Hello all!

Positive Spin's 2nd Ladies Night is upon us!  WTF (Women Trans and Femmes of all stripes welcome!)
For now, we're going to host four Ladies' Night events a year.  And our Winter date is right around the corner!  Next Wednesday the 5th we will have a fix-a-flat workshop to make sure everyone gets a chance to patch and change a tube.  Feel free to bring your own wheel or bike to practice on. 

Bikers of all experience levels welcome!  Bring your questions, experience, wisdom, and even your bike.  We can work on anything you want, but our starting point will be  fixing a flat on the go. 

Katie Luckini will be teaching again.  Feel free to contact her with any questions or concerns. 304-588-1378.  ktluckini@hotmail.com.  Or reach out to Positive Spin.  https://www.facebook.com/events/2341883886039467/

Please sign up at this link so we know what to expect:  https://demopad.bikelover.org/p/Womens-Night-Sign-Up

Hope to see you there!
All the best,