TOAST TO TAP WATER– Celebrate National Drinking Water Week from May 1st to May 7th, 2011! ........I just received this today, May 10th!
Since Americans drink more than one billion glasses of tap water per day, a safe water supply is critical to protecting Americans’ health. How is your community protecting your tap water? What actions can you can take to protect your precious water supply?
Share your thoughts and ideas at
OBAMA ADMINISTRATION COMMITS TO CLEAN WATER PROGRESS Despite the dramatic progress of the Clean Water Act, an estimated one-third of U.S. waters still do not meet the swimmable and fishable standards. The administration has developed a new framework to increase water protection through the promotion of innovative partnerships, water efficient communities, restoring important water bodies, protecting public health, enhancing recreational water use, updating water policies, and scientifically solving water problems.
For more information, go to
"Morgantown Drilling Approved With No Public Input" at the web site below:
Duane Nichols, Home- 304-599-8040, Cell- 304-216-5535