REMEMBER: The DOE National Interest Electricity Transmission (NIET) Corridor
comments DEADLINE is July 6th!
You should submit comments electronically at:
_http://nietc.anl.gov_ (
You can attach one file no larger than 10MB. So write a letter and attach it to an email. Or, just send an email letter.
Address it to:
The Office of Electricity Delivery and Energy Reliability, OE-20 U.S. Department of Energy 1000 Independence Avenue SW Washington, DC 20585
"If you are commenting on Docket No. 2007-OE-01 (the draft Mid-Atlantic Area National Corridor), your comments must be marked "Attn: Docket No. 2007-OE-01."
So let's get all of our comments submitted a.s.a.p. Getting comment in on the excessively large area of the NIET Corridor is extremely important, covering essentially the northern half of West Virginia.
Note that Gov. Manchin first supported this Corridor, but now opposes it, more or less.
NOTE: There is no crisis in power on the East Coast. The eastern states need to (1) practice conservation and energy efficiency to the greatest extent possible, then (2) devise a plan that involves alternative fuels such that carbon dioxide emission can be REDUCED, not EXPANDED in the near and long term future. The "greenhouse effect" is real and huge!
Duane Nichols, CLEAR and Board Member of MVCAC.
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