ALERT ~ U. S. EPA Needs to Hear from You on the Climate Crisis

Protect the Environment AND the Public Health with Help from E.P.A.

Background Information on Reducing Pollution from Fossil Energy

From the Physicians for Social Responsibility [PSR], August 6, 2023

We need you to submit a comment to the U.S. EPA to help slow climate change ASAP. The deadline is tomorrow, August 8th.

The proposed new rule requires emissions reductions but leaves it up to states and the individual sources to decide how to meet these new standards. Technologies that might be used would include carbon capture and storage (CCS) and use of hydrogen as a fuel. In addition, power plant owners could operate their plants less frequently, switch to cleaner fuels like solar or wind, and/or retire their plants.

In May, the EPA proposed a new standard that intends to cut carbon emissions from existing coal-burning power plants and new and existing gas-fired plants. We strongly support lowering emissions and curbing climate change and are urging the EPA to strengthen the rule in order to protect public health and the environment and prevent any increase in emissions.
The proposed new rule requires emissions reductions but leaves it up to states and the individual sources to decide how to meet these new standards.

Technologies that might be used would include carbon capture and storage and use of hydrogen as a fuel. In addition, power plant owners could operate their plants less frequently, switch to cleaner fuels like solar or wind, and/or retire their plants.

Carbon capture and storage (CCS) can help reduce carbon emissions, but it is energy-intensive, expensive and not one hundred percent effective at capturing carbon. Not only this, but CCS requires construction of extensive pipeline infrastructure, along with underground storage that would have to continue forever. These have negative impacts on health and the environment.

In the United States, 99 percent of hydrogen is sourced from fossil fuels, primarily methane. Relying on this fuel source in power plants would increase demand for fossil fuels and would raise the likelihood of methane leaks into the atmosphere.

In addition to these concerns, the rule does not account for a vast majority of gas power plants currently in operation. The EPA must strengthen these standards so all of our communities are protected from carbon emissions, climate change, and the worrisome technologies the fossil fuel industry is promoting.

There are numerous health impacts associated with hydrogen and CCS so we need to make sure the EPA hears about them from PSR members. Read more about our concerns, and send a comment to the EPA. The comment period ends Tuesday, August 8.