LWVWV Members, 

This is a friendly reminder to register for our State Council Meeting this Saturday, May 18, starting at 10AM. 

If you registered prior to receiving this email, the Zoom link has been sent to you. Please register using the registation link in the email below to receive the Zoom link. 

We look forward to seeing you Saturday for some informative presentations and discussions. 

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: League of Women Voters of West Virginia <lwvofwv@gmail.com>
Date: Sun, May 12, 2024 at 10:25 AM
Subject: Register Now: LWVWV State Council, May 18 @10AM
To: <members@lists.lwvwv.org>

A personal note from Lyn Widmyer: I joined the Board a year ago as 1st Vice President. It has
been such a wonderful experience and the energy from Board members has been truly
inspirational. We are increasing our influence at the state legislative level and at the LWVUS
level. Please stay active and whenever you can, recruit new members to join us. We have great
momentum now—let’s keep it up!!!!

Please join us at the 2024 State Council. Register here.

LWVWV Council Meeting: Saturday, May 18, 10 AM

Join us as we highlight a fantastic year of activities and rekindle your enthusiasm for the LWV of WV!

The detailed agenda is here.  Please pay special attention to the morning session that starts at 10:30 am:

Megan Brown from LWVUS will brief us on the VOTE411 program and how we can  help promote that  program for voter education and election information 

Judy Ball and Julie Archer will share lessons learned from the Make Some Noise program and the 2024 Legislative Scorecard.  This was truly a team effort and many League members contributed their time and energy. Please share your  suggestions on how to make the program even better! (Check out Judy's interview with WV Public Broadcasting here.)

We will be discussing the need to form LWVWV positions on public education and local levies.   Both these topics are important state concerns and we need to form  more detailed LWVWV positions on them.


After these topics, we will break at noon for a refreshment break.  Stick around to hear BIG NEWS about the LWVUS convention which will be in June in Washington DC,  Julie Archer, Lyn Widmyer and Judy Ball will be attending.  The LWVWV will be on the agenda for two very important topics:  our proposal for a small state caucus workshop has been accepted and we have co-sponsored a request for a resolution regarding Ethics In Government.  We also want to hear from you about topics and issues we should share at the national convention.

To finish up the Council session, we will hear portfolio and committee reports.  The managers have been very busy and here is our chance to learn more about the LWVWV activities and concerns.  

WHEW—the LWVWV has been busy!  In addition to approving the budget for the coming year and receiving input and guidance on our program work, we still need volunteers for Voter Service and Nominating Committee.  Please consider helping!

We look forward to seeing you Saturday, May 18! Please register here: