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SUPPORT two bills to Safeguard Equal Rights for West Virginians.

SB 495 would prohibit racial discrimination based on certain hair textures and hairstyles. 

SB 744 would prohibit civil rights violations based on disability, gender identity or sexual orientation. 

Another bill passed by the House of Delegates is in direct conflict with SB 744. On Feb. 14, the House passed HB 5243, the fake “Women’s Bill of Rights.” HB 5243 does nothing to protect or enhance the rights of women, but would discriminate against transgender people. 

All three bills are pending in the Senate Judiciary Committee.

Tell committee members to protect the rights of West Virginians by passing SB 495 & SB 744, and rejecting HB 5243.  Time is of the essence. The legislative session is more than halfway finished and bills we want to see pass are due are out of committees in their house of origin by Feb. 25.

Important note: Senate Judiciary Chair Charles Trump is the lead sponsor of SB 495 and SB 744. Senators Mike Caputo and Mike Woelfel are co-sponsors of SB 495.