On 2/12/2013 5:32 PM, James Kotcon wrote:
EPA is beginning to work on some rules to address power plant air emissions during start-up, shut-downs, malfunctions, and upsets. Currently, air pollution emissions during these periods are largely exempt, but may be quite significant.
We expect a comment period in the near future, and would like to generate stories from people who live near a plant and can tell how these affect them personally. Dirty windshields, bad odors, you name it. We are gathering some stories to put a human face on the rule-making process.
If anyone would like to share their personal experiences, please let me know. And be thinking about how to tell that story!

I live in Bobtown, PA, on Crescent Avenue. Five or so air miles from Longview, although the belching stack and attendant light pollution are readily visible from my driveway in all weather. When the plant was powering up, it sounded as though a jet engine was powering up inside my house. My bedroom faces the plant, and this would occur several times a day in no predictable pattern. My office is in the center of the house, and the noise was still tortuously loud. My friend Jim O'Connell had an identical experience. His email  addy is jroconnell@gmail.com. Sandy Liebhold suggested I email you with my story.

Julieann Wozniak