Mark your calendars!   Positive Spin will join Country Roads Cyclists (CRC) for two bicycle rides on July 6 (Independence Day Weekend) and August 10; both events begin at 1pm. Meet at Positive Spin.  If you need to drive, there is overflow parking beside the skate board park.
At both events, we will bike up the Deckers Creek Trail to Masontown (milepost 13), then return to the park.  Then we will have an informal potluck picnic at Positive Spin about 4:30pm. Please bring a dish to share, or food can be purchased in Sabraton.    Keep in mind that you can ride whatever distance you want, that is one of the nice aspects about group trail rides. You can get creative, too.  At the most recent Masontown ride there was a family who made arrangements so that one person drove up, and then bicycled back, and then the other person bicycled up, and drove back.
When I was 11 years old, my own introduction to recreational road riding came from rides with an organization that preceded CRC, the Monongalia Bicycle Club.  It is impressive to observe that the tradition of arranging rides that are friendly to all skill levels continues with CRC! 

Our organizations are now partners, and I would like to encourage Positive Spin volunteers (in lieu of hours) and supporters not only to become members of the Spin, but to consider joining CRC for only $10!
