----- Original Message -----
From: Allan Tweddle
Sent: Friday, October 05, 2007 12:24 PM
Subject: Fw: [EC] [Fwd: Re: CNN HEROES: A letter from Executive Producer,Kelly Flynn]

Family, Friends and Colleagues
I am asking you to take a brief moment to vote in the CNN "Heroes" election for Larry Gibson of West Virginia.  He is currently in third place.
Larry is a peaceful man, but his life and land is under attack.  He is short in stature but very long in determination and commitment to this land.  His home has been burned, he has been shot at many times, while in his home and while driving.  He is not well educated but he is well experienced in the horrors of Mountain Top Removal Mining that are destroying his home and his surrounding land.
His ancestors lived on this land from the mid 1800's, but it is being dynamited away for the sake of expedient and illegal mining by blowing off the tops of the mountains to reach narrow seams of coal.  The courts have found these practices to be illegal, but they are going through years of appeals and in the mean time the mountain top removal mining continues.
Recently, even the family cemetery was bulldozed, graves, caskets and all.
If any of you had to put up with what he is experiencing on a daily basis, many of you would probably have taken up arms by now.
I urge you, if you are not familiar with Mountain Top Removal Mining, also known as strip mining, check it out in the impartial resource, Wikepedia:  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Strip_mine
But please, take a moment to help Dear Larry achieve the top spot...vote for him on every computer that you have access to...that's traditionally the West Virginia way...vote early and often!
And it may help to stop the madness that has so far destroyed thousands of square miles of mountains and over a thousand miles of rivers.  In all my years of working with industry, I have never seen such a total and callous disregard for the people who live near by.  They poison the water, create enormous billion gallon reservoirs of toxic sludge even within a few hundred yards of schools. 
Larry is a small and powerful voice...please vote for him
Allan Tweddle
Quidvis recte factum quamvis humile praeclarum
Sir Henry Royce, 1924
----- Original Message -----
From: Regina Hendrix
To: All of FOM list ; mountainjusticesummer@lists.riseup.net ; ec@osenergy.org
Sent: Friday, October 05, 2007 11:37 AM
Subject: [EC] [Fwd: Re: CNN HEROES: A letter from Executive Producer,Kelly Flynn]


Hi All:  See the attached memo from Danielle Berger at CNN.  Please go
onto the site listed above and vote as many times as you can.  This will
be very good publicity for us if Larry can win this contest.  We've
already gotten much benefit from the CNN piece.  Larry is now in third
place and we need to move him ahead.

Thanks to all,
