy to take on
your case...I think I would be irresponsible to do so. So, upon further
thought, I have to decline being a consultant to the Sierra Club.
Rich Rosen
-----Original Message-----
[View More]From: James Kotcon []
Sent: Tuesday, September 04, 2007 2:02 PM
To: Richard Rosen
Subject: Allegheny transmission line
A "status hearing" is scheduled on Sept. 14, at which time we expect
some sort of definitive schedule for filing direct testimony, rebuttal
testimony, and finally an evidentiary hearing. I agree that the primary
issues we would like addressed would include "reliability" (have they
made their case, and even if they have, is the line the most reasonable
approach) and the issue of the effect of future carbon costs on electric
rates and the demand for transmission of electricity from Allegheny
versus sources with lower carbon emissions.I believe that the primary
driver for this line is Allegheny's desire to sell their "low-cost"
electricity to eastern markets, but if their electricity is no longer
"low cost" will the line be "used and useful"
Thank you again for your call, and we look forward to receiving your
letter outlining services and costs.
Feel free to contact me if I can provide more information
Jim Kotcon
304-293-8822 (office)
304-594-3322 (home)
[View Less]
To: Energy Committee.
It occurs to me that the NIETC components of the US Energy Policy Act
of 2005 may be unconstitutional given that this act provides powers to
the federal government that are in the domain of "state's rights".
Consider that the federal government has apparently backed off of
requiring the State of Nevada to accept the long-term storage of
radioactive wastes from the nuclear power plants.
Does anyone know whether the Sierra Club or others are
intending to …
[View More]challenge this part or other parts of the
Energy Policy Act of 2005?
p.s. Now that Allegheny Energy is intending to use federal
authority to charge back costs for planning the TrAIL line,
we have a much larger set of issues to face, and more
outrage on the part of the general public.
************************************** See what's new at
[View Less]
To: Energy Committee.
I met with Ron Klein, retired WVU professor of electrical engineering, this
past Friday afternoon. We discussed the preparation of testimony regarding
the proposed TrAIL line.
We decided to focus on the areas of reliability and congestion. We had
an extensive discussion. I printed off some documents from the PSC
web pages for him and gave him some example materials from the
Longview case. We are both currently reading and preparing for a
working session …
[View More]this coming week.
It is important for us to do a substantial amount of study to feel
about the case, so as to permit the preparation of an outline or draft of
possible expert testimony. This is the current priority.
My approach is to get his participation at little or no cost. I'll get a
better reading on this during the coming week. So, Jonothan and
I can hopefully meet with him a couple of times this coming week.
p.s. I came home from Pennsylvania with a few additional ideas about
testimony for the TrAIL case and am working to put a summary together.
An MD presented references on health effects and a landowner presented
some compelling information on security risks, as in "homeland" security.
************************************** See what's new at
[View Less]
From: Frank Young []
Sent: Thu 9/6/2007 11:51 AM
To: Grubb, Karen
Subject: Re: [EC] Transmission line blurb for chapter web page
Thanks Karen.
The deadline for the September Highlands Voice was last Friday- the day we met at Barbara's. And I was away from computer until Monday.
We will have a good article, including with bullet points for letters and info. on how to contribute $$$, etc. in the October issue.
If there is …
[View More]anything else, more specific or more urgent or whatever that comes up, and which the Highlands Voice can help with, send it to me. Or you can send stuff directly to Editor John McFerrin at johnmcferrin(a) .
Understand though, John edits and prioritizes submissions by others. But his policy is to use, without editing and without question, anything submitted by a WVHC board member, . So if it's really important, get it to me and it will be in the Voice.
----- Original Message -----
From: Grubb, Karen <>
To: Frank Young <>
Sent: Wednesday, September 05, 2007 5:50 PM
Subject: FW: [EC] Transmission line blurb for chapter web page
Use as you see fit. You were a big help at the meeting. Thanks for
-----Original Message-----
From: ec-bounces(a) [] On Behalf
Of James Kotcon
Sent: Saturday, September 01, 2007 2:37 PM
To: EC(a)
Subject: [EC] Transmission line blurb for chapter web page
Attached is a modified and updated fact sheet for the web page, or for
general use. I have included a sample letter to political leaders, as
well as an announcement of public hearings on the last page.
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I will look into this. As you will recall Jim, the Energy Foundation is the source we discussed on a recent phone call with Pat Gallagher and Beth Soholt. I think this foundation only funds to the mid-west. You know I will look into it though. ...
----- Original Message ----
From: "Grubb, Karen" <kgrubb(a)>
To: EC(a)
Sent: Tuesday, September 4, 2007 2:12:56 PM
Subject: Re: [EC] consultants -Barbara
Barbara, what do you …
[View More]think?
-----Original Message-----
From: ec-bounces(a) [] On Behalf
Of James Kotcon
Sent: Tuesday, September 04, 2007 2:04 PM
To: EC(a)
Subject: [EC] consultants
I have made another contact with Rosen at the Tellus Institute, and
asked him to send us a letter outlining his services and costs.
He suggested we contact "The Energy Foundation" as a potential funding
source, as they often fund work such as this. I seem to recall that
name mentioned earlier, so perhaps we should follow up expeditiously, or
at least find out who they are.
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