Got the link backwards ..

The quick:

but read the long if you have time.  ;)


On 6/27/2011 11:21 PM, Jonathan Rosenbaum wrote:
The quick:

The long .....

In the Stop the Fracking in Morgantown Industrial Park Facebook Group Jeff Young initiated a discussion about the recent MIT report, .  He said,
This is important reading for anyone who wants a serious, broader view of the environmental implications of the gas boom. Key findings are that we could cut the country's greenhouse gas emissions from the power sector by 20% simply by switching from coal to existing natural gas plants. There would also be enormous benefits in reducing mercury, SOx, NOx and other pollutants.
As one could easily predict, the discussion became very long, and Jeff recently deleted it.  Early in the discussion I introduced him to the Tyndall Study, to provide another perspective.  And this is the result:

On a side note: Some of you probably remember how in the past I have spoken about the MIT report, John Deutch, the DOE, and Cheniere.  :)

Note: In the same LOE show there is also a discussion about injection induced earthquakes:

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