Thanks for the update Donna!

From: Donna Holdorf <>
To: P Kelley <>
Cc: "" <>; "" <>; "" <>; "" <>; beth reseter <>; beth reseter <>
Sent: Friday, August 9, 2013 11:30 AM
Subject: Re: Fayette County Commission Agenda Meeting

Patrick and friends,

The dates for the commissioners meeting have been changed.
New dates:  Tues Agenda Mtg Aug 20 and Thur Aug 22
Please spread the word to your team!

On Wed, Aug 7, 2013 at 10:19 AM, P Kelley <> wrote:

This Tuesday 8/13 at 10:00 AM Fayette County Commission holds their agenda meeting. I plan on attending to push for $50,000 to be directed from the legacy fund (funded by Marcellus impact fees) to be utilized for the construction of the sheepskin trail. I welcome more voices to show support for this issue.

For those of you who may not know the Sheepskin trail is a proposed ( and partially complete) 34 mile rail trail that would connect the Mon River Trail System to the Great Allegheny Passage (GAP). With a little over two miles complete and another 3 miles in planning/construction stages and with nearly the entire 34 mile right of way already purchased, we can get this complete in a few short years. The economic and environmental impact of this project on our community can not be overstated. The GAP has brought life and revitalization to economically devastated communities along its trail side. With just the first mile being completed an easy commute from Point Marion to Morgantown will be not only possible but perhaps be a quicker bike ride than drive.

What can $50,000 do for a $5,000,000 project? The short answer is $50,000 in locally sourced funds can be used to leverage funding for 1 mile of trail. I believe these early grabs for funds are the most important, if we start to make some serious headway we will gather the momentum to kick this project into high gear. When a group of us attended the last county commission meeting, I think we made an impression. Let's go back and really rock the boat. Thanks for your support! I hope to see you there.
Patrick Kelley
Vice President, Complete Title Solutions
265 High St. 7th Floor
Morgantown, WV 26505
Cell:    724-812-2429
Office: 304-284-8855
Fax:    412-291-1141