Message ----- From: Amanda Pitzer Sent: Wednesday, July 24, 2013 11:48 AM Subject: Cheat River Comeback story on NPR
Dear Friends,
In case you missed it:
Thanks to Frank Jernejcic, Ralph Teter, Jim Snyder, and the FOC crew for participating in the story and kudos to Emily Corio for reaching out to FOC and pulling it all together!
Nearly 20 years after the T&T blowouts, 26.5 miles of the Cheat River main stem, from Pringle Run to Cheat Lake, are slated to be removed from the state's list of impaired waters for pH impairments. What an accomplishment!
AMD restoration work in the Cheat watershed was also highlighted in the June episode of WVDEP's Environmental Matters program. You can watch this excellent video here:
Thanks to Michael Huff and the Non-Point Source Program for coordinating the tour and video production.
I've also attached a photo to remind everyone how this all began...Muddy Creek, 1994. Here's to another 20 years of hope and hard work!
Sincerely, Amanda J. Pitzer, Executive Director, Friends of the Cheat
Working to restore, preserve, and protect the outstanding natural qualities of the Cheat River watershed since 1994.