Journalists Joshua Pribanic and Melissa Troutman will continue to tour the
country throughout the year to promote their film
<> Triple Divide. The movie is an investigative
documentary about fracking in the Marcellus Shale in Pennsylvania.
They are traveling the country using zero gasoline. The two will be driving
a <> Tesla Motors Model S, a long-range,
all-electric sedan. They will test the nationwide Supercharger …
[View More]system, where
electric cars can be recharged for free.
Here's a list of their scheduled stops in West Virginia:
* Buckhannon: June 21 @ 7 p.m. West Virginia Wesleyan College
* Clarksburg: June 25 @ 5:30 p.m. Caperton Center Fairmont State
* Charleston: June 27 @ 7:00 p.m. Unitarian Universalist Congregation
of Charleston
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Let me know if you are already getting these materials from National.
These documents provide the Club's analysis of the EPA Carbon rule, These
are intended to be internal documents, so please do not forward to outside
entities, even if they are 'friendly'. Please take the time to study these
carefully, and share questions with the Chapter Climate Action Team. This
is the technical 'homework we need to do in order to speak intelligently,
so buckle down!
Bottom line; the rule does a fair …
[View More]job of reducing carbon emissions. The
flexibility written into the rule allows states like WV to have lower
emissions requirements than the national average. EPA's rule therefore
assures that the standard is technically achievable in EVERY state, and is
legally defensible in court. You can be sure that if industry succeeds in
overturning this rule in court that it will be a long time before we get
another initiative like this one. So this is one we HAVE to win.
Two points I take from this.
First, while the 'flexibility' in the rule means that states like WV will
have emissions requirements less stringent than the national average, it
also means that we will receive fewer health benefits than if we had to met
a uniform national standard,, Upwind states including KY, OH, and IN also
have targets lower than the national average, so WV will continue to
receive a higher than average pollution impact.
I am reminded of a map put out by the Clean Air Network ten years ago that
color coded states by the number of deaths from power plant pollution.
Clean states were in blue or green, more polluted states were yellow, then
orange or red. A few pollution hotspots were in purple. WV was the only
state entirely within that 'purple zone of death'! Under the 'flexibility'
in EPAs plan, WV will remain an air pollution sacrifice zone.
Congressman Mckinley on Monday introduced HR 4813 to block both of EPA's
power plant rules (this one for existing power plants as well as the
earlier one setting carbon emission standards for new plants), as well as
prohibiting EPA from any 'substantially similar' rule for five years.
Co-sponsored by Rahall, Capito, and 72 others, the bill would relegate WV
to continued deaths from power plant pollution. (Perhaps that should be a
theme of a press response, media event or something?)
The second point is that states that plan carefully for implementing the
rule should be able to avoid significant economic impacts. With a heavy
investment in efficiency and renewables, West Virginians may actually see
more jobs and lower electric bills from implementing a well-designed plan.
But a state strategy of blind opposition to the rule, as currently being
proposed by Tomblin, Morrisey, et al, is the strategy MOST likely to cost
jobs and raise electric rates.
Would someone (or each of us) be willing to write a short letter to the
editor highlighting one or two key messages from the analysis, or the
points above? We need to start getting LTEs in demonstrating support,
especially here in WV, for EPAs Carbon rules.
Jim Kotcon
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Mary Anne Hitt <maryanne.hitt(a)>
Date: Wed, Jun 11, 2014 at 7:48 PM
Subject: [Coal Volunteers List] Sierra Club analysis and resources for EPA
Clean Power Plan (aka carbon standard)
To: Mary Anne Hitt <maryanne.hitt(a)>
Cc: Melinda Pierce <melinda.pierce(a)>
To: Sierra Club lists: coal, coal-volunteers, stop-polluters,
ccl-chapter-chairs, cons-chapter-cons-chairs, cons-marvin, bod-open
Fr: Mary Anne Hitt and Melinda Pierce
Re: Sierra Club analysis and resources for EPA Clean Power Plan (aka carbon
We're writing to share the Sierra Club's confidential preliminary analysis
of EPA's carbon standards for existing power plants, known as the Clean
Power Plan. These documents are intended for internal use only by Sierra
Club staff and volunteers, to give you our first assessment of what the
standard does.
Thanks to one and all for your amazing work during the roll-out of the
standard. We knocked that out of the park, and our message about climate
action and public health carried the day. Now, the work begins of
developing our strategies in the states, since that's where the rubber
really hits the road on this rule.
Our team of experts and analysts are working hard to provide in-depth
information for state and federal advocacy. We have the following materials
available and in the works for you:
- Attached: Sierra Club's preliminary analysis of the rule. It includes
several links to additional resources. If you just have time to review one
document, this is the one.
- Attached: From our Environmental Law Program, a summary and in-depth
overview of what the rule does - note that this is based on ELP's
preliminary review and is an evolving document.
- Materials, fact sheets, posters, and messaging guidance about the
standard are available on Clubhouse at this link
- EPA's website for the rule
which includes several very helpful fact sheets.
- More information about the Clean Power Plan and all EPA rules are
available on the Beyond Coal Resource Portal - if you do not have access to
that site, please contact Neha Mathew, neha.mathew(a)
- At the end of June we will roll out additional materials and our
organizing plan (field action request) for the hearings and comment period.
- We are developing state fact sheets that summarize what the standard
requires of each state, to inform your state-based advocacy and campaign
strategy. We hope to have those done by the end of June.
- Beyond the fact sheets, campaign staff will share more robust state
analyses as we develop them, which will be an ongoing, more time-intensive
We understand that, with the release of the standard, planning and advocacy
is already underway in earnest in many states. Please work with your Beyond
Coal campaign representative on any resource needs or questions, and we
will do our best to provide that support in a timely fashion.
Thanks again everyone for an inspiring team effort over the past few days.
Let us know what you need to keep up the amazing work!
Mary Anne Hitt
Director, Beyond Coal Campaign
Sierra Club
Twitter <!/maryannehitt> | Blog
304-876-7064 (w) | 540-239-0073 (c)
To access the Beyond Coal Campaign Resource Portal, go to:
To sign up for this list, email neha.mathew(a) with the subject
and message "SUBSCRIBE #coal-volunteer"
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[View Less]
This may be the best use of 25 minutes you can do. A really great story
about what we do, how far we have already come, and why we are winning!
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Mary Anne Hitt <maryanne.hitt(a)>
Date: Thu, Jun 12, 2014 at 3:00 PM
Subject: [Coal Volunteers List] The Beyond Coal story featured on MoveOn's
podcast "The Good Fight"
To: #Coal <coal-list(a)>, #Coal-Volunteers <
[View More]Hi all,
The Beyond Coal Campaign is the featured story in the latest episode of
MoveOn's podcast, "The Good Fight." It's a 25 minute piece that tells the
story of the Beyond Coal Campaign, through interviews with Bruce and me,
and frames the campaign as a key strategy that made the EPA carbon rule
Check it out - it's definitely uplifting, and I hope it will make you feel
proud of the great work you all do every day. You can listen here:…
Mary Anne
Mary Anne Hitt
Director, Beyond Coal Campaign
Sierra Club
Twitter <!/maryannehitt> | Blog
304-876-7064 (w) | 540-239-0073 (c)
To access the Beyond Coal Campaign Resource Portal, go to:
To sign up for this list, email neha.mathew(a) with the subject
and message "SUBSCRIBE #coal-volunteer"
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Just ran across this page of resources from National on the EPA carbon rule roll-out.
You might find these useful.
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Neha Mathew <neha.mathew(a)<>>
Date: Fri, May 30, 2014 at 1:34 PM
Subject: [Coal Volunteers List] Resources and Follow-Up from Webinars on Carbon Standard Roll-Out Plan
Hi everyone,
Below are a list of resources following the webinars on our roll-out plan for …
[View More]the release of the Carbon Standard for existing power plants:
1) Here is the link to download and watch the webinars that were held on Wednesday May 28. Once you open the link, you will need to click on one of the webinars labeled "Carbon Standard..." and download the file to watch the webinar:…
*Make sure to click "Download" in order to watch the file. The file is too large to view directly on Google Drive.
2) All roll-out materials are posted on Clubhouse:…
3) Beyond coal Messaging Page is also on Clubhouse:
4) Tips on how to write and place an LTE and other media tactics here:
5) Here are the links to the reports that were mentioned while we were on the webinar -
Analysis Group - Reliability Report…
Climate Change and Your Health Report Series…
All of the resources above are accessible on the Beyond Coal Resource Portal at this link:<>
Please email me if you have any questions, feedback, or need any additional resources.
Thanks all!
Neha Mathew
Program Assistant, Beyond Coal Campaign
(415) 977-5685<tel:%28415%29%20977-5685> (w)
(951) 505-8137<tel:%28951%29%20505-8137> (c)
Sierra Club HQ
85 Second Street, 2nd Floor
San Francisco, CA 94105-3459
Beyond Coal Campaign<>
International Climate Program<>
Sierra Club Apprenticeship Program<…>
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For those who did not see the paper version, the Op/Ed apparently ran Monday in the print version of the Charleston Gazette. It was not posted to the on-line edition, so Thanks to Bill Price for finding it and forwarding this.
See attachment.
Also, we should contact this Jim Propst guy for the Climate Action Team .
From: Bill Price <bill.price(a)>
Sent: Tuesday, June 03, 2014 8:34 AM
To: James Kotcon; David W. Sturm; Gary …
[View More]Nelson; David Muhly; Kim Teplitzky; Zachary Fabish; Seth Long; Daniel Chiotos; Mark Kresowik; Emmett McKinney
Subject: Re: WV Team call
Wanted to share reactions from the Charleston WV papers to the EPA Rule
Two articles in the Gazette:
Daily Mail (the more conservative paper) at least mentions the Club and Energy Efficiency WV.
The story of two editorials:
First from the Daily Mail
And then this good one from the Gazette:
And an LTE in the Gazette from Jim Probst! (no link available)
Readers' forum
Leadership lacking on climate change issue
I am writing in regards to the article on May 12, "Climate change in W.Va." I appreciate the Gazette's attempt to get a response from some of our politicians, to a fairly straightforward question, "Do you believe that man-made carbon emissions are causing climate change?" I also appreciate that Sens. Rockefeller and Manchin at least answered the question.
For the rest of the officials questioned, shame on them. From Gov. Tomblin's non-answer to Natalie Tennant's combative vow to fight President Obama, they should all be embarrassed at this display of gutlessness. And then, we had two representatives that refused to even respond to the request.
We really need to start demanding more from our leadership. This issue is not going to go away and we are really going to need dynamic, resolute and forward thinking leadership to help us find solutions to this crisis.
Please, call or write these folks. Ask them to please take a stand. Tell them that they have constituents that are concerned about this issue. They need to hear from us.
Jim Probst
And attached is Jim Kotcon's op-ed from the Gazette yesterday.
Bill Price, Organizing Representative
Sierra Club
Environmental Justice Program
Beyond Coal to Clean Energy Campaign
Phone: 304-389-8822 (Cell)
Email: bill.price(a)<>
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Ride Your Bike to Work … And Share
By Nicole D'Alessandro,, May 15, 2014
Perhaps you pedal year-round, to work, to school, to the library and coffee shop (and if so, a hat tip to you), or you are a recreational biker who likes to ride the trails on a summer weekend. Well whatever kind of biker you are, this month is for you.
May is National Bike Month, sponsored by the League of American Bicyclists, established in …
[View More]1956 to encourage more people to bicycle—and to highlight all the benefits of doing so.
Bicycling offers a range of benefits from economics to environment to health. Bikes Belong offers the following bike statistics:
Bicycling is for everyone. Bicycling is the second most popular outdoor activity in the U.S.
Bicycling is the ideal way to take short trips. Most trips Americans make are short: 49 percent are less than 3 miles, 39 percent are less than 2 miles, and 24 percent are less than 1 mile.
Bicycling can help you live longer and better. Three hours of biking per week reduces the risk of heart disease and stroke by 50 percent.
Bicycling boosts the economy. Twice as many bicycles are sold in the U.S. each year than cars.
Bicycling is less expensive than driving a car. On a round-trip commute of 10 miles, bicyclists save around $10 daily.
Bicycling reduces road congestion and air pollution. For every 1 mile pedaled rather than driven, about 1 pound of CO2 is saved.
Bicycling is safe, and together we can make it safer. There is safety in numbers: the more cyclists there are, the safer bicycling is.
Whatever your reasons for biking, consider taking your bike to work tomorrow. May 16 is National Bike to Work Day. The League explains:
More than half of the U.S. population lives within five miles of their workplace, making bicycling a feasible and fun way to get to work. With increased interest in healthy, sustainable and economic transportation options, it’s not surprising that, from 2000 to 2011, the number of bicycle commuters in the U.S. grew by more than 47 percent.
New to bicycling? The League offers a series of videos in their online Smart Cycling program on bike gear, riding safely on the road and more.
Want to bike for transportation or fun, but don’t have the resources or space for your own bike? Then consider bike-sharing, which is growing in popularity around the world. According to Earth Policy Institute, currently about 600 cities in 52 countries offer bike-sharing programs, with a combined fleet of more than 570,000 bikes.
The Institute created a bicycle share fact sheet; here are a few highlights:
Spain leads the world with 132 separate bike-share programs. Italy has 104 and Germany 43.
The U.S. hosts 36 modern bike-sharing programs. With a number of new programs in the works and planned expansions of existing programs, the U.S. fleet is set to nearly double to more than 37,000 publicly shared bicycles by the end of 2014.
Bike-sharing cities are finding that promoting the bicycle as a transport option can lead to more mobility and safer streets for all.
Bike shares, lanes and other bicycle-friendly infrastructure are a boon to local economies.
With more than half the world’s population now living in cities, there is tremendous potential for municipal governments and urban planners to increase bicycle use.
With annual memberships in most cities well below $100, bike sharing is far cheaper than the $7,800 average cost estimated by AAA to own a car and drive it 10,000 miles a year.
As Earth Policy Institute summarizes: “The prevalence of bicycles in a community is an indicator of our ability to provide affordable transportation, lower traffic congestion, reduce air pollution, increase mobility, and provide exercise to the world’s growing population.” And, as the League of American Bicyclists puts it, simply, when more people ride bikes, life is better for everyone.
So celebrate all-things-bicycling and ride to work May 16, or plan an event for Bike Month. Consider signing up for the League’s National Bike Challenge, to challenge yourself to ride more and to connect with other bike-friendly people in your community and across the U.S.
——– See also:
Dozens of U.S. Cities Join the Bike-Sharing Bandwagon
Doctors Prescribe Spending Time In Parks
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Paul Wilson
Sierra Club
504 Jefferson Ave
Charles Town, WV 25414-1130
Phone: 304-725-4360
Cell: 304-279-1361
"There is no forward until you have gone back" ~Buddha
"In all things of nature there is something of the marvelous" ~ Aristotle
I am not clear on the math here. Mon Power says that this is a 9.3 % rate increase, but their numbers for a typical residential customer come in at 15.3 % increase.
I realize that the Club signed on to the Settlement Agreement authorizing the Harrison transfer, but how much of this can we challenge?
Jim Kotcon
From: Nancy Ganz <nancyganz7(a)>
Sent: Wednesday, April 30, 2014 6:57 PM
To: James Kotcon; Chris Haddox
Subject: Fwd: Mon Power …
[View More]Rate Filing Today
Please forward this to the green team for comment and advice on this issue.
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: <astagge(a)<>>
Date: Wed, Apr 30, 2014 at 4:19 PM
Subject: Mon Power Rate Filing Today
To: citycouncilward7(a)<>
I wanted to inform you that today, Mon Power filed with The Public Service
Commission of West Virginia (PSC), a request for an increase in base rates
of approximately $96 million, which represents an overall increase of 9.3%.
Approval of this filing will help ensure continued safe and reliable
electric generation for our customers in West Virginia. In addition, new
jobs and additional tree trimming will help reduce the number and length of
service interruptions and better meet anticipated load growth.
The attached news release outlines the filing.
The PSC will schedule public hearings as part of the rate case proceeding.
As hearings are scheduled, notice will be given on the time, date and place
of the hearings. Any increase in rates would not become effective until
approved and authorized by the PSC, which we anticipate will not be until
February 2015.
If you have any questions, please let me know.
Allen Staggers
Manager, External Affairs
FirstEnergy Corp.
(See attached file: 2014-04-30 Mon Power and Potomac Edison File Rate
Request with WV PSC.pdf)
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