How do we put pressure on these people?

Kevin Fooce
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> Date: Wed, 2 Feb 2011 18:21:57 -0500
> From:
> To:
> Subject: [EC] Fwd: Re: polling: Americans Oppose Upton and Gingrich-style Attacks on Pollution Safeguards
> You all need to take a close look at this new report, because many in Congress are moving in a direction opposed by most Americans. Last night's conference call with Executive Director Michael Brune was refreshing in that the Club leadership is finally recognizing the threat of the new Congress and is gearing up to oppose Congressional limits on EPA. But West Virginia's delegation is almost uniformly on the anti-EPA side of this issue, and we need to put some pressure on them, or risk losing to the Friends of Coal.
> >>> Anne Woiwode <> 2/2/2011 4:52 PM >>>
> --------------------------- cc:Mail Users-----------------------------
> ** Remember to DELETE the 'Sender: ...' lines above before REPLYing **
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> From Michigan, the state the brought you John Dingell during the auto
> regulatory era, my profound apologies for now bringing you Mr. Fred "Never
> Seen a Fossil Fuel I Didn't Like" Upton. Sorry.
> Anne
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Anne Woiwode, State Director
> Sierra Club Michigan Chapter
> 109 E. Grand River Ave, Lansing, MI 48906
> 517-484-2372
> Support Sierra Club Michigan Chapter! Go to
> <> to
> make your donation!
> "Is it fair to call climate denial a form of treason? Isn't it politics as
> usual? Yes, it is - and that's why it's unforgivable." Paul Krugman, NYT,
> 6.29.09
> _____
> From: FRED [mailto:CONS-FRED@LISTS.SIERRACLUB.ORG] On Behalf Of Paula
> Carrell
> Sent: Wednesday, February 02, 2011 4:19 PM
> Subject: Fw: polling: Americans Oppose Upton and Gingrich-style Attacks on
> Pollution Safeguards
> --------------------------- cc:Mail Users-----------------------------
> ** Remember to DELETE the 'Sender: ...' lines above before REPLYing **
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> apologies for duplication, but I thought this was useful info for ALL the
> state lobby corps, not just chapter directors
> paula
> -----Forwarded by Paula Carrell/Sierraclub on 02/02/2011 01:18PM -----
> FROM Peter Altman, NRDC Climate Campaign Director
> <
> ml>
> l
> Americans Oppose Upton and Gingrich-style Attacks on Pollution Safeguards
> There has been a lot of talk - and bills - from politicians who think that
> the EPA shouldn't be allowed to do its job of protecting our health from air
> pollution. Last week,
> <
> ml> Newt Gingrich proposed eliminating the EPA and putting in its place a
> bureaucracy that would cater to polluters. Some in Congress want to
> eliminate the EPA's ability to update Clean Air Act standards in order to
> reduce life-threatening pollution like carbon dioxide, soot, smog and toxic
> pollution.
> And today, one of the more anticipated bills is supposed to make its
> appearance: The Hill reports
> <
> lan-wednesday-that-blocks-epa-climate-rules> today that House Energy and
> Commerce Committee Chairman Fred Upton will unveil a bill to block the
> Environmental Protection Agency from limiting life-threatenting carbon
> pollution.
> Thing is, Americans just don't support the Gingrich - Upton agenda. Public
> opinion polling released today by the Opinion Research Corporation finds
> that Americans don't want to eliminate the EPA as Gingrich suggests, nor do
> they want Congress to stop it from doing its job of protecting public
> health, as Chairman Upton and others want to do.
> Health professionals take such proposals seriously. As Health Care Without
> Harm's Climate Policy Coordinator Brenda Afzal, MS, RN, says:
> "Chairman Upton's bill, which is expected to block the Environmental
> Protection Agency from updating the Clean Air Act to limit carbon
> pollution, puts our nation's health at risk. Leading health organizations
> and experts consider carbon dioxide pollution to be a wide-ranging threat to
> public health, which contributes to the same air pollution problems that
> worsen asthma and other chronic respiratory illnesses that affect millions
> of Americans and children. Our health should not suffer so that members of
> Congress can put corporate profits ahead of the public's health."
> Here's the bottom line:
> More than three out of four Americans (77 percent) - including a clear
> majority of Republicans (61 percent) - oppose efforts in Congress to block
> Clean Air Act updates for carbon, smog and other pollution, according to a
> national opinion survey by Opinion Research Corporation (ORC) International
> for the Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC).
> You can find the full report <> here. And here are
> some more details:
> * Americans want the EPA to do more, not less. Almost two thirds of
> Americans (63 percent) say "the EPA needs to do more to hold polluters
> accountable and protect the air and water," versus under a third (29
> percent) who think the EPA already "does too much and places too many costly
> restrictions on businesses and individuals." Well under half of Republicans
> (44 percent), less than a third of Independents (29 percent) and under a
> fifth of Democrats (16 percent) think the EPA is going too far today.
> * Americans do not want Congress to kill the EPA's anti-pollution
> updates. Only 18 percent of Americans - including fewer than a third of
> Republicans (32 percent) -- believe that "Congress should block the EPA from
> updating pollution safeguards," after being told: "Some members of Congress
> are proposing to block the Environmental Protection Agency from updating
> safeguards to protect our health from dangerous air pollution, saying they
> will cost businesses too much money." By contrast, more than three out of
> four Americans (77 percent) -- including 61 percent of Republicans - say
> "Congress (should) let the EPA do its job."
> * The vast majority of Republicans - and all Americans - oppose the
> Newt Gingrich plan to dismantle the EPA. Overall, only 25 percent of
> Americans agree with Newt Gingrich's call to eliminate the EPA. More than
> two out of three Americans (67 percent) oppose abolishing the EPA, including
> half (49 percent) who strongly oppose it. Among those opposing the
> Gingrich plan: 61 percent of Republicans, 57 percent of Independents, and
> 79 percent of Democrats.
> You can get the full news release and other materials here.
> =======================
> Peter Altman
> Climate Campaign Director
> Natural Resources Defense Council
> Phone: 202-289-2435
> Email: <>
> Blog: <>
> Twitter: <>
> Web: <>
> http://www.nrdc.org_________________________________________________________
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