The WVU Health Sciences Research Day is this Friday, April 28. There will be a featured guest speaker from Noon-1:00, as described below:


12:00- 1:00pm -  The featured speaker,  Dr. Plopper, Professor at the University of California, will present a special lecture entitled "Early Childhood Exposure to Environment Pollutants * Implications for Lung Disease" in the HSC Auditorium. A reception will follow.

Dr. Plopper received his PhD from the University of California and postdoctoral training in electron microscopy at both the U.S. Army Medical Research Laboratory in Denver and the Letterman Army Institute of Research in San Francisco.  He is known for his research on respiratory diseases with a special emphasis on asthma and other airway disorders as influenced by environmental oxidant pollutants.  His studies have contributed greatly to our understanding of environmental pollutants as agents for triggering disorders of both the cardiovascular and respiratory systems as well as diseases such as cancer.  At the national level his efforts have contributed to federal guidelines on limits of tolerance for environmental contaminants as well as regional, state and national strategies to reduce environmental pollution.