Great Idea Jim!
And then we can compare First Energy’s pathetic green jobs and EE efforts to programs from more progressive utilities. This will illustrate that the WV Sierra Club isn't just "blue skying”.

From: James Kotcon <>
To: Jim Sconyers <>; Petra&John Wood <>
Cc: Jonathan Rosenbaum <>; Rodger Dotson <>; Nicole Good <>; Paul Wilson <>; Sarah Smith <>; Kevin Fooce <>;; James Kotcon <>; Gwen Jones <>; Sally Wilts <>; Steven Runfola <>
Sent: Saturday, December 17, 2011 5:17 PM
Subject: Green Jobs First (was: Time Change. Targeting First Energy Power Plants - Strategy Session

One of the attendees at the fundraiser last week raised a lot of concern
about trying to make this a public outreach campaign.  Any way you look
at it, this will take a few dozen stable, good-paying jobs out of
Preston County.  How do we come out looking like the good guys to those
families?  The concern was that we are going to get massacred in the

I got a brain storm from the Michael Brune column in the latest Sierra

How about if we be pro-active and make the media campaign about
pressuring First Energy to transition those jobs to energy efficiency
and renewables.  The message is that those old dinosaurs are over the
hill and doomed to close, and the only question left is whether First
Energy will take care of their workers and prepare for a New Energy
Economy, or will First Energy abandon them and blame everyone but
themselves.  We need to be the first ones to look out for those jobs,and
push First Energy to do the right thing.  This also gets the
conversation started about First Energy's abysmal energy efficiency
program proposal, and how EE creates more jobs than keeping the plants
running would.

Whaddya Tink?

Jim Kotcon

>>> "Petra&John Wood" <> 12/17/2011 12:06 PM >>>
I'll be there  --  John

On Wed, Dec 14, 2011 at 11:43 AM, Jim Sconyers <>

> Folks - In my view this will be a very important meeting. With the
new SO2
> rule, and now one on mercury, we have major artillery to go ahead on
our 3
> target FE plants. Besides giving new ammo for shutting down these
> we are also presented with the opportunity to do community outreach
> organizing as we go to Albright etc. and : get the experts to talk
> consequences of these rules, get FE to say what they are doing to
> for the shutdowns, promote clean energy, etc.
> Not the least benefit - this should be an issue that can help
> the chapter's conservation work specifically and the Chapter itself
> generally. Just sayin'.....
> I hope to see you there and to get some good thinking and planning
> On Tue, Dec 6, 2011 at 1:54 PM, James Kotcon <>
>> I should have checked with my wife, she is hosting a Girl Scout
>> that afternoon at 2 PM.
>> How about we move this up an hour and start at noon, be done by 2
>> Jim Kotcon
>> >>> Jim Sconyers <> 12/6/2011 12:25 PM >>>
>> Folks -
>> We are embarking on an exciting campaign, with a huge potential
>> payoff.
>>  - First Energy's (Mon Power, Potomac Edison parent) Albright,
>>  Rivesville, and Willow Island coal-burning power plants are our
>> target.
>>  - Retiring these plants is our goal.
>>  - Creating public awareness and support are essential.
>> Some developments coming along mean that the time is now for us to
>> moving.
>> We want to set a major public event for mid-January - which is a
>> sooner
>> than it sounds.
>> You are invited - very warmly! - to a planning session. This is a
>> venture, and we *need* your ideas and energy to make this a
>> Planning session:
>> Sunday, December 18, 1:00 - 3:00 (+/-) PM
>> Jim Kotcon's/Candice Elliott's home in Morgantown (414 Tyrone Avery
>> Road).
>> <directions below>
>> This link is a google map just to show where these three First
>> plants are.

>> *Directions to Jim and Candice’s home*
>> From I-68, Exit 7, take Rt 857 North 1.0 mile.
>> Turn right onto Tyrone Avery Road.
>> Go 1.0 mile (watch for a sharp right followed by a sharp left at
>> miles,
>> be sure to take that left).
>> Look for 4 mailboxes and a utility pole on the right, just before
>> driveway.
>> Come up the gravel drive to the second house on the right.
>> If you need directions help day of the meeting keep this phone
>> handy:
>>            Jim Kotcon/Candice Elliot            304.594.3322
>> --
>> Jim Sconyers
>> 304.698.9628
>> Remember, Mother Nature bats last.
> --
> Jim Sconyers
> 304.698.9628
> Remember, Mother Nature bats last.