ALERT ~ West Virginia Rivers Coalition Responds to MVP Dilemma

Pipeline Visual Assessment Training ~ YOU CAN HELP ~ Take the Survey and Learn to Serve

Wild Virginia, WV Rivers and the POWHR Coalition have Active Plans Regarding M.V.P.

From a Posting & Email by Autumn Crowe, WV Rivers, June 30, 2023

Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) has now approved MVP to restart ALL remaining construction, so ​I wanted to share some quick thoughts and resources from last night’s Pipeline Visual Assessment Training with POWHR Coalition and Wild Virginia.

The potential consequences of this project extend far beyond its immediate impact, with significant ramifications for our environment, water resources, public lands, and communities along the pipeline’s route.

WV Rivers and our partners will continue to monitor water quality and carefully record environmental impacts to hold MVP accountable every step of the way.

To ensure comprehensive research and data collection, we are also conducting a survey to gather your thoughts, questions, and concerns about the pipeline. You can click here to take the survey now to let us know if and how you want to be involved in helping our efforts.

Your input is crucial as we navigate through these challenges and work to safeguard our natural resources together. As a heads up, Mariah, our MVP Organizer might reach out to follow up and learn more. We’ll also share the results of our survey with Virginia organizers, so please be sure to fill out the form whether you’re based in WV or VA.

Additionally, you can find the link to the recording of our training and the slides presented. Below are more useful links referenced throughout our training.

Your guide to downloading the Stream Watch App. Here is the guide WV River’s Staff Scientist Jenna Dodson mentioned during her segment.

More resources on the Stream Watch App. Thanks to Trout Unlimited for their help in providing these guides!

Mountain Valley Pipeline Construction Monitoring – Interest Form. Complete this form to share how you want to help.

Erosion Control Survey Form. Use the MVWatch Erosion Control Survey below to report detailed potential sediment and erosion control incidents anywhere along the construction right of way.

MVP Construction Activity Survey Form. Use the Construction Activity Survey Form below for quick reports of construction activity, obvious pollution incidents, and other MVP construction details such as site or stream conditions. Think of this as a rapid response tool!

Construction Dashboard. View construction activity reports as submitted by observers on this dashboard.

Stream Order and Watershed Intersect. Find sites near you to monitor, especially near stream and wetland crossings, using the Stream Order map.

Parcel/Pipeline Zone Map. Use the Parcel Map to find your location in proximity to MVP.

Virginia DEQ Pollution Reporting Portal. Use Virginia DEQ’s online pollution reporting tool to report violations immediately to DEQ.

Master List of MVP Variance Requests Through FERC. Thanks to our friends at POWHR for organizing.

Your commitment and dedication have been instrumental in our efforts to protect our environment from the impacts of the Mountain Valley Pipeline. I encourage you to make use of these resources and share them with like-minded individuals who may benefit from them.

If you have any questions about the material above, don’t hesitate to reach out. And don’t forget: Always look up stream!

In solidarity, Autumn Crowe
Program Director, WV Rivers