Dear League Members,

Although it’s late notice, a fantastic opportunity has just materialize.  Our League will offer a tutorial on using the Legislature’s Bill Tracking feature.

Our West Virginia Legislators introduce hundreds of bills each legislative session.  Keeping abreast of these bills as they wind their way through the legislative process can be challenging.  Fortunately, there is a handy tool on the Leguslature's website that helps citizens stay up to date.  

Join us for a Zoom conference on Wednesday, March 9, 2022 at 10:00am for a tutorial on the Legislature’s Bill Tracking feature.
Meeting ID: 715 8436 6211
Passcode: hZrD7Y

John Tice from the Legislature’s Office of Reference and Information will guide us through setting up an account, maneuvering through the “Bill Tracking” feature, and storing items of interest for later reference.

Please mark your calendars for this fantastic and timely program.  You’ll use your newly acquired skills immediately as the last, and busiest, week of the Legislative session is upon us.

Looking forward to seeing you on Wednesday!

—Effie Kallas