From: marcellusgasinfo(a)
[] On Behalf Of William Huston
Sent: Thursday, May 23, 2013 11:27 PM
To: undisclosed-recipients:
Subject: [MarcellusGasInfo] Map of Gas Infrastructure, Susquehanna Co. PA +
S. Broome NY
Holy God
(see attached)
May you, and all beings
be happy and free from suffering :)
-- ancient Buddhist Prayer (Metta)
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f;yi, paul
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Public News Service <newsservice(a)>
Date: Mon, May 20, 2013 at 3:04 AM
Subject: WVNS story: Another Power Plant Being Unloaded Onto WV Consumers?
To: PaulWilson <pjgrunt(a)>
Another Power Plant Being Unloaded Onto WV Consumers?
Dan Heyman, Public News Service-WV
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(05/20/13) CHARLESTON, W.Va. - With coal-fired power plants around the
nation shutting down, why are corporations such as American Electric Power
trying to sell coal-generating capacity to customers in West Virginia and
Kentucky? Critics say the corporations are trying to move plants that are
no longer cost-effective onto the backs of ratepayers who would have no
choice but to pay for them.
Alex Desha, an organizer with the Sierra Club in Kentucky, said that
motivation is behind a plan to have AEP subsidiaries Appalachian Power and
Kentucky Power take the Mitchell power station in Moundsville from a
deregulated AEP subsidiary in Ohio.
"It's essentially playing a shell game with our money," he said. "They're
buying an old, outdated power plant and they're locking us into coal-fired
generation for an extended period of time."
Critics said the plan would raise rates and make consumers more dependent
on a single fuel source, maybe adding to future costs, while making the
deregulated Ohio subsidiary more diversified and flexible.
AEP also wants to shift part of the John Amos plant to Appalachian Power,
and a separate power company - FirstEnergy - wants to do a similar thing
with a power plant in Harrison County.
Cathy Kunkel, policy analyst, Energy Efficient West Virginia, pointed out
that this is happening as dozens of coal plants have shut down due to
competition from cheap natural gas. She said if AEP tried to sell the
Mitchell plant on the open market, it might get only a quarter of what the
power company wants Appalachian Power to pay.
"The low price of natural gas has really driven down open-market sales of
coal plants," Kunkel said. "It's cheaper to generate and buy power from
natural gas plants."
AEP said its regulated West Virginia and Kentucky subsidiaries need the
generating capacity. However, Kunkel noted, the corporation initially said
Appalachian Power needed 80 percent of the Mitchell Plant's capacity, until
Kentucky Power decided to retire part of one of its plants, meaning it
could buy some of the Mitchell capacity.
"Appalachian Power's plan suddenly changed," Kunkel explained. "They said,
'Oh, we only need 50 percent of the Mitchell plant.' Is this actually about
what's the best way to meet the capacity needs of Appalachian Power, or AEP
offloading the Mitchell plant?"
The West Virginia PSC will hold a hearing later this summer.
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Paul Wilson
Sierra Club
504 Jefferson Ave
Charles Town, WV 25414-1130
Phone: 304-725-4360
Cell: 304-279-1361
"There is no forward until you have gone back" ~Buddha
"In all things of nature there is something of the marvelous" ~ Aristotle
fyi, paul
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Public News Service <newsservice(a)>
Date: Thu, May 16, 2013 at 3:01 AM
Subject: WVNS story: Report: WV Coal Production Will Fall, but Employment
Will Rise
To: PaulWilson <pjgrunt(a)>
Report: WV Coal Production Will Fall, but Employment Will Rise
Dan Heyman, Public News Service-WV
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(05/16/13) CHARLESTON, W.Va. - For the next two decades, more miners will
be digging less coal in West Virginia, according to an in-depth
Morgantown consulting firm Downstream Strategies analyzed federal and other
figures and pins the cause on thinner coal seams and, to a lesser degree,
cheap natural gas. By 2040, the report said, central Appalachian coal
production will be about a third of where it was at its 1997 peak.
Even so, Downstream president Evan Hansen said employment actually will
"It takes more miners to produce a ton of coal," he said. "Generally that's
because the thickest, most easily accessible coal seams are being mined
Both production levels and per-miner productivity already have fallen a
great deal in the past decade, Hansen said, adding that he expects that
trend to continue.
The industry attacks what it calls a "war on coal" by regulators, but
Hansen said their real enemy is geology. Thinner coal seams and cheap gas
mean much of the demand for central Appalachian coal from power plants is
going away, he said, and regulations often don't enter into it.
"If there's less demand," he said, "then frankly it doesn't matter how
strict the regulations are because people are not going to buy as much."
Despite the decline in demand from power plants, the report said, the
number of mining jobs will rise - in part, Hansen said, because of a shift
from highly mechanized surface mining that supplies coal for power plants
to more labor-intensive underground mining for coal to make steel.
According to the report, five West Virginia counties - Mingo, Kanawha,
Lincoln, Boone and Nicholas - will be especially vulnerable as production
declines.They could face a tough patch, Hansen said, but devoting part of
the severance tax to a future fund would help pay for the transition.
"Set aside that fund so that it can be used in these counties long into the
future, as a perpetual source of funding to help diversify the economy,"
Hansen said.
The report is available online at<…>
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Paul Wilson
Sierra Club
504 Jefferson Ave
Charles Town, WV 25414-1130
Phone: 304-725-4360
Cell: 304-279-1361
"There is no forward until you have gone back" ~Buddha
"In all things of nature there is something of the marvelous" ~ Aristotle
WVU's James VanNostrand has an excellent analysis and statement of
everything wrong with the FE deal to sell Harrison Station to Mon Power.
Jim Sconyers
Remember, Mother Nature bats last.
*There is no Planet B!*
How can we live with it?Thomas Jones
- BUY<…>
The Carbon Crunch: How We're Getting Climate Change Wrong - and How to
Fix It by Dieter Helm <,+Dieter>
Yale, 273 pp, £20.00, September 2012, ISBN 978 0 300 18659 8
- BUY<…>
Earthmasters: The Dawn of the Age of Climate Engineering byClive
Yale, 247 pp, £20.00, February, ISBN 978 0 300 18667 3
- BUY<…>
The City and the Coming Climate: Climate Change in the Places We
Live by Brian
Stone <,+Brian>
Cambridge, 187 pp, £19.99, July 2012, ISBN 978 1 107 60258 8
You are invited to read this free book review from the *London Review of
Books*. Subscribe now to access every article from every fortnightly issue
of the*London Review of Books*, including the entire LRB archive of over
12,500 essays and
On a damp, chill, blustery August afternoon in Whitby a few years ago I
overheard a disgruntled holidaymaker declaiming - to his family, to anyone
who would listen, to the wind - that 'global warming is a load of
codswallop.' One of his children, a boy of around ten, was valiantly trying
to explain to him the difference between climate and weather. But he wasn't
paying attention, or couldn't hear over the gale and the sound of his own
voice. 'Global warming,' he insisted again, 'is a load of codswallop.' This
year's April snows provoked similar sentiments in many quarters. 'After
such a long spell of cold, wet weather,'*Channel 4 News* asked, 'should
scientists admit that the drastic temperature rises they predicted have
failed to materialise?' A few days later, *Nature Geoscience*published a
paper showing summer melting on the Antarctic Peninsula at a level
'unprecedented over the past thousand years'.
The codswallop brigade say that even if the climate is changing, it isn't
our fault. 'We human beings,' Boris Johnson wrote in the *Telegraph* in
January, 'have become so blind with conceit and self-love that we genuinely
believe that the fate of the planet is in our hands.' On the one hand,
then, the modest mayor of London. On the other, a former head of the US
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (as paraphrased by Brian
Stone): 'Only Newton's laws of motion may enjoy a wider scientific
consensus than a human-enhanced greenhouse effect.' There isn't consensus,
however, either scientific or political, about the best ways to respond to
the problem; in part because so many possible avenues of research are being
explored, and it's still too early to say which, if any, have a reasonable
chance of leading us out of the woods (or rather the desert, or the
The facts, rehearsed so often, for so long and to so little effect,
nonetheless bear repeating. The greenhouse effect was first hypothesised in
1824 by Joseph Fourier - though his analogy was the bell jar rather than
the greenhouse - and proved experimentally by John Tyndall in 1859. In the
19th century it could be seen as unambiguously a good thing: if carbon
dioxide and other trace gases didn't trap heat in the atmosphere, the earth
wouldn't be warm enough to support life as we know it. But there is now far
more carbon dioxide in the atmosphere than there has been at any point in
the last 800,000 years (we know this because researchers have analysed air
bubbles trapped in the ice in Greenland and Antarctica: the deeper you go,
the older the bubbles). The concentration has increased from nearly 320
parts per million (high, but not unprecedented) in 1960 to more than 390
ppm today, 30 per cent higher than any previous peak, largely as a result
of human activity. Not even the most fervent climate change denier can
argue with the fact that burning carbon produces carbon dioxide: before the
Industrial Revolution, atmospheric carbon dioxide levels were 280 ppm.
Since 1850, more than 360 billion tonnes of fossil fuels have gone up in
smoke. Average global temperatures have risen accordingly, for the last
quarter century pretty much in line with the predictions made by the
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change in its first assessment report
(1990). Almost every year since 1988, when the IPCC was established, has
been the hottest ever recorded. The most optimistic projection, which
governments are nominally committed to (that's to say, the signatories of
the Copenhagen Accord in 2009 agreed it would be nice), is that the average
global temperature will rise no more than 2ºC by the end of the century.
Sea level has risen 6 cm since 1990. The IPCC's fourth assessment report
(2007) projected that it would rise between 18 and 59 cm by 2100. According
to a more recent study, it could be anything from 33 to 132 cm.
The question of how to prevent climate change - we're way past that point
now - has morphed into the question of how to slow it down. There's no
shortage of theoretical answers about the best way to pump fewer greenhouse
gases into the atmosphere, or suck more of them out, or lower the
temperature by other means. (Another week, another book about climate
change: the mood optative, the structure evangelical; threats of doom
followed by promises of salvation, punctuated by warnings against false
prophets.) And yet carbon emissions, temperatures, sea level and the
frequency of extreme weather events just keep on going up. Which leads to
another, perhaps even more urgent question: if climate change is not only
inevitable but already underway, how are we to live with it? The shift in
emphasis towards adaptation will be reflected in the IPCC's fifth
assessment report, due next year.
The aim of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change,
negotiated at the Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro in 1992, was to 'stabilise
greenhouse gas concentrations in the atmosphere at a level that would
prevent dangerous anthropogenic interference with the climate system'. So
much for that. Twenty years on, after many more rounds of inconclusive
talks, declarations of good intentions and accusations of bad faith, the
first commitment period of the Kyoto Protocol has expired, with next to
nothing to show for it, despite its excessively modest demands. Of the
world's eight biggest national emitters of carbon dioxide, which between
them account for more than 66 per cent of global emissions, only Germany
(2.4 per cent) has agreed to legally binding reductions in the second
commitment period (2013-20). Canada (1.7 per cent) has withdrawn from the
protocol; the United States (16 per cent) never ratified it; China (29 per
cent), India (5.9 per cent), Russia (5.4 per cent), Japan (3.7 per cent)
and South Korea (1.8 per cent) are still signatories but don't have binding
targets. Even the apparent successes of the first commitment period turn
out to be not only modest but illusory: as Dieter Helm points out in *The
Carbon Crunch*, Western Europe's 10 per cent reduction in emissions since
1990 is largely attributable to a decline in manufacturing. A lot of the
energy generated in China's coal-fired power stations, which burn nearly as
much of the black stuff as the rest of the world put together, is used to
manufacture things for export to the West. We haven't really cut our
emissions; we've just outsourced them.
China is now pumping four times as much carbon dioxide into the atmosphere
as it was thirty years ago. There is a widely held view that if only China
would stop burning coal, everything would be more or less OK (it's almost
the only thing Helm and Clive Hamilton agree on). The government in Beijing
said in February that China's coal burning will peak in the next two years.
Maybe it will, maybe it won't. Nicholas Stern, who wrote a report on the
economics of climate change for the British government in 2007, reckons the
world would do well to take China at its word. 'Smart investors can already
see that most fossil fuel reserves are essentially unburnable,' he wrote in
the foreword to a recent report by the Carbon Tracker initiative and the
LSE's Grantham Institute, if we are 'to avoid global warming of more than
report imagines that emissions targets will somehow be met, which means
that up to 80 per cent of the vast quantities of fossil fuel reserves held
as assets by publicly listed companies will lose all their value, and the
huge sums currently being expended on finding new reserves will all be
wasted: result, financial meltdown (again). It isn't hard, however, to turn
the argument on its head: there's too much money at stake for those
reserves not to be burned, so global warming of only 2°C is a
way, Beijing is apparently pouring money into renewable energy
(hydroelectric, solar, wind, geothermal), as well as setting up an
emissions trading scheme like the one the EU introduced in 2005.
The idea behind an ETS is that power stations and factories are allocated a
greenhouse gas emissions quota. If they emit less than their quota, they
can sell the difference to a factory or power station that wants to emit
more. A report in*Nature Climate Change* last autumn cautiously concluded
that 'armed with powerful state machinery, China may be able to avoid some
of the earlier failures of the EU ETS.' The European failures include
handing out too many permits and giving them away rather than making
companies pay for them. In April, the European Parliament voted against
temporarily reducing the allowances (a reduction might have stimulated the
flagging market): the economic slump means there's been very little demand
for excess pollution rights. After the vote the carbon price fell even
further. 'Some environmentalists,' the *Economist* said, 'fear that the
whole edifice of European climate policy could start to crumble.' Others
are hoping it will, so that something that works may be put in its place.
Helm, an economist and British government adviser (he's the chair of the
Defra Natural Capital Committee and a member of the Economics Advisory
Group to the secretary of state for energy and climate change), has a
three-part proposal: switch from coal to gas; introduce a carbon tax to
replace the ETS and apply it to imports to encourage other nations to get
out of coal too; and invest in research into renewable energy. He almost
makes it sound simple. Current renewables, he argues, simply aren't up to
the task: he especially has it in for wind, quoting the dismaying statistic
from David MacKay's *Sustainable Energy: Without the Hot Air* that a
four-kilometre-wide belt of offshore windfarms all the way round the coast
of Britain would provide less than an eighth of Britons' average daily
energy consumption (according to official, conservative figures, which
don't take imports into
nuclear power stations are just too slow to build, too unpopular and too
[image: Felix Dennis Tour
So natural gas, which is half as polluting as coal, is the best - indeed
the only realistic - 'transitionary option', Helm says, until a
carbon-neutral alternative capable of meeting the world's growing energy
demands is developed. He acknowledges some of the problems with gas,
especially shale gas: leakages (methane is a far more potent greenhouse gas
than carbon dioxide, though it doesn't stay in the atmosphere for nearly so
long, ten years rather than hundreds); water pollution at fracking sites;
the abundance, cheapness and greener-than-coal reputation of gas reducing
or delaying incentives to develop genuinely green alternatives. But he
shrugs them off, as lenient on them as he is unforgiving of the supposedly
insurmountable difficulties with wind power. Other commentators (Bill
McKibben is one) are less sanguine. And it is convenient, not to say
suspicious, that Helm should be pushing gas as a solution to climate
change, however 'transitionary', just as, in Barack Obama's words, 'we're
producing more natural gas than ever before.' Helm doesn't make clear why
current renewables, however imperfect, should be seen as an obstacle to the
development of better alternatives and not as a 'transitionary' step in the
right direction. It seems a bit like saying: 'No thank you, Mr Stephenson,
you can keep your slow and inefficient steam locomotive; I'm waiting for
the bullet train.'
As for the form the bullet train could take, Helm won't hazard a guess. 'It
is impossible to pick the winners in this technology race,' he says, noting
po-faced that his 'email inbox is full of excited reports of the latest
"breakthrough"'. 'The best we can do is identify classes of technologies
that look like good prospects': including next generation solar (using, for
example, carbon rather than silicon in photovoltaic cells),
biotechnologies, nuclear and geothermal heat.
The nuclear possibilities still include fusion, though Helm doesn't mention
it. The amazing thing about fusion is that it doesn't produce radioactive
waste or greenhouse gases, only helium, and it doesn't require nuclear
fuel, only deuterium (a hydrogen isotope readily extractable from seawater)
and a relatively small amount of lithium (already mined in large quantities
for use in batteries). The really big problem is how to set up a fusion
reaction that produces more energy than it consumes. That's what happens in
stars, but creating the conditions for productive fusion on earth is far
from easy. Three years ago, at Cadarache in south-east France, work started
on the EURO 13 billion International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor: a
joint venture by China, the EU, India, Japan, Korea, Russia and the US. The
hope, when it eventually goes online (in 2020, supposedly), is that it will
be able to generate ten times as much power as goes into it: 500 megawatts
from 50. In order to do this it will have to reach temperatures of
150,000,000°C, ten times hotter than the middle of the sun. 'The goal of
the ITER fusion programme,' its website says, 'is to produce a net gain of
energy and set the stage for the demonstration fusion power plant to come.'
Even if everything goes according to plan, large-scale electricity
generation from nuclear fusion is a very long way off. Researchers at
Lockheed Martin are working on a nippier approach that could, they say, 'be
ready with a power plant in ten years' that 'would enable us to meet global
electricity demands by around 2050, in time to have a significant impact on
our climate.' But no one else seems to be holding their breath.
As for biotechnologies, Helm mentions using algae to produce biodiesel. But
that's the least of it. The Bioenergy Systems Research Institute at the
University of Georgia announced in March that they'd found a way to 'remove
plants as the middleman ... We can take carbon dioxide directly °from the
atmosphere and turn it into useful products like fuels and chemicals
without having to go through the inefficient process of growing plants and
extracting sugars from biomass.'*Pyrococcus furiosus* ('rushing fireball'),
discovered in the Aeolian Islands in 1986, is a micro-organism that thrives
at high temperatures (around 100°C) near underwater geothermal vents.
Organisms able to live in conditions that would kill most things - under
extremes of temperature, pressure, acidity, radiation - are known as
extremophiles. Bacteria known as snottites (the etymology is bluntly
Anglo-Saxon) live in caves deep underground where they feed on hydrogen
sulphide. Among the largest extremophiles are half-millimetre-long
eight-legged animals called tardigrades. Johann Goeze, who first described
the phylum in 1773, called it *kleiner Wasserbär* ('little water bear');
they're also known as moss piglets. More than a thousand species have since
been identified, found everywhere from the seabed to the peaks of the
Himalayas. The oldest tardigrade fossils date from 530 million years ago.
They can survive for several minutes at 150°C or near absolute zero (and
for several days at -200°C); endure both a vacuum and 6000 atmospheres of
pressure; and tolerate levels of radiation a thousand times higher than
would kill a human being. They've been taken up on space shuttles, exposed
to open space for ten days and survived. According to a paper by a team of
German researchers published in *Bioinformatics and Biology Insights* last
year, the 'specific molecular pathways for stress adaptations' in
tardigrades 'are partly conserved in other animals and their manipulation
could boost stress adaptation even in human cells.'
The mere existence of extremophiles (though 'mere' is hardly the word) is,
in its way, bleakly comforting: evidence that life in some form seems bound
to continue, whatever destruction humanity may wreak. But they offer more
immediate grounds for hope. The researchers at UGA genetically modified *P.
furiosus* to feed on carbon dioxide at much lower temperatures and, with
the addition of some hydrogen, to produce 3-hydroxypropionic acid, a useful
industrial chemical. Tinker with its genes in other ways and, in theory,
you could have a micro-organism that would more or less guzzle CO2 and piss
petrol. But not just yet.
Clive Hamilton, a professor of public ethics at Charles Sturt University,
Canberra, is suspicious of 'the lure of the technofix'. In *Earthmasters*,
between the handwringing ('for those who value civilised society and who
are not willing to turn their faces away from the poorest and most
vulnerable people of the world, the reasons to fret are numberless') and
the awkward imagery ('I will suggest that climate engineering is the last
battle in a titanic struggle between Prometheans and Soterians,' Soteria
being 'the goddess of safety, preservation and deliverance from harm'),
Hamilton gives a fairly thorough survey of schemes to counteract global
warming through large-scale manipulation of the stratosphere or the oceans.
As we're doing such a hopeless job of pumping less carbon dioxide into the
atmosphere, how about trying harder to suck some of it out? In the budget
in March, George Osborne announced that the government intended to take
'two major carbon capture and storage projects to the next stage of
development'. One of them, in the words of the Department of Energy and
Climate Change, 'involves capturing around 90 per cent of the carbon
dioxide from part' - how large a part it doesn't say - 'of the existing
gas-fired power station at Peterhead before transporting it and storing it
in a depleted gas field beneath the North Sea'. The other scheme 'involves
capturing 90 per cent of the carbon dioxide from a new super-efficient
coal-fired power station at the Drax site in North Yorkshire, before
transporting and storing it in a saline aquifer beneath the southern North
Sea'. The cynical view is that such projects - these two 'involve' private
companies including Shell and BOC - are (skimpy) fig leaves for the fossil
fuel industry. Two other projects are being held in reserve. 'A final
investment decision will be taken by the government in early 2015 on the
construction of up to two projects.' 'Up to two' could mean one. Or it
could mean none. Whichever, it won't be nearly enough to have a discernible
effect on Britain's emissions, let alone global atmospheric carbon dioxide
Other, more ambitious carbon sequestration schemes are based on the idea
that, given a little chemical encouragement, other species could do the
capture and storage for us. Twenty-five years ago, one of the 11-year-olds
in my science class asked our teacher why 'they' didn't invent machines to
suck carbon dioxide out of the atmosphere. 'They have,' Mr Cooney replied.
'They're called trees.' But trees are slow growing, and vulnerable to fire
and chainsaws, and when they rot or burn the carbon they've captured and
stored is released back into the atmosphere. Half the oxygen in the
atmosphere is produced by photosynthesis not in trees but in phytoplankton.
They reproduce incredibly fast and, when they die, some of the carbon
they've taken from the air eventually sinks to the ocean floor (passing
through the bodies of a series of larger creatures along the way), where it
will remain for possibly thousands of years.
Phytoplankton blooms can be encouraged by fertilising the seas with iron
(they can't photosynthesise without it). This happens naturally when high
winds blow iron-rich dust from the land out to sea. Or it can be done
artificially by spraying a few thousand litres of iron sulphate solution
off the back of a boat. Several experiments have been carried out to
determine how effective this is as a way of taking carbon dioxide out of
the atmosphere for the long term: probably not very, because far less
carbon than was hoped actually tends to sink to the seabed, though it
depends where the experiment is carried out (phytoplankton with shells,
which can only grow if there's silicon in the water to make their shells
from, sink better than those without). And iron fertilisation has any
number of unintended and unpredictable consequences for marine ecosystems.
But none of that stopped Russ George - a Californian businessman variously
described as a 'geo-vigilante', 'rogue geoengineer' or 'climate hacker'; he
calls himself 'a translator of science into application' - from discharging
a hundred tonnes of iron sulphate, far more than any previous experiment
had used, into the Pacific last summer. It produced a phytoplankton bloom
over 4000 square miles of ocean. Beyond that, the effects are as yet
Another possibility, instead of taking carbon dioxide out of the
atmosphere, is to turn down the heat, using what's known as 'solar
radiation management'. The term was coined by Ken Caldeira, an atmospheric
scientist at the Carnegie Institute, who told Hamilton he came up with it
while organising a workshop with Nasa in 2006 and wanted a 'boring sounding
name' that wouldn't scare bureaucrats who were 'queasy' about
'geoengineering'. Worried about the negative connotations of the word
'radiation', Caldeira later suggested that the acronym SRM stood for
'sunlight reflection methods'. The more visible sunlight that is reflected
back into space, the less there is to be absorbed by the earth and
re-emitted as lower frequency infrared radiation, which is what's absorbed
and re-emitted into the atmosphere by greenhouse gases. One of the many
reasons the melting of ice sheets, ice-caps and glaciers is such bad news
is that ice and snow are highly reflective - it's the reason they look
white to us - and rocks are not: less ice means less reflected sunlight
means more warming.
Proposed artificial sunlight reflection methods include launching giant
mirrors into space, making clouds brighter by spraying seawater into the
air (clouds are formed when water vapour condenses on tiny particles of
dust, say, or soot, or sea salt; more salt in the air means denser clouds;
denser clouds reflect more light), and spraying sulphates into the
stratosphere. Large volcanic eruptions - Mount Laki in 1783, Mount Tabora
in 1815 (1816 was 'the year without a summer'), Mount Pinatubo in 1991 -
can send enough ash into the stratosphere to bring the average temperature
down significantly: by 0.5°C during the year after Mount Pinatubo. Rather
than waiting for the next volcano, we could spray sulphates into the
stratosphere using planes, or even a giant hose. 'Stratospheric aerosol
spraying is the archetypal geoengineering technique,' Hamilton writes. 'It
would be easy, effective and cheap, and have the most far-reaching
implications for life on earth.'
The two big problems with geoengineering are, first, that interfering with
vast, complex and poorly understood systems may well have unforeseen and
potentially disastrous consequences, though that has to be weighed against
the fact that simply carrying on as we are has consequences that are
largely foreseeable and certainly disastrous; and, second, moral hazard: if
the symptoms of global warming can be relieved by geoengineering, there's
even less incentive for greenhouse gas emitters to do anything about the
cause. Hamilton quotes a study that models what would happen if carbon
emissions continued to rise at their present rate, but solar radiation
management were used to offset the global warming between 2020 and 2059 and
then for whatever reason abruptly stopped: temperatures would soar, and we
- and other species - would have to (or in many cases fail to) adapt to the
surge over ten years rather than fifty. Hamilton hazily worries that
geoengineering crosses some kind of line in humanity's relationship with
'nature', though you could just as well argue that our ancestors crossed
that line when they first struck flint to pyrite over tinder tens of
thousands of years ago.
'There is something deeply perverse,' Hamilton writes, 'in the demand that
we construct an immense industrial infrastructure in order to deal with the
carbon emissions from another immense industrial infrastructure, when we
could just stop burning fossil fuels.' But, actually, we couldn't. Not
because it would be too expensive, and not only because billions of people
would promptly die - from starvation, disease, cold, heat - but also, as
Hamilton observes elsewhere in*Earthmasters*, because one immediate effect
would be a sharp rise in global temperature. One of the effects of burning
fossil fuels is the maintenance of a thick haze of sulphate aerosols in the
atmosphere, which keeps the sunlight out and the temperature down.
Sulphates last only weeks in the atmosphere; carbon dioxide endures for
centuries. We are in a multiple bind. Both emissions and atmospheric levels
of greenhouse gases need to be severely reduced. Cutting one without the
other would be either fruitless in the long term or dangerous in the short
term. We may well need to find other ways to keep the temperature down
without fooling ourselves into believing we've made the problem go away.
And we need to do all these things at the same time.
But who are 'we'? Who will - who can - do what is required? Neither the
'international community' nor such enterprising individuals as Russ George
are in a position to save the planet (not that 'the planet' per se is in
any need of saving, not even from the people who want to cool it down by
shifting its orbit further from the sun using nuclear missiles and
asteroids; just some of the lifeforms clinging to or scurrying around on
its surface). The problem is so vast that it seems beyond anyone's
individual or collective power to do anything about it. The theme of Earth
Day 2013 on 22 April was 'The Face of Climate Change', an attempt to
'personalise the massive challenge climate change presents'.
Another way of putting it would be to say that everybody needs to start
looking at climate change as a local as well as a global problem. This may
or may not have been what the executive secretary of the UN Framework
Convention on Climate Change meant when she said earlier this month at the
end of a 'very productive week' of talks in Bonn that 'there is a growing
realisation that this cannot be done exclusively by governments.' Carbon
dioxide, wherever it may be emitted, is evenly distributed around the
globe. But warming isn't. (Britain's recent cold winters don't disprove
anything: they may well be caused by melting Arctic sea ice.) Brian Stone
points out in *The City and the Coming Climate* that cities are getting
hotter faster than anywhere else - so much so that they're often excluded
from calculations of average global warming as statistical outliers. But
more than half the people in the world now live in cities, and the
proportion is set to increase to 70 per cent by 2050. The infrastructure
that cities depend on is far more fragile than we care to think about. In
August 2003, a short circuit on a power line in rural Ohio left 55 million
people in the north-eastern United States without electricity. Stone begins
his book with a riveting account of the devastating heatwave that swept
over Europe ten years ago, when a temperature of 100ºF was recorded for the
first time ever in the UK:
In all, the EU estimated that more than 70,000 citizens of 12 countries
died from heat-induced illnesses over a four-month period in the summer of
2003. This number represents more fatalities than have resulted from any EU
or American conflict since World War Two or any natural disaster (e.g.,
hurricanes, earthquakes and floods) to have ever struck a developed nation.
It dwarfs the 1800 deaths attributed to Hurricane Katrina in 2005 and
effectively renders trivial the 900 lives lost during the highly publicised
Sars epidemic that struck in the same year as the heatwave ... Americans
would need to experience more than 20 terrorist attacks equivalent in
destruction to 9/11 before such a death toll would be approached. Yet the
global response to this climate event, an event that reveals more about the
profoundly changing environment in which we now live than any other yet
endured, has largely been one of indifference.
The reasons for the indifference aren't unobvious: the slow burn of a
heatwave is less dramatic than a hurricane, an earthquake, a flood or a
terrorist attack; most of the victims were old and many of them
unidentified, buried in unmarked graves; the death toll is calculated by
counting excess deaths, comparing the number of people who died during the
heatwave with the number in previous years, so it's possible to say how
many were killed, but not who they were. Heatwaves resist personalisation.
'Cities do not cause heatwaves,' Stone writes, 'they amplify them.' At the
peak of a heatwave in July 1999, Chicago was more than 6ºF warmer than
rural Illinois. The urban heat island effect was first documented in 1818,
when Luke Howard, an amateur meteorologist, took a series of temperature
measurements in and around London which showed that the city was on average
4°F warmer than the surrounding countryside. It's partly down to human
activity (from driving to cooking to air-conditioning to breathing), partly
because cities tend to be built from materials that are really bad at
reflecting sunlight (tarmac's especially terrible), and partly because of
the lack of trees.
It takes a certain amount of energy to turn a liquid into a gas. When water
evaporates, its molecules absorb heat from the surroundings: that's why
sweating cools you down. The heat is then 'locked up', as Stone puts it, in
the water vapour. Plants don't sweat, they transpire; but the principle, as
far as water's concerned, is the same. So trees mitigate global warming not
only by absorbing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere but also by cooling
the earth down.
Yet the emphasis on greenhouse gases in UN legislation means that planting
or preserving trees gets you negligible points under the Kyoto Protocol,
because of the uncertainty as to how long the carbon they take out of the
atmosphere will be sequestered for. Even though, in Stone's words, 'a
cessation of rainforest destruction in just two countries, Brazil and
Indonesia, would by itself bring the world four-fifths of the way to
meeting the cumulative targets of the Kyoto Protocol.' The difference trees
make is demonstrated by a 2003 study that modelled the effects of
reforesting the Sahara (there were trees there five thousand years ago).
'In theory,' Stone says, 'a Saharan subtropical forest could absorb enough
CO2 each year to cease altogether greenhouse-driven climate change, and it
could do so without the decommissioning of a single power plant.' Though it
would require a logistically daunting and tremendously expensive network of
desalination plants and irrigation pipes across a dozen of the world's
politically less stable countries.
More modestly, Stone recommends changes in global policy to focus on
land-use management as well as carbon emissions (on turning the heat down
under the saucepan as well as taking the lid off, to use one of his
analogies), and a shift in urban planning towards densely populated cities
with plenty of trees and good public transport systems, surrounded by
forests rather than suburban sprawl. What's not to like? Local improvements
in urban planning also have the advantage that they stand a realistic
chance of being implemented, certainly compared to the prospect of united
global action*.* The smothering pollution in Chinese cities is one of the
major incentives for the government in Beijing to set about reducing carbon
emissions. One of the 20th century's more effective pieces of environmental
legislation was the 1956 Clean Air Act, a response to the great smog of
1952 that killed as many as 12,000 Londoners. Atlanta (Stone teaches at
Georgia Tech) introduced a 'no net tree loss' policy a few years ago, but
it's still a work in progress: 15,000 trees are cut down in the city each
year; only 3000 are planted to replace them.
Stone urges the adoption of 'mitigation strategies that yield concurrent
adaptive benefits'. Examples of the opposite - adaptation without
mitigation - are easier to come by. In 2004, Tim Flannery said that 'there
is a fair chance Perth will be the 21st century's first ghost metropolis'
because of the threat to its freshwater supply. The capital of Western
Australia has since then opened one desalination plant, powered by wind
turbines, and is in the process of setting up a second, much larger one,
driven by coal. 'The benefits to Perth are direct and immediate (new water)
and the harms are diffuse and intergenerational,' Robert Glennon wrote
in *National
Geographic* last year. 'That's what makes climate change such an
intractable problem.'
There's no immediate need for desalination in Britain. But ahead of the UK
National Adaptation Programme that will be published later this year, Defra
last year released the first of its new five-yearly Climate Change Risk
outlines the 'priorities for adaptation' under five 'themes' (Agriculture &
Forestry; Business and Services; Health & Wellbeing; Buildings &
Infrastructure; Natural Environment) and considers not only the risks
associated with climate change - flooding, drought, supply chain
disruption, flooding, disease, higher energy demand, flooding and more
flooding - but possible opportunities, too: under the business theme, for
example, there is hope for a 'possible increase in market opportunities
such as tourism and leisure industry' (presumably this means luring the
codswallopers back to a warmer, sunnier Whitby, even if most of the beach
will have disappeared under the North Sea). Now there's a reason to look on
the bright side.
There are more detailed ideas in the Environment Agency's action plan for
the Thames Estuary. The 'assets and people at risk in the tidal Thames
floodplain' include 135 square miles of land, 1.25 million residents,
500,000 homes and 40,000 businesses with a combined property value of £200
billion, 400 schools, 16 hospitals, eight power stations, more than a
thousand electricity substations, four World Heritage Sites, 35 Tube
stations, 51 railway stations, more than a hundred miles of railway and 200
miles of road. In its first decade of operation, between 1982 and 1992, the
Thames Barrier was closed 11 times. Between 1999 and 2009, it was closed 81
times. The current worst-case scenario is a rise in maximum water levels by
2100 of 2.7 metres (revised down from a previous estimate of 4.2 metres; it
may yet be revised up again), which means that the Thames Barrier and
'associated defences' will need 'significant improvements' from 2035: not
least, embankments and flood defences will have to be made higher. 'Major
changes to the structure of the system will not be needed until much later
in the century - under the government's current climate change guidance new
arrangements must be in place by 2070.' Those new arrangements will have to
be settled on by 2050. Under current plans they will include either
replacing the current barrier at Woolwich or building a new one at Long
Reach or Tilbury.
The outlook may not be so bad for American and British cities. But the news
that there are ways for the global North and West to adapt to and tolerate
global warming is hardly reassuring for, say, the 12 million residents of
Dhaka, which faces a much greater risk of flooding and has far less money
to spend on defences. A paper published in *Natural Hazards* last year
comparing the vulnerability to flooding of nine cities found -
unsurprisingly, but it's useful to have it quantified - that Shanghai,
Dhaka and Calcutta were far more vulnerable than Rotterdam, Marseille and
Osaka. The director of the Research Institute of Global Climate and Ecology
at the Russian Academy of Sciences, according to Hamilton, has said that
'it would be cheaper to resettle Bangladeshis threatened by sea-level rise'
than to adhere to the Kyoto Protocol - and cheaper still to do neither.
A recent Unicef briefing reiterated the obvious but important point that
the world's poorest children are the most vulnerable to climate change. The
report's recommendations include 'providing crops that are more drought
resistant to smallholder families in areas that are increasingly prone to
drought.' Unicef doesn't spell it out, but drought-resistant crops probably
means genetically modified crops. One way to make crops hardier is using
genes from tougher organisms like *Pyrococcus furiosus*. The International
Rice Research Institute in the Philippines recently announced that it had
developed a new kind of 'super salt-tolerant' rice by crossing two very
different strains, one of them a wild species that 'is extremely difficult
to cross with cultivated rice varieties'. If last year is anything to go
by, British farmers are going to need new varieties of winter wheat that
are more tolerant of cold and flooding.
But last year may not be anything to go by. One of the difficulties with
trying to adapt to climate change is that while the long-term average
global effects seem to be fairly predictable, local and temporary effects
are not. Depending on how you tweak the models, rainfall in Kansas, for
example, could increase or decrease by more than 40 per cent by 2060, or
stay roughly the same as it is now. That's quite a range of possibilities.
Britain in the last ten years has seen severe heatwaves and extremely cold
winters, periods of drought and serious flooding. It's hard to say which
are the greatest long-term threats locally, which is a reason people talk
about 'adaptive capacity': in other words, we need to prepare to be
prepared. Policymakers aren't entirely to blame for the frustrating
vagueness of their proposals, which often seem to consist of no more than a
commitment to look at the situation again in a few years' time. Perhaps the
best we can hope for is that somehow - using some of the technologies and
policies I've discussed here, and some of the many I've overlooked - we'll
muddle through. But only if we slow climate change to a rate that we, like
other organisms that evolved when the world was mild, can adapt to. If we
don't, we may indeed be doomed. And*Pyrococcus furiosus*, which needs us a
lot less than we may need it, will inherit the earth.
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William V. DePaulo, Esq.
179 Summers Street, Suite 232
Charleston, WV 25301-2163
Tel 304-342-5588
Fax 304-342-5505
fyi, paul w.
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From: Becki Clayborn <becki.clayborn(a)>
Date: Tue, May 14, 2013 at 6:30 PM
Subject: [Coal Volunteers List] Join us for "Beyond Coal Campaign - We're
Halfway There! What's Next?"
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The Beyond Coal Campaign set out to retire 105,000MW’s of coal fired
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we're half way there! This webinar will highlight how we secured those MW
retirements and the campaign’s strategic thinking heading into the second
half of MW’s targeted. Join this webinar to hear the vision strategy and
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Becki Clayborn
Sierra Club Beyond Coal Campaign
Internal Capacities and Communications Coordinator
Chicago, IL
630-881-3480 (cell)
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Paul Wilson
Sierra Club
504 Jefferson Ave
Charles Town, WV 25414-1130
Phone: 304-725-4360
Cell: 304-279-1361
"There is no forward until you have gone back" ~Buddha
"In all things of nature there is something of the marvelous" ~ Aristotle
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From: Public News Service <newsservice(a)>
Date: Mon, May 13, 2013 at 3:13 AM
Subject: WVNS story: Is Mon Power Trying to Stick Customers With a White
To: PaulWilson <pjgrunt(a)>
Is Mon Power Trying to Stick Customers With a White Elephant?
Dan Heyman, Public News Service-WV
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(05/13/13) CHARLESTON, W.Va. - Consumer advocates say Mon Power is trying
to stick ratepayers with an overpriced white elephant, in a deal that would
benefit another subsidiary of FirstEnergy.
The utility has asked the Public Service Commission to let it buy 80
percent of the huge Harrison power plant from sister company Allegheny
Energy Supply. With natural gas cheaper than coal, said Cathy Kunkel, a
policy analyst for Energy Efficient West Virginia, the Harrison plant is
not as cost efficient.
FirstEnergy wants to shift the liability from a out-of-state subsidiary
that would have to eat the cost to Mon Power, which would stick ratepayers
for it, Kunkel said, adding that the sale price is way too high.
"Every utility in the country right now basically is running away from coal
towards natural gas," she said. "Coal plants have been going for about a
quarter of the price that Allegheny Energy Supply wants to sell Harrison
Kunkel said Mon Power would be paying too much for generating capacity for
which it doesn't have nearly the demand.
"Buying the Harrison plant is way more energy and capacity than the company
even needs," she said. "If they buy this plant, they're going to have
excess energy and capacity for more than 10 years into the future."
A properly designed energy conservation program actually could make money
for the company while reducing customers' bills, Kunkel said. That would be
a lot smarter than paying too much for a generating station that has
serious competitive disadvantages, she said.
"Around the country, time and again, we've seen that those sorts of
energy-efficiency investments are actually much cheaper than investments in
new generating capacity," she said.
The company says the Harrison County plant would give it more predictable
future power costs. However, Kunkel said most projections are that gas will
stay cheap at least through 2020.
The PSC will hold hearings on the case May 29-31. The case number is
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Paul Wilson
Sierra Club
504 Jefferson Ave
Charles Town, WV 25414-1130
Phone: 304-725-4360
Cell: 304-279-1361
"There is no forward until you have gone back" ~Buddha
"In all things of nature there is something of the marvelous" ~ Aristotle
[image: The New York Times] <>
May 10, 2013
Heat-Trapping Gas Passes Milestone, Raising Fears By JUSTIN
The level of the most important heat-trapping gas in the atmosphere, carbon
dioxide, has passed a long-feared milestone, scientists reported Friday,
reaching a concentration not seen on the earth for millions of years.
Scientific instruments showed that the gas had reached an average daily
level above 400 parts per million — just an odometer moment in one sense,
but also a sobering reminder that decades of efforts to bring
human-produced emissions under control are faltering.
The best available evidence suggests the amount of the gas in the air has
not been this high for at least three million years, before humans evolved,
and scientists believe the rise portends large changes in the climate and
the level of the sea.
“It symbolizes that so far we have failed miserably in tackling this
problem,” said Pieter P. Tans, who runs the monitoring program at the
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration that reported the new
Ralph Keeling, who runs another monitoring program at the Scripps
Institution of Oceanography <> in San Diego,
said a continuing rise could be catastrophic. “It means we are quickly
losing the possibility of keeping the climate below what people thought
were possibly tolerable thresholds,” he said.
Virtually every automobile ride, every plane trip and, in most places,
every flip of a light switch adds carbon dioxide to the air, and relatively
little money is being spent to find and deploy alternative technologies.
China is now the largest emitter, but Americans have been consuming fossil
fuels extensively for far longer, and experts say the United States is more
responsible than any other nation for the high level.
The new measurement came from analyzers atop Mauna
the volcano on the big island of Hawaii that has long been ground zero for
monitoring the worldwide trend on carbon dioxide, or CO2. Devices there
sample <> clean, crisp
air that has blown thousands of miles across the Pacific Ocean, producing a
record of rising carbon dioxide levels that has been closely tracked for
half a century.
Carbon dioxide above 400 parts per million was first seen in the Arctic
last year, and had also spiked above that level in hourly readings at Mauna
But the average reading for an entire day surpassed that level at Mauna Loa
for the first time in the 24 hours that ended at 8 p.m. Eastern Daylight
Time on Thursday. The two monitoring programs use slightly different
protocols; NOAA reported an average for the period of 400.03 parts per
million, while Scripps reported 400.08.
Carbon dioxide rises and falls on a seasonal cycle, and the level will dip
below 400 this summer as leaf growth in the Northern Hemisphere pulls about
10 billion tons of carbon out of the air. But experts say that will be a
brief reprieve — the moment is approaching when no measurement of the
ambient air anywhere on earth, in any season, will produce a reading below
“It feels like the inevitable march toward disaster,” said Maureen E.
Raymo, a scientist at the Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory, a unit of
Columbia University.
>From studying air bubbles trapped in Antarctic ice, scientists know that
going back 800,000 years, the carbon dioxide level oscillated in a tight
band, from about 180 parts per million in the depths of ice ages to about
280 during the warm periods between. The evidence shows that global
temperatures and CO2 levels are tightly linked.
For the entire period of human civilization, roughly 8,000 years, the
carbon dioxide level was relatively stable near that upper bound. But the
burning of fossil fuels has caused a 41 percent increase in the
heat-trapping gas since the Industrial Revolution, a mere geological
instant, and scientists say the climate is beginning to react, though they
expect far larger changes in the future.
Indirect measurements suggest that the last time the carbon dioxide level
was this high was at least three million years ago, during an epoch called
the Pliocene. Geological research shows that the climate then was far
warmer than today, the world’s ice caps were smaller, and the sea level
might have been as much as 60 or 80 feet higher.
Experts fear that humanity may be precipitating a return to such conditions
— except this time, billions of people are in harm’s way.
“It takes a long time to melt ice, but we’re doing it,” Dr. Keeling said.
“It’s scary.”
Dr. Keeling’s father, Charles David Keeling, began carbon dioxide
measurements on Mauna Loa and at other locations in the late 1950s. The
elder Dr. Keeling found a level in the air then of about 315 parts per
million — meaning that if a person had filled a million quart jars with
air, about 315 quart jars of carbon dioxide would have been mixed in.
His analysis revealed a relentless, long-term increase superimposed on the
seasonal cycle, a trend that was dubbed the Keeling
Countries have adopted an official target to limit the damage from global
warming, with 450 parts per million seen as the maximum level compatible
with that goal. “Unless things slow down, we’ll probably get there in well
under 25 years,” Ralph Keeling said.
Yet many countries, including China and the United States, have refused to
adopt binding national targets. Scientists say that unless far greater
efforts are made soon, the goal of limiting the warming will become
impossible without severe economic disruption.
“If you start turning the Titanic long before you hit the iceberg, you can
go clear without even spilling a drink of a passenger on deck,” said
Richard B. Alley, a climate scientist at Pennsylvania State University. “If
you wait until you’re really close, spilling a lot of drinks is the best
you can hope for.”
Climate-change contrarians, who have little scientific credibility but are
politically influential in Washington, point out that carbon dioxide
represents only a tiny fraction of the air — as of Thursday’s reading,
exactly 0.04 percent. “The CO2 levels in the atmosphere are rather
undramatic,” a Republican congressman from California, Dana Rohrabacher,
said in a Congressional hearing several years ago.
But climate scientists reject that argument, saying it is like claiming
that a tiny bit of arsenic or cobra venom cannot have much effect. Research
shows that even at such low levels, carbon dioxide is potent at trapping
heat near the surface of the earth.
“If you’re looking to stave off climate perturbations that I don’t believe
our culture is ready to adapt to, then significant reductions in
CO2emissions have to occur right away,” said Mark Pagani, a Yale
who studies climates of the past. “I feel like the time to do something was
This article has been revised to reflect the following correction:
*Correction: May 10, 2013*
An earlier version of this article misstated the amount of carbon dioxide
in the air as of Thursday’s reading from monitors. It is .04 percent, not
.0004 percent.
William V. DePaulo, Esq.
179 Summers Street, Suite 232
Charleston, WV 25301-2163
Tel 304-342-5588
Fax 304-342-5505
FYI. Paul
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: "Public News Service" <newsservice(a)>
Date: May 10, 2013 3:05 AM
Subject: WVNS story: Fight Over Clean Water Rules
To: "PaulWilson" <pjgrunt(a)>
Fight Over Clean Water Rules
Dan Heyman, Public News Service-WV
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(05/10/13) CHARLESTON, W.Va. – Congressional Republicans want to force the
Environmental Protection Agency to loosen clean water laws, but coalfield
residents say their water is too polluted now.
Republicans, including Sen. Mitch McConnell of Kentucky and Rep. Shelley
Moore Capito of West Virginia, are backing a bill that would force the EPA
to act on coal mining permits or have them approved automatically.
But coalfield residents say pollution from the mines already threatens
their health.
Bo Webb of Peachtree Creek in Raleigh County, W.Va., says in the last year
and a half, 14 people in that small community have found they have cancer,
including his wife.
"I got home on December the 1st, my wife wasn't feeling good,” he recalls.
“And we went to the doctor, and she'd thrown up some blood. And the doctor
called, so we went in. And my wife had cancer. Then on March 3rd she died.
And so, it takes its toll."
The Republicans say the EPA is sitting on permits in a back-door attempt to
shut down coalmines, part of what they call a "war on coal."
Meanwhile coalfield residents are bringing gallons of brown and red water
to Congress to show what they drink, cook and wash with.
The GOP bill, known as the Coal Jobs Protection Act, has the backing of
coal industry associations and a variety of business groups.
But Ada Smith of Whitesburg, Ky. says the focus should be more about
overall job diversification in the region.
"I think that most people understand that coal isn't going to be the number
one source of employment,” she says. “It hasn't been for a really long
Many citizen and environmental groups say the clean water that coalfield
residents depend on is at risk of being sacrificed for mine company
Sue Tallichet, a member of the grassroots citizens group Kentuckians for
the Commonwealth, calls the legislation "a bailout for coal."
"McConnell's bill is very deceiving in that, it's even called the Coal Job
Protection Act,” she argues. “They're not protecting jobs and miners –
they're protecting profits."
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