Greetings LWVWV Members, 

I am excited to share this notice regarding our upcoming virtual state convention from our hosts, the League of Women Voters of the Huntington Area: 

Our Board has committed to the date of Saturday, May 13 for the LWVWV convention with the theme being 'The Fight for Women's Equality, It's Not Over!' Dr. Elisabeth Griffith, author of Formidable: American Women and the Fight for Equality 1920-2020, has agreed to be our featured speaker. 

Please mark your calendars and save the date.

Related to the convention, please find attached our proposed budget for 2023-2024 and a treasurer's report detailing current income and expenses through February.

More details and materials to come. Looking foward to seeing you on May 13! 



Julie Archer (she/her/hers)
Co-President, LWVWV
(304) 610-9094 (cell)