Hi All,

Thanks to all of you who wrote the PSC over the last couple of months.  Your letters worked!  Due some of the comments in those letters and the tireless work of Jarrett, the PSC was alerted to the fact that the transmission line location made no sense.  Longview said the location on the map was caused by an error in their CAD overlay, and the PSC has told them they must readvertise the transmission line application and put the new map in the legal ad.

*** According to the PSC, if no protests are registered within 15 days after the legal advertisement, Longview could be granted the permit.  ***  It starts all over from scratch, and our earlier letters will not count toward this newest filing. 

---  The timing over the holidays will work in their favor, so we really need your help.  ---

I am sorry to ask you to do this again, but as soon as that legal ad comes out, we need to write protest letters (again).  Some of you may still have your old letter on a computer, and you can just change the date and send it again when the time comes.  For those of you who wrote them by hand, I am sorry to ask you to write another one, but it is very important.  I would have another pizza/letter-writing party, but the holidays make that difficult.

I will send out an e mail to this list when the legal ad runs (those of you who read the paper the day it comes out can let me know - I am always behind).  I'll include a sample letter in that e mail as well.

Thanks so much for your help.  If it weren't for all of you, Longview would already have started construction on this power plant.

Paula Hunt <pjhunt@xemaps.com>