Positive Spin wants to remind you that you are invited to ride with Country Roads Cyclists (CRC) this Sunday, August 10, at 1pm in the vicinity of Positive Spin.  If you need to drive, there is overflow parking beside the skate board park.

CRC will bike up the Deckers Creek Trail to Masontown (milepost 13), then return to the park.  Keep in mind that you can ride whatever distance you want, that is one of the nice aspects about group trail rides. You can get creative, too.  Some people drive their friends up, and then ride down the trail one-way, and designate another person to bicycle back up to Masontown to retrieve the vehicle.

Positive Spin will have an informal potluck picnic about 4:30pm.  Please bring a dish to share, or food can be purchased in Sabraton.  A grill will be available.  Word is that there may be a DJ in front of the facility! 

Positive Spin and CRC are partners, and I am glad to announce that we are indeed experiencing real results in getting new people out bicycling!   CRC schedules many rides, and CRC membership is only $10.
