Now that Albright is resolved, we need to pay some attention to this proposal for Rivesville.
>>> <articles(a)> 5/4/2012 6:45 AM >>>
jkotcon(a) sent you this article
May 3, 2012
N.Y. firm has energy-plant plans for Marion County ( )
By The Associated Press ( contact/jroznfgre+nc+bet+return=/News/201205030294 )
The Associated Press
P>FAIRMONT, W.Va. -- A New York company wants to retrofit the old coal-fired Rivesville Power Station to run on synthetic gas and build a Fairmont plant to produce synthetic diesel from trash.
WBOY-TV says Allied Geo-Plasma Energy Services mainly ...
Read more ( )
fyi, paul. there is a reference to Marcellus in this WY article.
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Fran Hunt <fran.hunt(a)>
Date: Fri, May 4, 2012 at 9:51 AM
Subject: Wyoming got EPA to delay fracking study finding
AP Exclusive: Wyoming got EPA to delay frack finding
By MEAD GRUVER, Associated Press
Thursday, May 3, 2012
(05-03) 12:29 PDT Cheyenne, Wyo. (AP) --
Wyoming's governor persuaded the head of the U.S. Environmental Protection
Agency to postpone an announcement linking hydraulic fracturing to
groundwater contamination, giving state officials — whom the EPA had
privately briefed on the study — time to attempt to debunk the finding
before it rocked the oil and gas industry more than a month later, an
investigation by The Associated Press has found.
During the delay, state officials raised dozens of questions about the
finding that the controversial procedure that has become essential to
unlocking oil and gas deposits in Wyoming and beyond may have tainted
groundwater near the gas patch community of Pavillion.
Gov. Matt Mead contacted EPA Director Lisa Jackson and persuaded her to
hold off any announcement, according to state emails and an interview with
the governor. The more than 11,000 emails made available to AP in response
to a state records request show that Wyoming officials took advantage of
the postponement to "take a hard line" and coordinate an "all-out press"
against the EPA in the weeks leading up to the announcement Dec. 8.
Meanwhile, the chief state regulator of oil and gas development fretted
over how the finding would affect state revenue.
And even as the state questioned the EPA's science, there were internal
doubts about how effective those objections would be.
"It's already too late. The White House has already seen the report with
conclusions," wrote Gary Strong, an engineer with the Wyoming Oil and Gas
Conservation Commission, following a presentation by EPA deputy assistant
regional administrator Martin Hestmark. The emails indicate that the
federal agency was being pressed by the White House to release its report.
But the state's questions did set the stage for additional groundwater and
household well water sampling in the Pavillion area that began a couple
weeks ago.
The struggle by both Wyoming officials and the EPA for message control
shows the extent to which they fretted about the findings. Wyoming depends
on oil and gas for its economic well-being while environmentalists have
pushed the Obama <>administration to
crack down on a process responsible for increasing U.S. onshore production.
The worry wasn't misplaced: Though the findings were unique to Pavillion,
they ricocheted amid heightened scrutiny of fracking in other drilling
regions including the Marcellus Shale states of New York, Ohio and
The emails also suggest an uneasy partnership now that the EPA and Wyoming,
as well as U.S. Geological Survey and two American Indian tribes, say they
are working together on further study of the Pavillion groundwater.
However, some recent re-sampling by the EPA of household well water in the
Pavillion area took Mead and other state officials by surprise. They had
presumed that only two monitoring wells the EPA had drilled to test for
groundwater pollution would be retested this spring.
"I won't tell anybody not to test. But if you're going to test, you need to
bring everyone in the process," Mead said in an interview Monday.
The EPA did not make Jackson available for an interview. EPA Region 8
Director Jim Martin said in a statement through spokesman Richard Mylott
that the EPA "has been transparent and has relied on the best science" to
inform Pavillion-area residents about their water.
Environmentalists including the Natural Resource Defense Council and Sierra
Club have looked to the Obama administration EPA to get tougher on
fracking, the practice of cracking open oil and gas deposits by pumping
pressurized water, fine sand and chemicals down well holes. They maintain
that fracking is a threat to clean groundwater.
The EPA study in the Pavillion area followed years of complaints from
homeowners that their well water took on a chemical stink around the time
that fracking picked up in their neighborhood about eight years ago.
Environmentalists welcomed the draft report as validation of their concerns.
Wyoming is the third-ranked state for onshore gas production and ninth for
onshore oil production. Nearly every new oil and gas well in Wyoming that
isn't a coal-bed methane well is fracked.
In internal emails that followed the Nov. 4 briefing, state officials
expressed support for fracking as critical to oil and gas extraction, a
$7.7 billion a year industry in Wyoming that accounts for 20 percent of the
state's gross domestic product.
"The limiting of the hydraulic fracturing process will result in negative
impacts to the oil and gas revenues to the state of Wyoming. A further
outcome will be the questioning of the economic viability of all
unconventional and tight oil and gas reservoirs in Wyoming, across the
United States, and ultimately in the world," wrote Tom Doll, supervisor of
the Oil and Gas Conservation Commission, in a long email that circulated
among top state officials.
Wyoming's top state regulator of oil and gas development, including
essentially all fracking in the state, Doll was a district manager for
Tulsa, Okla.-based Williams Production Company until 2008.
The spark for Doll's missive was the closed-door meeting at Wyoming
Department of Environmental Quality headquarters in Cheyenne two days
earlier. EPA administrator Martin briefed Wyoming officials about what the
EPA was about to announce based on its research in Pavillion. Doll took
part by phone.
"Contaminants present at high concentrations in the deep monitoring wells
are likely a result of hydraulic fracturing," read a "Key Findings" slide
in an EPA PowerPoint shown at the meeting. Each slide was marked
"Confidential--Do Not Disclose."
The public announcement more than a month later stated that the groundwater
"contains compounds likely associated with gas production practices,
including hydraulic fracturing."
The EPA also suggested at the private meeting that gas development likely
had contaminated household well water in the Pavillion area but that
current data did not definitively support such a link. The EPA has made no
such claim in public to date.
Emails show that Mead sought to reach Jackson within hours. Mead confirmed
that he got her to hold off on the findings report until state officials
could review the data.
"When I talked to Lisa Jackson they were going to release the findings
regardless. That wasn't even the question. The question was on the timing
of it. We wanted a chance to see what are they basing this on," Mead told
the AP.
"She said, `Well, maybe we can hold off a couple weeks to give you guys
this data.'"
The EPA released raw data on pollution in the two monitoring wells at a
public meeting in Pavillion on Nov. 9, five days after the private state
briefing. Among the pollutants was the carcinogen benzene as high as 50
times the EPA limit. The EPA showed a PowerPoint similar to the one shown
at the private meeting but without announcing any findings. There was no
"Key Findings" slide.
Releasing the data and findings outside of the purview of two "working
groups" angered state regulators. The working groups made up of state and
EPA officials had been examining the Pavillion pollution for the better
part of a year.
Wyoming didn't take the news from the private EPA briefing sitting down.
The state could "get ahead of the curve" by assigning its own experts to
review the data, suggested John Corra, the environmental quality director.
"Sort of an all out press," Corra wrote to Doll and others Nov. 7.
Doll suggested to Corra and others in a Nov. 19 email that Wyoming take "a
hard line" after one EPA official told them to drop their concerns.
"EPA has not substantially defended their explanation, the data is
questionable on many levels, and EPA has ignored our alternative
explanations," Doll wrote.
Dozens of questions from state regulators followed. They included why the
monitoring well water samples had high pH readings. The EPA report referred
to the high pH and mentioned the detection of potassium hydroxide, a basic
chemical used in fracking.
Pavillion residents didn't hear about the finding before the public
announcement, said John Fenton, chairman of Pavillion Area Concerned
Fenton said he was unhappy that regulators hadn't kept local residents
fully apprised of the latest developments concerning their water supply.
Yet he held EPA in higher regard than the state officials he said ignored
Pavillion for years, prompting residents to request the EPA investigation.
"Those of us living out here, we don't trust the state," he said.
State officials actively kept the media in the dark about the upcoming EPA
announcement, even as reporters questioned them about the data.
"My sense is that the reporter was searching for a conflict to write about,
and I tried to head that off," Corra wrote Nov. 29 to several other state
officials about one reporter's questions.
Another state regulator suggested that Wyoming officials keep in mind how
they're perceived while they questioned the EPA data.
"This could go on for a long time, during which we'll likely continue to be
in an adversarial discussion with EPA, the public and the press," the
Department of Environmental Quality's groundwater chief, Kevin Frederick,
wrote to Corra on Dec. 2. "Is there a way to shift the focus of discussion
to show the State in a more positive light while the present uncertainties
continue to simmer?"
The additional sampling since agreed to has extended the study of the
Pavillion groundwater. Peer review of the sampling results, set to begin
this spring, now is scheduled for this fall.
*Frances A. Hunt*
Director, Resilient Habitats Campaign
Sierra Club
50 F Street, NW
Washington, DC 20001
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"There is no forward until you have gone back" ~Buddha
"In all things of nature there is something of the marvelous" ~ Aristotle
Coal ash free conf call tomorrow.
On Tue, May 1, 2012 at 11:09 AM, Bill Price <bill.price(a)>wrote:
> FYI. this call is put together by EarthJustice, and will be an opportunity
> for discussion about the coal ash issues all across the region.
> See below for call in number.
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: Jeremy Graham <jgraham(a)>
> Date: Tue, May 1, 2012 at 10:26 AM
> Subject: REMINDER: National Coal Ash Call, Weds, May 2, 1-2:30 pm ET (NOTE
> To: Jeremy Graham <jgraham(a)>
> *--Apologies for cross-posting--*
> ** **
> ** **
> Dear Coal Ash Allies:****
> ** **
> Please join our National Coal Ash Call this Wednesday, May 2 from 1 -2:30
> pm Eastern. This is the second of our quarterly calls on this critical
> public health issue.****
> ** **
> We will provide an update on the amendment to the Transportation Bill that
> currently threatens EPA’s authority to regulate coal ash, and we will
> discuss how you can help defeat this measure. We will also provide an
> update on EPA’s and OSM's activities and hear important developments from
> activists in the field. Lastly, we will discuss a new nationwide
> initiative for citizens and grassroots groups.****
> ** **
> Thank you in advance for calling in. Please call: 866.501.6174, PIN
> 2249224.****
> ** **
> A detailed agenda is pasted below with links to additional information
> concerning some of the topics. If you have any suggested additions to the
> agenda, please send me an email.****
> ** **
> Sincerely,****
> ** **
> Lisa Evans****
> Senior Administrative Counsel****
> Earthjustice****
> ** **
> ****
> Agenda****
> National Coal Ash Call****
> May 2, 2012****
> 1 -2:30 pm Eastern Time****
> ** **
> Introduction: Jared Saylor, Earthjustice****
> ** **
> Update on Transportation Bill and What You Can Do to Defeat the McKinley
> Amendment: Emily Enderle, Earthjustice, (17 min)****
> ** **
> -- See: Sample Action Alert:
> ****
> -- See: Link to Bill:
> ****
> ** **
> Update on Status of EPA Rule and Coal Ash Rule Lawsuit: Lisa Evans,
> Earthjustice (2 min)****
> -- See: Link to Complaint:
> ** **
> New Damage Cases: Eric Schaeffer, Environmental Integrity Project (2 min)*
> ***
> -- See: Link to Report:
> ** **
> Reports from the Field:****
> ** **
> (1) North Carolina "Call to Action" in Asheville, Sandra Diaz,
> Appalachian Voices and Hartwell Carson, French Broad Riverkeeper (3 min)**
> **
> (2) Shareholder Resolutions, Barbara Jennings, Midwest Coalition
> for Responsible Investment (3 min)****
> (3) Doctors to D.C.: Barb Gottlieb, Physicians for Social
> Responsibility (3 min)****
> -- See:
> ****
> -- See: ****
> (4) Fight against Fugitive Dust, Kathy Little or Deborah Payne,
> Kentucky Environmental Foundation (3 min)****
> -- See:****
> (5) West Virginia: Wins and Losses: Curt Havens, Lisa Graves
> Marcucci (TBD) (3 min)****
> ** **
> Coal Ash Minefilling Rule—Another Front? (TBD) (3 min)****
> ** **
> National Citizen Petition Initiative: Russ Maddox, Alaska Center for the
> Environment (10 min)****
> -- See:Link to Petition Process:
> ****
> --****
> ** **
> Open Discussion: 30 min****
> ** **
> ** **
> --
> Bill Price, Organizing Representative
> Sierra Club
> Environmental Justice Program
> Beyond Coal to Clean Energy Campaign
> Phone: 304-389-8822 (Cell)
> Email: bill.price(a)
Jim Sconyers
Remember, Mother Nature bats last.