Hi All,

Kid's Day is this Saturday from 10-2pm on High Street. We'll be in the BB&T parking lot (496 High Street) along with the FBI, Police Department, EMS, and Red Cross (Safety Area). The Bike Board and Positive Spin will host an array of fun, pedal-inspiring activities including:

- Mobile Repair Shop
- Demonstration Bikes from Positive Spin
- Helmet Fitting and Tire Pumping
- Promo materials from Positive Spin  

Thanks in advance to Jonathan, Marilyn, Will, Bill, and Jen P. for offering up their time and expertise to help out on Saturday!


Spread the word and come on out an say hi! The more the merrier.


PS- do we have any promo materials about the Bike Board that we can put out on display? If so, let me know.