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Maury Johnson Chat on Fracked Gas Pipelines in West Virginia & Virginia

>>> Interview on Friday, December 8th at 1:00 PM on Halt the Harm Network

Join us today at 1:00 PM ET for a live 20-minute interview with Maury W. Johnson, the recent winner of the FracTracker Sentinel Awards.

This live interview, hosted by AC Stauble from Halt the Harm Network, offers a unique opportunity to delve deeper into Maury’s inspiring work.

Sign in to Halt the Harm to join the call​

Hailing from Greenville, West Virginia, Maury is a dedicated member of the Board of Directors of Preserve Monroe (WV) and the WV Co-Chair of the Protect Our Water & Heritage Rights (POWHR) Coalition.

For over eight years, Maury has been at the forefront of the fight against the Mountain Valley Pipeline (MVP) and other detrimental projects across West Virginia, Virginia, and North Carolina.

Don’t miss this chance to hear firsthand about Maury’s experiences, challenges, and triumphs this Friday, December 8, 2023.

Bring your own questions to add to the chat or ask at the end to Maury yourselves. Sign in to RSVP​.

Best, AC Stauble, Halt the Harm Network