Please forward widely. I sent my e-mail, please send yours today.
Jim Kotcon
Lisa Graves-Marcucci 2/15/2011 1:11 PM >>>
Please Excuse Duplications Please Distribute Widely
Dear Friend, Unfortunately, Rep. Stearns of Florida has inserted the following amendment into a House appropriations bill - currently on the House floor and likely for vote today or tomorrow. It would withhold funding from US EPA to regulate coal combustion waste as hazardous, putting many Americans' health at risk.
Please urge everyone to call their member of Congress today and ask them to:
*1. Vote against this egregious amendment * *2. Let** the US EPA protect public health - without interference from special interests and Congress* * * *Locate your member of Congress using the link below - just insert your zip code* **
AMENDMENT H.R. 1 OFFERED BY.:MR. STEARNS of FLORIDA At the end of the bill (before the short title), insert the following: 1 SEC. . None of the funds made available by this 2 Act may be used to regulate or classify coal combustion 3 residuals as a hazardous waste or material.
*After all our hard work, it would be tragic to have public health protections derailed by an appropriations amendment. Please make these important calls today.*
Many thanks, Lisa Graves Marcucci Sam Flenner