WEBINAR INVITATION June 19: Grid Integration of Wind Energy
Dear Paul,
In 2012, wind energy was the number one source of new electricity generating capacity in the U.S., beating out natural gas. Nine states now generate more than 10 percent of their electricity from wind.
But what happens when the wind doesn’t blow?
Join Steve Clemmer, director of energy research for the Union of Concerned Scientists, and Michael Milligan, principle researcher for the Transmission and Grid Integration Group at the National Renewable Energy Lab, for a Wind Powering America webinar exploring the tools available today for accommodating more wind energy while ensuring a reliable electricity supply.
Webinar: Grid Integration of Wind Energy Date: Wednesday, June 19 Time: 3:00-4:00 p.m. EDT
Register for the webinar today.

Dave Anderson Outreach Coordinator Climate & Energy Program Union of Concerned Scientists