NOTICE: During the next few weeks, please examine the new Bridge Over
Cheat Lake,
and on the East Upstream side please notice a gap in the Guard Rail for
pulling off into
a small area freshly graveled and decorated with large stone pieces from
the old bridge piers.
This new area is intended for use of car top carry down boats, not for
swimming. We owe
a big thank you to Frank Jernejcic, Fish Biologist, WV-DNR and Brayman
Construction for
the work done thus far on this pull-off, parking, site seeing, car-top
boat access location.
1. What would you name the new bridge? I hope that the new name is The
Ice's Ferry Bridge.
That was the name for the old bridge, and the location was the site of the
ferry crossing in the
earliest days for pioneers when the Ice family settled in that vicinity and
gave birth to the first
non native child west of these mountains. The Ice Family monument has
been preserved and
is now located on the East Downstream side of the new bridge, another
reason that the Ice family
name would be right for the new bridge. What would you name the new
2. Stop by the East Upstream access location and look around. We might
work with
the WV Division of Natural Resources to improve this carry-down boat
access location
over the coming months and years. What ideas would you have. In some
locations, some
fill dirt and grass might be feasible. Safety features may be needed along
the access ramp,
which is rather steep. Your ideas would be appreciated.
NOTE: If you are walking on or near the new bridge and decide to cross to
the other side, you
will be in danger of the automobile traffic because cars and trucks are
going much faster on this
new bridge than was the case with the old one and no crossing points have
been allowed for.
Safety first, please take great care.