Longview Power LLC has now submitted their "Interconnection Service Agreement" to the WV Public Service Commission,
as shown below and available at the PSC web site under Case No. 03-1860-E-CS-CN.
Source::  http://www.psc.state.wv.us/scripts/WebDocket/ViewDocument.cfm?CaseActivityID=303115&NotType='WebDocket'
101 South Queen Street
Martinsburg, West Virginia 25401
7000 Hampton Center
Morgantown, West Virginia 26505
5th Floor, United Square
501 Avery Street
Parkersburg, West Virginia 26101
(304) 263-0836
(304) 285-2500
(304) 485-8500
Leonard Knee
Telephone - (304) 347-1 726
Facsimile - (304) 347-2196
(540) 723-8877
2400 Cranberry Square
Morgantown, West Virginia 26508-9209
(304) 594-1000
August 19, 20 1 0 E-Mail Address:
Sandra Squire, Executive Secretary
Public Service Commission of West Virginia
201 Brooks Street
Charleston, West Virginia 25323
Re: Case No. 03-1 860-E-CS-CN
Dear Ms. Squire:
This letter is submitted on behalf of Longview Power, LLC (“Longview”). Attached
are copies of the Interconnection Service Agreement By and Among PJM Interconnection, L. L. C.
and Longview Power, LLC and West Penn Power Company dba Allegheny Power; the PJM
Generator Interconnection Request System Impact Study Report and a Notice of Self-CertiJication of
Exempt Wholesale Generator Status.
The Order of the Public Service Commission of West Virginia (“Commission”)
dated August 27,2004, in the above-referenced proceeding, ordered in part:
The general operational conditions are as follows:
III, a Longview must file copies of the final Interconnection Agreements between
Longview and PJMprior to commencing operation;
The attached Interconnection Service Agreement By and Among PJM
Interconnection, L.L.C. and Longview Power, LLC and West Penn Power Company dba Allegheny
Power satisfies condition 1II.a of the August 27, 2004 Order.
The Order of the Commission dated February 16, 2007, in the above-referenced
proceeding, ordered in part:
10. The Commission’s finding that the proposed changes are not a material
modification is contingent upon the receipt of the revised System Impact Study from PJM with no
uncorrectable adverse system impacts identified.
The attached PJM Generator Interconnection Request System Impact Study Report,
of September 2008 satisfies this requirement of the February 16, 2007 Order.
Sandra Squire, Executive Secretary
August 19,2010
Condition 1II.c. of the Commission’s August 27,2004 Order also ordered in part:
III.c. Longview must file evidence of its EWG status to the FERC prior to
commencing operation.
Longview submitted its notice of filing for‘ exempt wholesale generator status with
the Federal Regulatory Commission (“FERC”) on June 7, 2010. Pursuant to 18 C.F.R. 366.7 if
FERC takes no action within 60 days from the date of filing of the notice of self-certification, the
self-certification shall be deemed to have been granted.
The attached Notice of Filing, of June 7, 2010 satisfies this requirement of the
August 27, 2004 Order.
In Case No. 08-1521-E-C Barbara Born, et al. vs. Longview Power, LLC, Mr. Duane
Nichols stated that Mr. Gaujot has withdrawn as counsel for the Born Intervenors. He requested
that he (Mr. Nichols) be the contact person, Accordingly, a copy of this letter and its attachments
have been served upon Duane Nichols as well as upon counsel of record.
Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Very truly yours,
Leonard Knee
cc: Leslie Anderson, Esquire
Vincent Trivelli, Esquire
Edward G. Kennedy, Esquire
Mr. Duane Nichols