?Many of us knew Bill Howley. His Calhoun PowerLine blog has been indispensable for anyone following West Virginia utility issues. He will be missed.
Jim Kotcon
From: Bill Price <bill.price(a)sierraclub.org>
Sent: Friday, April 24, 2015 9:37 AM
To: James Kotcon; Liz Wiles; David W. Sturm; David Muhly; Adam Beitman; Mark Kresowik; Bridget Lee; Daniel Chiotos; Seth Long
Subject: Fwd: Sad News for all concerned
See email below. This is a shock to us all.…
[View More] Bill did not always agree with the Sierra Club positions, but he was one of the most knowledgable and passionate people around cleaner energy that I know.
Bill Price, Organizing Representative
Sierra Club
Environmental Justice Program
Beyond Coal to Clean Energy Campaign
Phone: 304-389-8822 (Cell)
Email: bill.price(a)sierraclub.org<mailto:bill.price@sierraclub.org>
"If there's no struggle, there's no progress. Those who profess to favor freedom and yet renounce controversy are people who want crops without plowing the ground..." Frederick Douglass 1817-1895
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: John Christensen <jbc4re(a)yahoo.com<mailto:jbc4re@yahoo.com>>
Date: Fri, Apr 24, 2015 at 9:07 AM
Subject: Sad News for all concerned
To: Patience Wait <pwaitster(a)gmail.com<mailto:pwaitster@gmail.com>>, Keryn Newman <keryn(a)frontiernet.net<mailto:keryn@frontiernet.net>>, John Case <jcase4218(a)gmail.com<mailto:jcase4218@gmail.com>>, John Unger <john.unger(a)wvsenate.gov<mailto:john.unger@wvsenate.gov>>, Mary Hott <mary(a)mtvsolar.com<mailto:mary@mtvsolar.com>>, Mike Manypennny <globalimpactman(a)gmail.com<mailto:globalimpactman@gmail.com>>, Gary Zuckett <garyz(a)wvcag.org<mailto:garyz@wvcag.org>>, Jeff Kessler <jeff.kessler(a)wvsenate.gov<mailto:jeff.kessler@wvsenate.gov>>, Evan Hansen <ehansen(a)downstreamstrategies.com<mailto:ehansen@downstreamstrategies.com>>, Aaron Sutch <asutch(a)mountain.org<mailto:asutch@mountain.org>>, Than Hitt <thanhitt1(a)gmail.com<mailto:thanhitt1@gmail.com>>, Dan Conant <conantd(a)gmail.com<mailto:conantd@gmail.com>>, Daniel Chiotos <trouserdude(a)gmail.com<mailto:trouserdude@gmail.com>>, Chuck Wyrostok <wyro(a)appalight.com<mailto:wyro@appalight.com>>, Don Garvin <dsgjr(a)aol.com<mailto:dsgjr@aol.com>>, Connigl <connigl(a)aol.com<mailto:connigl@aol.com>>, Denise Poole <deniseap(a)earthlink.net<mailto:deniseap@earthlink.net>>, Bill Price <bill.price(a)sierraclub.org<mailto:bill.price@sierraclub.org>>, Cathy Kunkel <cathykunkel(a)gmail.com<mailto:cathykunkel@gmail.com>>, Vickie Wolfe <ibtreehugger(a)gmail.com<mailto:ibtreehugger@gmail.com>>, Emmett Pepper <emmett(a)eewv.org<mailto:emmett@eewv.org>>, Ron Miller <ronald.miller(a)wvsenate.gov<mailto:ronald.miller@wvsenate.gov>>
It has come as a shock to me to hear the news of long-time power utility activist and solar advocate extraordinaire Bill Howley has died suddenly in a car crash while making a trip to Charleston. Words are hard to come by for me as Bill was one of my personal mentors and friends. I am heartbroken for his wife Lauren who was away at the time of his death. I think a memorial of some kind in his memory will be forthcoming. I hate to bring this news but it reminds us all how precious life is.
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Thursday, April 9, 2015
Board: Fayette injection wells can’t operate without permit
*The Associated Press*
BECKLEY, W.Va. – A state board says two underground injection wells in
Fayette County can’t operate without a permit.
The West Virginia Environmental Quality Board says the Department of
Environmental Protection violated state law when it allowed Danny Webb
Construction to operate the …
[View More]injection wells in Lochgelly without a permit.
The Register-Herald reports that the board issued its ruling on Wednesday.
The DEP had revoked the company’s permit to inject natural gas drilling
waste underground on March 4, 2014. But the DEP allowed the wells to
continue operating until the company’s application to renew the permit is
approved or denied.
The board gave the DEP 30 days to reissue a permit for the wells. The wells
must cease operation if they don’t receive a permit.
William V. DePaulo, Esq.
179 Summers Street, Suite 232
Charleston, WV 25301-2163
Tel 304-342-5588
Fax 304-342-5505
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anybody else get this? Looks interesting.....
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Michael Barrick <michaelbarrick56(a)gmail.com>
Date: Sun, Apr 5, 2015 at 9:10 AM
Subject: Read about Preserving Sacred Appalachia conference in Charleston
Update from the Appalachian Chronicle <http://appalachianchronicle.com/>
‘Then & Now from the Blue Ridge Mountains to the Allegheny Plateau’
*From Today’s Charleston Gazette:*
*Michael M. Barrick: Gas industry …
[View More]remarks demand response from faith
community <http://www.wvgazette.com/article/20150405/ARTICLE/150409671>*
Thanks for reading. Please share this with others.
Blessings and peace,
Appalachian Preservation Project, LLC
Appalachian Chronicle <http://appalachianchronicle.com/>
On Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/appalachianpreservationproject
On Twitter: @appchronicle
Paul Wilson
Sierra Club Military Outdoors
Project Healing Waters Fly-fishing
504 Jefferson Ave
Charles Town, WV 25414-1130
Phone: 304-725-4360
Cell: 304-279-1361
"There is no forward until you have gone back" ~Buddha
"In all things of nature there is something of the marvelous" ~ Aristotle
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?Here is a transcript of an NPR story from Florida. This one follows on a Tea Party & Sierra Club alliance last year that killed a utility attempt to block net metering. I recommend we follow up and see if this leads to some shared interests herein WV regarding an IRP, or other solar initiatives.
Florida is one of several states where the Tea Party has embraced a new cause: solar energy. Tea Party groups are teaming up with progressive organizations to open up the solar energy …
[View More]industry. It's an unusual coalition and puts them at odds in some states with another conservative grassroots organization, the Koch brothers-backed Americans for Prosperity.
Full story is at:
Solar Energy Advocates Find Unexpected Ally In Tea Party : NPR
Florida is one of several states where the Tea Party has embraced a new cause: solar energy. Tea Party groups are teaming up with progressive organizations to open up the solar energy industry. It's an unusual coalition and puts them at odds in some states with another conservative grassroots organization, the Koch brothers-backed Americans for Prosperity.
Read more...<http://www.npr.org/2015/02/24/388796105/solar-energy-advocates-find-unexpec…>
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