From: "Reger-Nash, Bill" <>
Date: January 13, 2012 1:05:08 PM EST

Crossroads for Morgantown .....

Pedestrian and Bicycle Safety  -- public health issue

Students, faculty, staff, and friends of public health:


We are at a crossroads for transportation and public health.  The Morgantown area traffic congestion continues to increase, our air quality is borderline non compliant, and walking/bicycling are not always safe or easy.


There are critical upcoming meetings concerning walking and bicycle safety for the Morgantown area.  The  community needs to make walking and bicycle safety a priority because of the public health implications.  An extra 15 minutes of daily physical activity for a year represents approximately 5 lbs of fat burned for the average American adult.  Let’s do what we can to make our community less car dependent for the long term. We will all breathe easier, enjoy better health, and have more prosperity. 


1)      MILE GROUND PEDESTRIAN AND BICYCLE SAFETY:  Jan 24th 4-7 pm Easton Elementary School cafeteria – West Virginia Department of Highways presentation of preferred redesign of our infamous Mile Ground. My understanding is that their preferred alternative is NOT friendly to bicycles and pedestrians. PLEASE attend and express your concerns.


2)      REGIONAL LONG RANGE TRANSPORTATION PLAN:  Jan 25th 7-9 pm South Middle School & Jan 26th 7-9 North Elementary School.  These are opportunities for community input on the long-range transportation plan (LRTP). I have attached a two-page flyer.  You can also  visit This is CRITICAL. WHY? As I've come to learn, all transportation projects using FEDERAL dollars must be approved by the local Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO).  This is our chance to help make the Morgantown and Mon County  environment more pedestrian and bicycle friendly, and less car dependent.  As a community, we can place emphasis on pedestrian and bicycle projects in the long range plan.  If we succeed,  then all projects should be completed in accordance with our wishes. With the support of the Greater Morgantown MPO, we have conducted preliminary pedestrian and bicycle counts and have begun to develop a data base to identify critical areas. Mr. Bill Austin, the executive director of the MPO, is a great ally to our efforts.  He needs our support at these meetings.


Let me know if you have any questions.


Bill Reger-Nash, EdD

West Virginia University Department of Community Medicine

One Medical Center Drive, Suite 3812E

Morgantown, WV 26506-9190


Office Phone:  304-293-0763

Cell Phone: 304-685-6740


Departmental webpage:

Bill Reger-Nash webpage:


Wheeling Walks

Walk 30 to 60 minutes daily.

Out the door for 30 or more!    gn2001