You might appreciate the attached survey results from Virginia. It is
always helpful to know how much support there is for various options, if
for no other reason than to help frame your message.
>>> <Paula.Carrell(a)> 10/23/2008 12:24 PM >>>
thought you might like to know about this
----- Forwarded by Paula Carrell/Sierraclub on 10/23/2008 09:23 AM
"Glen Besa" <glen.besa(a)>
10/22/2008 01:49 PM
VA Opinion Survey Attached
Poll: Majority of Virginians worried about climate change
By Scott Harper
The Virginian-Pilot
© October 22, 2008
Three out of four Virginians think global warming is real and most want
government at all levels - federal, state and local - to take actions
fight it, according to a statewide opinion poll released Tuesday.
Authors described the poll of 660 state residents as one of the first
most comprehensive snapshots of how Virginians of all ages, backgrounds
and political sympathies feel about one of the great environmental
of the era.
The Virginia Climate Survey was conducted by phone interviews between
Sept. 4 and 24 and was financed with grants from private foundations
donors through the Miller Center of Public Affairs at the University of
Virginia. It has a margin of error of 4 percentage points.
Among its findings, 39 percent of respondents think human activity
climate change by the burning of fossil fuels, 20 percent think the
is simply going through a natural warming cycle, and another 30 percent
say a combination of natural and man-made causes are to blame.
Among believers, 61 percent think global warming is a "very serious"
problem, and 72 percent want government to "take immediate action."
The most popular policy option, according to the poll, is requiring
companies to generate electricity with a prescribed percentage of
renewable energies, such as wind, solar, geothermal and biomass.
Increased gasoline taxes and a carbon tax finished last on a list of 15
options offered to survey participants.
Nuclear energy was fairly popular as an alternative source, with 30
percent "strongly supporting" its expansion in Virginia and 14 percent
"strongly opposing" it.
Virginia Dominion Power, the state's largest electric utility, is
government approval to build at least one new nuclear reactor at its
Anna power station northwest of Richmond.
Barry Rabe, a visiting scholar at the Miller Center, who helped to
the poll, said the results "roughly mirror" those seen nationally. For
example, 75 percent of Virginians think global warming is occurring;
nationwide, 71 percent think so.
Similarly, 13 percent of state residents don't think global warming is
really happening; 21 percent nationally feel the same way.
During a presentation of the findings Tuesday, Rabe said he was
struck by the "across-the-board" belief that all levels of government
responsible for fixing the problem.
The poll comes as the governor's Commission on Climate Change winds
its yearlong study of how best to reach a key goal established by Gov.
Timothy M. Kaine's administration - reducing greenhouse gas emissions
30 percent by 2025.
Secretary of Natural Resources L. Preston Bryant Jr. said the poll
provide political cover in the state General Assembly, where any
Virginia-specific global-warming programs would need to be approved.
Showing such widespread support for government action to reluctant
delegates and senators, Bryant said, "hopefully will mean something,
so many Virginians believe this is real and important."
The co-author of the poll, Christopher Borick, director of the
of Public Opinion at Muhlenberg College in Allentown, Pa., said one key
question asked of Virginians is why they believe or don't believe in
global warming.
The No. 1 response among believers is personal experience - "they felt,
personally, that things were warmer," Borick said. The second-most
was evidence that glaciers and polar ice are melting.
One percent said they were convinced by former Vice President Al Gore's
award-winning documentary, "An Inconvenient Truth."
The top reason offered by skeptics is that natural patterns
explain any fluctuation in temperatures. Twelve percent gave no reason,
and 5 percent said the media is misleading the public about the issue.
Scott Harper, (757) 446-2340, scott.harper(a)
Highlights of the survey
Some highlights of the Virginia Climate Survey, on public opinions of
state residents about global warming, as released Tuesday:
Q. “From what you’ve read and heard, is there solid evidence that
average temperature on Earth has been getting warmer over the past four
A. Yes, 75 percent; no, 13 percent; not sure, 12 percent
Demographic breakdown
Republican – 57 percent said yes; 24 percent said no; 19 percent said
Democrat – 88 percent yes; 3 percent no; 9 percent not sure
Independent – 75 percent yes; 13 percent no; 15 percent not sure
Male – 71 percent yes; 16 percent no; 13 percent not sure
Female – 78 percent yes; 10 percent no; 11 percent not sure
White – 73 percent yes; 14 percent no; 12 percent not sure
Non white – 81 percent yes; 9 percent no; 10 percent not sure
College educated – 71 percent yes; 15 percent no; 14 percent not
Noncollege – 80 percent yes; 11 percent no; 10 percent not sure
18-44 – 73 percent yes; 11 percent no; 16 percent not sure
45-64 – 77 percent yes; 14 percent no; 9 percent not sure
65 and older – 76 percent yes; 14 percent no; 11 percent not sure
Northern VA – 78 percent yes; 13 percent no; 10 percent not sure
Tidewater – 75 percent yes; 15 percent no; 10 percent not sure
Richmond/Charlottesville – 68 percent yes; 13 percent no; 19 percent
Q. “Is the Earth getting warmer because of human activity such as
fossil fuels or mostly because of natural patterns in the Earth’s
A. Human activity, 39 percent; natural patterns, 20 percent; a
combination, 33 percent; not sure, 8 percent
Q. “In your view is global warming a very serious problem, somewhat
serious, not too serious or not a problem?”
A. Very serious, 61 percent; somewhat serious, 28 percent; not too
serious, 6 percent; not a problem , 4 percent; not sure, 1 percent
Q. “Do you or do you not think global warming requires immediate
government action?”
A. Requires immediate, 72 percent; no, it does not, 19 percent; don’t
know/not, 9 percent
Q. Most favored policy options? (by level of “strong support”)
1) Creation of renewable portfolio standard, 55 percent
2) Increased support for clean coal technology, 51 percent
3) Increased fuel efficiency standards for automobiles, 49 percent
4) Energy efficiency requirements for residential and commercial
buildings, 49 percent
5) Tax reductions for hybrid vehicle purchase, 47 percent
Q. Least favored policy options? (by level of “strong opposition”)
1) Increased gasoline tax, 55 percent
2) Increased fossil fuel tax, 37 percent
3) Increased support for ethanol development, 18 percent
4) Restrictions on suburban development, 17 percent
5) Establishment of cap-and-trade program, 15 percent
Glen Besa, Chapter Director
Sierra Club-Virginia Chapter
422 East Franklin Street, Suite 302
Richmond, VA 23219
O-804-225-9113 x 104
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