River Alert Information Network (RAIN). https://rainmatters.org/
What We Do RAIN's objective is to aid in the protection of our rivers and improve public health by making source water the top priority. With our Early Warning Spill Detection System we aim to alert water treatment facilities about contamination before it can spread downstream. We hope to educate the public on source water and help everyone understand how important water is to our health and in our every day lives.
SAFEGUARD DRINKING WATER RAIN's Early Warning Spill Detection System alerts water treatment facilities when the monitoring equipment notices an irregular parameter reading. This gives them time to take preventative measures.
PROMOTE ENVIRONMENTAL COLLABORATION Our member network of over 50 and our many partnerships allow for collaboration on projects and ideas working towards protecting our rivers and our public health.
LEVERAGE TECHNOLOGY TO SOLVE PROBLEMS We have 23 monitoring sites that utilize modern technology to gauge the quality of the water, based on a number of different parameters throughout the Ohio River Basin.